Statement of Account (with Remmittance)

Statement of Account (with Remmittance)


Image of report result

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Rules: Ensure the following setups are done on each customer card before you run any type of statement run

  • Customer Card must have a status of Active or On Stop
  • Customer card>Settings>Customer Settings>Statement method must be set to PRINT

Running the report

  1. In the Navigation panel, go to Reports> Form Reports.
  2. In the list of reports find the category Cards and then select Statement of Account
  3. Select a parameter some options may be as per image

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  4. Click on Show Report Using Parameters, screen as per below will appear

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  5. Enter the Statement date.
  6. Start Customer and End Customer fields
    1. If you require all customers leave both fields blank 
    2. If you require 1 customer key in same card id into both fields
    3. If you require specific range of customers based on card id enter start customer and end customer for that range
    4. If you dont want to print statements with zero balance then ensure the flag is ON for 'Skip Zero Balances'
    5. If you dont want to print statments that are in Credit balance then ensure the flag is ON for 'Skip Credit Balances'
    6. If the Customers Cards have been set to Email Statement then ensure that the 'Skip Auto email Statements' flag is ON.
    7. If the Customers Cards have been set to 'Skip Delivery Method None' and you dont wish to print these then turn this check box ON.
    8. Click on OK to extract the statements.
    9. Statement will appear to screen. Check a few then Print
    10. Print the statements that are not set to email by clicking on the Print Icon
    11. Close Out Once done.