Statement of Account (with Remmittance)
Statement of Account (with Remmittance)
Image of report result
- In the Navigation panel, go to Reports> Form Reports.
- In the list of reports find the category Cards and then select Statement of Account
Select a parameter some options may be as per image
Click on Show Report Using Parameters, screen as per below will appear
- Enter the Statement date.
- Start Customer and End Customer fields
- If you require all customers leave both fields blank
- If you require 1 customer key in same card id into both fields
- If you require specific range of customers based on card id enter start customer and end customer for that range
- If you dont want to print statements with zero balance then ensure the flag is ON for 'Skip Zero Balances'
- If you dont want to print statments that are in Credit balance then ensure the flag is ON for 'Skip Credit Balances'
- If the Customers Cards have been set to Email Statement then ensure that the 'Skip Auto email Statements' flag is ON.
- If the Customers Cards have been set to 'Skip Delivery Method None' and you dont wish to print these then turn this check box ON.
- Click on OK to extract the statements.
- Statement will appear to screen. Check a few then Print
- Print the statements that are not set to email by clicking on the Print Icon
- Close Out Once done.