Product labels through product transactions module

Product labels through product transactions module

Product Labels through Product Transactions module

From the Readysell Main Menu...
Click on <Product Transactions>

Click on <Close>

Click on <Product Labels>

Click on <Insert> to create a new batch of labels.

You now need to key in a product to be able to save this batch.

Click on <OK> to save this batch ready to mass update with the location required.

Click on <Add Products To Batch>

Click on <-No>

Click on <New>

Left click on "PRODSITE:Location"
Click on <Next>

Left click on "Is Equal To"
Click on <Next>

Key in the location code into the field
Click on <Next>

Click on <And>

Left click on "PRODSITE:Quantity on hand"
Click on <Next>

Left click on "Is Greater Than or Equal To"
Click on <Next>

Key in the number 1
Click on <Next>

Click on <Finish>

Click on <Yes>

Give your query a name
Click on <OK>
You may now see a quick pop up screen showing the process generating (it will depend on how big that location is)

Left click on the batch you created earlier, and click on <Change>

The products with that location now show in this batch of labels.

Unless the product you first added, has the same location, left click on it and click on <Delete>
Click on <OK>

Make sure that batch is still highlighted.
Click on <Print Labels Normal Printer>

Set the "Sell Price Markup Level" to Level 1
"Number of Blank Labels To Print Before Printing Real Labels" – make sure this is set to 0 (zero) if you are using the dymo label printer. If you are using a sheet of labels then if you have already used some of those labels, tell the system how many have been used.
"Number of Labels To Print" – if you want it to print only one label then make sure "One Label Only" is selected, otherwise if you want it to use the quantities you have entered yourself then select "Enter Number Of Labels To Print"
"Ignore Product File Settings For Printing Of Single Or Multiple Labels" – make sure this flag is on – it will then ignore an individual label settings per product that may have been accidentally set.
"Disable Promotion Pricing Print Normal Price For Each Product" – means turn this flag ON if you don't want any special flyer pricing printing instead of just normal catalogue pricing.
"Print Labels Only For Products No Bar Code On File" – make sure this flag is OFF. If you turn it on, the majority of your product file has barcodes, therefore if you turn the flag on, then most likely you will get no result or a very little quantity of labels printing.
Click on <OK>

Click on <Close>
You already used a query when you created your batch of labels therefore this means you can ignore this window.

Once again, click on <Close> as your query was already done when you created your batch of labels.

Choose a sort order – the order in which you want your labels to print.
Click on <Select>

Choose your product label layout you want to use.
Click on <+OK>

The labels then preview to screen
If you had selected the label layout for the dymo printer then the labels would show according to that label layout setup.
Click on <Print>

Use the drop down box to select your printer – especially if it is the dymo label printer you need to use.
Click on <OK>Your labels will now print.
When you run the next batch of labels, make sure you create a new batch, but just modify the existing query to read the location that is being run next. Don't save the change to the query, the system will run the query with that change anyway.

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