Xero Integrations

Xero Integrations

Create Xero API in Xero:
1. Create an account with Xero ( www.xero.com )

  1. Go to : https://developer.xero.com/app/manage

  2. Create New app : Readysell ; Desktop App

  3. Redirect Url : https://www.readysell.com.au/Authorization/Callback
    (also input this to Readysell)

  4. Input www.readysell.com.au to Company/application URL

  5. Go to confirguration of the new created app

  6. Get Client ID and input into Readysell


Setup Xero integration in Readysell (Accounting Integration module) :

  1. Point 4 and 6 above

  2. Auth Url : https://login.xero.com/identity/connect/authorize

  3. Auth 2 Url : https://identity.xero.com/connect/token

  4. Connection Url : https://api.xero.com/connections

  5. API Url : https://api.xero.com/api.xro/2.0

  6. Call back Url : https://www.readysell.com.au/Authorization/Callback

  7. Auth scope input in Readysell :
    offline_access openid profile email accounting.transactions accounting.settings accounting.contacts

  8. Set Enabled True

  9. Leave secret ID blank for Xero integration in Readysell


Create a organization / company in Xero :

  1. Go to www.xero.com and login

  2. Create a organization *If testing just select “Trial” > Do note it’s only for 30days

  3. Delete all Chart of Accounts for that organization. Xero will leave 11 accounts that unable to delete. Leave them.

Readysell initialise integration to Xero (Accounting Integration module) :

  1. Click on: “Connection”:

Pop-up will ask for your credentials and select a correct organization on pop-up (created in point 14)

  1. Check Code, Tenant ID, Tenant Name, Token

  2. Click on: “Create Update Sites” (only active sites)

  3. Click on: “Create Update Accounts” (Account Name must be unique) and must NO error during create

Readysell initialise Data integration to Xero (Task Xero Upload) :

  1. Initialise Month Start is the month customer want to start using Xero
    i.e. 21st November 2023, set 11 to this parameter

  2. Initialise Year of FY Start is the Financial Year customer want to start using Xero
    i.e. 2023

  3. Opening data initilisation options :

a. Option 1-Manual : Readysell will not send any opening balance, customer need to manually create a journal in Xero as opening balance

i.e. 21st November 2023, Readysell will only send delta for November dissections (1st - 21st November 2023)

b. Option 2-Auto FY (recommended) : Readysell will send all sites Children Account’s Actual Closing Balance start from End date last financial year (30th June) until last month end date

i.e. 21st November 2023, Readysell will send all sites Children Account’s Actual Closing Balances of 30th June as opening balance and 31st July, 31th Aug, 30th Sept, 31st October 2023 as opening journal and also send delta for November dissections (1st - 21st November 2023)

c. Option 2-Details : same as Option B, but instead, Readysell will send all Dissection per day from 30th June until End date last month

i.e. 21st November 2023, Readysell will send all dissections from 30th June to 31st October 2023 as opening journal and also send delta for November dissections (1st - 21st November 2023)

  1. Review Required : If True, Readysell will send data to Xero as Draft. Customer need to login into Xero, review and post them manually. If False, Readysell will send data to Xero as Posted and all values will be reflected in Balance Sheet straight away.

  2. Run Dissection Date : Only use this if need to send 1 particular date and stop.
    Format to input “yyyy-MM-ddT00:00:00.0000000”

  3. Site Breakdown Journal : If True, Readysell will send delta dissection to Xero per day and break down per site. Otherwise (Recommended), If False, Readysell will send dissection to Xero per day.
    But both ways still have dissections account separeted by site in Xero.
    True : Customer has 2 sites WHS and EDU, Readysell will send Journal 01-01-2023 WHS (contains WHS only dissections) and Journal 01-01-2023 EDU (contains EDU only dissections)
    False: Customer has 2 sites WHS and EDU, Readysell will send Journal 01-01-2023 (contains WHS and EDU dissections)


Readysell send delta data :

  1. Set schedule in Task to run, recommended end of day time : 0 55 23 * * ?

  2. Enable Task

  3. Do not manually run task in the middle of day, unless : parameter “Run Dissection Date” filled, because it will cause missing dissection data.
    -Today is 26 January 2023 and task schedule to run 23:59pm.
    -Manually run this task at 10am
    -(If task manually run without “Run Dissection Date” filled) task will get value : “LastRunDissectionDate” and normally this value is yesterday (last run dissection date) : 25 January 2023
    -manually run task will send dissection from LastRunDissectionDate plus 1 day, which is today : 26 January 2026 at 10am
    -once task completed, LastRunDissectionDate will be updated to 26 January 2023
    -A. Schedule task run at 11.59pm : task will get value : “LastRunDissectionDate” which is 26 January 2023, send dissection from LastRunDissectionDate plus 1 day, which is 27 January 2026 (none), means dissections data from 26 Jan 10.01am to 23.59pm are missing
    -B. If value : “LastRunDissectionDate” changed manually to 25 January 2023, Schedule task run at 11.59pm : task will get value : “LastRunDissectionDate” which is 25 January 2023, send dissection from LastRunDissectionDate plus 1 day, which is 26 January 2026 (none), means dissections data of 26 Jan would be duplicated in Xero (one up to 10am and other one has more complete data to 23.59pm)

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