Technician Productivity Report F-038

Technician Productivity Report F-038


This report shows the activity of the technicians that service the machines at the stores.

This report works off the Completed Service Call Activity not the Service order itself.  The Call activity has to be Finalised/Completed.
This is because a service order can only have 1 Technician assigned to the overall order however, that service order may have multiple service call outs and those service call outs do not necessarily have to be the assigned technician on the service order.
So the service order can have many technicians work on it for various reasons.

The 'date' selected reports on the
date of the most recent activity on the service call.
So for each service order, for each finalised call activity for each technician the report uses the most recent date for that technician for that service call activity.

This Technician Productivity Report works off a Cube. Meaning that a task runs overnight and updates the cube with the updated data.

Field Definitions on the Report:




Technician ID


Name of the Technician

OrdersThe Number of Service Orders for that Technician (not the service calls)

For the entire period/date range selected it is a sum of all the Service Calls


Total Number of Days within the period that the tecnichian was active.  Basically how many calls he worked on over the period


Where it has taken the technician more than 1 call activity to finish the call


The number of Incomplete calls divided byTotal number of Calls X 100


Each market segment has 2 fields. 1 - call back max days 2 - call back max meter count. If the technician comes back before the maximum is met on these two fields then it is a call back

Callback %

Number of Callbacks divided by total number of calls X 100

Territory IntegrityOut of Territory. There is a field on the Service Order called 'Out of Territory'. If this check box is On then the technician is out of that territory.

First Call Effective

Calls/D/Net divided by Calls/D/Gross X 100%


Total number of Calls divided by total number of Days


Total number of calls - any incomplete or - any calls back. Total number of successful calls

Parts/CallThe sum of all the parts used on a call activity multiplied by the Cost
Repair time/CallAverage repair time for each call
Travel Time/CallAverage travel time per call
Repair time/dAverage repair time per day
Travel time/d Average travel time per day
Total time/dRepair time/d  Plus travel time/d

Image of report result

The below is only an example

 Show me

Running the report

  1. In the Navigation panel, click on Reports then Form.
  2. In the list of reports find the category Service and then double click on Technician Productivity report
  3. Select a parameter, some options may be as per image

     Show me

  4. Click on Show Report Using Parameter, screen as per below will appear depending on the parameter select. 

     Show me

  5. Enter the Start Period and End Period

  6. Click OK to run the report

  7. Result appears as above image (Image of report result) depending on parameters
  8. Click Save and Close

Use Case

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