Sales By Day


Image of report result

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Running the report

  1. In the Navigation panel, click on Reports then Analysis.
  2. In the list of reports find the category Sales and then double click on Sales By Day report
  3. Click on Bind Data to start running the report

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  4. Click on Parameter drop-down list to select the required option, then click OK

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  5. Enter the Start Date and End Date
  6. Select a specific Region, Site from the drop-down list or leave blank to select all

  7. Check All Customers box or a specific Customer

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  8. Click OK to run the report
  9. Result appears as above image (Image of report result) depending on parameters
  10. Click Save and Close

Use Case

Run this to obtain a summary analysis report for total invoiced by day, which consists of: 

  • Sale Invoice Date
  • Value Ex Tax Invoiced
  • Cost Ex Tax Invoiced
  • Margin
  • GP% (Gross Profit Percent)