Transferring stock between sites

Transferring stock between sites

How To Transfer Stock Between Sites
How To Create A Transfer 3-6
Posting The Transfer7-8
How To Print The Transfer Sheet To Go With The Goods9-11
Receiving the Transfer at the other site 12- 14
From the Readysell Main Menu...

Click on <Product Transactions>

Click on <Close> on the "WriteOn/WriteOff Browse"

Click on <Stock Transfers>

This is the "Transfers Browse" How To Create A Transfer

Click on <Insert>

Key in the "To" site
Make sure the Expected Delivery Date reflects when the other site should expect the transfer to arrive.
Key in the products to be transferred. You can use the <Insert> button if you wish, otherwise just tab or enter through the screen
On Tab {2 General Cont..}

Key in a Reference if you wish that is unique to this transfer – i.e. the person's name who created the transfer.

On Tab {5 Notes}
Click on <Edit>

Use this note field to relay any information to the other site that they may need to know in regards to this transfer, click on <OK> when you are finished adding your notes.

The notes are now added.
Click on <OK> to finish off creating this transfer.

Transfer number 5 has now been created.
The next steps are to Post the Transfer and print a copy off to go with the goods.

Posting The Transfer

Click on <Post Transfer>

Click on <No> to keep going
Use the <+Yes> if you wish to stop this process

The "From Site Updated" flag is now on – the transfer has been completed at the end at which the transfer was created.
Click on <OK>

You have now finished creating the transfer.
Your next step now is to print a copy of the transfer off to go with the goods. How To Print the Transfer Sheet to go with the Goods

Make sure the correct transfer is highlighted blue (i.e. left click on it)
Click on Tab {8 Printing}

Click on <Transfer Report Formatted One Only>

Make sure your window reads as above – same information, same flags.
Click on <OK>

Select the order in which you want the products appearing on the transfer sheet.
Click on <Select>

Select the layout (or just use the defaulted layout)
Click on <+OK>

Scrolling through the screen, this is the top half of the transfer sheet.
Below is the bottom half of the transfer sheet showing the attached notes.

Receiving The Transfer At The Other Site

Click on <Product Transactions>

Click on <Close> on the WriteOn/WriteOff Browse window

Click on <Stock Transfers>

Left click to highlight blue the transfer (alternately, when the list gets long enough you will have to use the "Show Only Outstanding Transfers" flag as turned on and search using Tab {1 Transfer Number} to type in the transfer number listed on the top of the transfer sheet.
Click on <Post Transfer>

Click on <-No>

The "To Site Updated" flag is now on for this transfer.
Click on <OK>

Any stock on this transfer has now automatically updated your stock on hand at your site.
The "To Site Updated" flag is now on
The "Fully Updated" flag is now on as well.
The transfer is completed.
(note: GL interface happens overnight if your store is running General Ledger)

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