Creating another schedule (event) for a service order that has many service calls.

Creating another schedule (event) for a service order that has many service calls.


Readysell allows you to set up events from a service call.

The schedule is made up of service calls and each service call activity for that service call.

The scheduled event is created from the service call, not the service order. So each event on the schedule is linked to a service call for that technician.
At the time the first call is created, the event on the schedule is logged in a grey colour.
When the call has activities added to it, these call activities are logged on the schedule.

If the call activity is a type of Labour, the colour of this event on the schedule is Green
If the call activity is a type of Travel, the colour of this event on the schedule is Blue.
If the call activity is a type of Remote support, the colour of this event on the schedule is Orange

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Once the calls are finalised, the original call on the schedule is updated to have a status of Posted

The event for the service call is created only if the user is set up to show on schedule.

You can drag an event from one day/time to another day/time for the same technician.
You can drag an event from one technician to another technician.

If you assign a service call to a user that is set up as a technician BUT NOT to show on schedule no event will be created on the schedule for that service order call for that technician.

Inserting a service order

  1. Log onto Readysell>Service Orders
  2. Click on New
  3. Insert the header details, eg machine-id, customer, customer order, order type, fault description 
    Link to document on service orders Service Orders
  4. Click on Save once all of the header details have been inserted

     Service order header

  5. When you are ready to allocate this service order to a technician, click on Workflow status and select the next status for this service order
    Not until you select 'Assigned' and select the technician will a service call be created.
    Not until you select 'Assigned' and select the 'Technician' that has been set to 'show on schedule' will an event be created on the schedule.
    When you are ready to assign a technician to the service order, the assigned technician window will appear
    Only the users flagged as 'technicians' and 'show on the schedule' will appear in the list
    If you select a technician that is flagged as both 'Technician' and 'show on schedule' will you need to fill in Estimated Duration and Scheduled Date/Time'
    If you select a technician that is only flagged as 'Technician' you will only need to select the technician. No event or schedule will be created for that call for that technician

     Assigning Technician

     User set to show on schedule

     User not to show on schedule

  6. Once you assigned the service order to the appropriate technician that has been set up to show on schedule and you click on Save on the service order will a service call and event be created

     Service call created

  7. When you add call activities to a service call, those activities also create an event on the schedule.
  8. When the service call is finalised, then the original event created on the schedule for this call is updated to have a status of POSTED.
  9. Add your activities to the first service call.
  10. Click on Finalise to finalise the first service call.

Adding another call to the service order

You are still on the same service order but another call out needs to be created

  1. Click on the Calls tab
  2. Click on New to create another call

     New Call

  3. A window will appear with the default technician, insert a duration and date and time and click on OK

     Assign Technician to schedule window

  4. Click on Save to create the service call transaction number and event on the schedule.

     Additional call created & event on schedule

  5. Continuing by adding the service call activities
  6. Finalise the third call.
  7. Insert a repair description if there is no further work to be carried out and wish to charge the customer
  8. Change the status on the service order to be Ready
  9. Click on Complete

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