Machine Parts Report (F-034)

Machine Parts Report (F-034)


This report shows a list of machine parts that have been consumed grouped by customer and machine, with the date the part was added to a machine, the date it was replaced and the meter counts at these times. For parts that are yet to be replaced, it shows a prediction of when the past will be spent based on the expected life data in the system.

Data Type

Machine Part


Start DateThe start date to consider for when parts were added to a machine.
End DateThe end date to consider for when parts were replaced in a machine.
ManufacturerThe manufacturer to consider (alphabetically). All manufacturers will be considered if left blank.
Machine ProductThe product of the model to consider (alphabetically). All models will be considered if left blank.
CustomerThe customer to consider (alphabetically). All customers will be considered if left blank.
MachineThe specific machine to consider (alphabetically). All machines will be considered if left blank.
Parts Predicted Expiry DaysMaximum number of days until expiry to show. All parts will be shown if this is left blank.
Show Exceptions Only check boxWhether to only show parts that were placed before reaching their expected life.


  • Customer
  • Machine




Part ID

The product ID of the part

Part Name

The name of the product associated with the part

Start DateThe date which the part was installed
End Date

The date which the part was replaced

Expected count

The expected life (in meter counts) of the part

Actual Count

The actual number of meter counts for which this part has been installed

Actual Days

The actual number of days for which this part has been installed

Predicated Remaining Days

The predicted number of days remaining on this part based on the meter count of its associated meters, the expected life of the part and how long it has taken to reach this count

Running the report

  1. In the Navigation panel, click on Reports then Form.
  2. In the list of reports find the category Service and then double click on Machine Parts report
  3. Select a parameter, some options may be as per image

     Show me
  4. Click on Show Report Using Parameter, screen as per below will appear depending on the parameter select. 

     Show me
  5. Enter the Start Date and End Date

  6. Select a Manufacture or leave it blank

  7. Select a Machine product or leave it blank

  8. select a customer or leave it blank

  9. Select a Machine or leave it blank

  10. Enter a Parts predicted expiry days or leave it as zero
  11. Show exceptions only check box
  12. Click OK to run the report

  13. Result appears as above image (Image of report result) depending on parameters
  14. Click Save and Close