Processing Bulk Update Run for Product Categories.

Processing Bulk Update Run for Product Categories.

Firstly you need to determine the following from the Product Category:
Navigation Panel > Administration > Product Categories > in the list view...
  1. Display Name (You may need to populate this field onto the detail list view)

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  2. The Category Name
  3. View the list of Products within the Category before running the process.

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Secondly, you will need to determine the following in order to enter the parameters onto the Bulk Update Run Task:

  1. Product Category Type = Product
  2. Field Name = Category
  3. New Value = Display Name (from the product category itself) of 'Chairs (Level 3)' eg.
  4. Filter needs to be inserted for the category to be updated. EG Category.Display name = FURNITURE (Level 2)

Now to put the above values into the Run

  1. In the navigation panel, go to Bulk Maintenance then Bulk Update Runs.
  2. Click New. The New Bulk Update Run window displays. FURNITURE (Level 2) Chairs (Level 3)

  3. Enter a Name for the Bulk Update. In this case, 'Product category update from FURNITURE (Level 2) to Chairs (Level 3)'
  4. Click on the action button 'Extract' from the top Ribbon

  5. Then Extract Bulk Update Run: Category window appears.
  6. From the above information, you will need to now enter in here
  7. Select a bulk update run set or create a new one.

  8. Select a record data type. In this case, it will be 'Products'
  9. Select a Field Name. In this case = Category
  10. Enter new value In this case, it will be the Category Display name from the Product Category. In this case, the new value is going to be 'Chairs (Level 3)' which is the display name of the product category you are moving the products to.
  11. Then in the record filter area insert a new filter with the following:
    Category.display = FURNITURE (Level 2)
     Click here to expand...

  12. Click on OK
  13. In the Lines area a list of all the products that meet that filter will appear, check and ensure they are the right products you are about to update to the new category.
  14. If the result is correct then Click on Post from the top Ribbon to update the products with the changes shown in this bulk update run
    You can remove products from within the list by clicking on Delete in the detail lines and ensure to click on Save before you click on Post  
     Click here to expand...

  15. To check the result, highlight one or a few of the products within the bulk update run and select Source Record
     Click here to expand...

  16. The new product category for that product/s is now 'chairs (Level 3).

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