Readysell Products Guide



Inserting/Creating a NEW product2-16

Tab 1 General 2-6

Tab 2 Pricing7-8
Tab 3 Timber and Accounts9-10
Tab 4 Discounts Stickers and Warranty11-12
Tab 5 Costs and Reorder13-14
Tab 6 Key Dates15-15
Tab 7 Notes16-16
Tab 8 Notes 217-17
Products Browse 18-x
Tab F2 General 18-x

Inserting a Product

Product Codes, Product Names and Product Descriptions allow powerful searches and reporting to occur.
Stock Control products must have the 'Stock Control Flag' turned 'on' and if you are a fully integrated General Ledger, then the stock will post correctly as per set up of the system references.
If you have products which are 'Non Stock Controlled' e.g. Freight, Rounding products etc remember to turn the stock control flag off.
Also, if you are running General Ledger for non stock controlled products, remember to set up the correct General Ledger Expense Accounts in Tab 3 "Timber and Accounts" for Sales/Stock/Cost of Goods Sold Accounts etc. when setting up the non stock products.
To activate the General Ledger to post the movements to the Expense accounts for these non stock products, you need to activate the system reference first.
To do this, please contact Readysell for the system reference code.

  1. Click on <Products> on the Readysell Main Menu

  1. Click on <Insert> "Browse Products" screen

The product update window is used to adjust all aspects of product information except for stock on hand.
A simplified window is also available from browse products that allow you to quickly adjust prices. In purchasing there is a review prices as a receipt update window. It allows you to adjust and review prices. Deciding whether to maintain the sell price or maintain mark-up as each purchase receipt is processed.
Multiple coding and naming of products

Should normally be equal; create a division factor affecting Cost price.Inserting multiple suppliers & their barcodes for a product.
Setting up re-order status and stock control, taxable and non-taxable products, rounding

  1. Key in [Product Code]This is the code that will be used as the main code to identify the product throughout the whole system. It can be a bar code, or a generic code that can become a barcode if there is not already one on the product.
  2. Key in [Name Of The Product](e.g. Tap Washers Hydro seal ½ ")


    1. [Product Number]is automatically created by the system. This is another number that is shorter that can be used to identify the product.

    1. Enter a [Second Line Of Product Description] (optional). Used simply as a selling aid for the operator.

    1. Key in [Supplier] codethe main supplier for this product (draws from supplier's module)

    1. Key in [Department] code departments draw from system reference "DEPARTMENT", also dependent upon whether or not you use departments

    1. Key in [Fine Line] code fine line draws from system reference "FINELINE" – it's used by Hardware stores as alternate product information

    1. Key in [Sell Unit] code How you sell the product to the customer – draws from system reference "SELL-UNIT" (E.g. Each = sold to a customer as an Each)

    1. Key in [Location] locations draw from system reference LOCATION (same as bin location number). Where they sit in the store/warehouse.

    1. Key in [Buy Unit] How you buy the product from your supplier – draws from system reference "BUY-UNIT" (E.g. Ea. = Each)

    1. [Override Department For Contract Prices] This field makes that product become a different department for the purpose of a contract price. Key in that department for that particular contract pricing.

You can enter multiple Suppliers for a product.

    1. Click on <Insert>

      1. Product CodeAutomatically draws and is greyed out – you cannot change this field.
      2. Click on Up and Down Arrows to give this product a Priority Rating
      3. The [Priority] numberdetermines which supplier (when more than 1) is selected when automatically generating purchase orders. First chosen is priority "1"
      4. Key in [Supplier] Codemain supplier for this product
      5. Key in [Order Sort Code] if required
      6. Key in [Supplier's Code]for the product (optional - only if different to product code)
      7. Key or scan in [Bar Code] this is the scannable bar code for this product. (Where an outer and an inner barcode exist – this barcode would be the inner barcode.)
      8. Key in [Mnemonic Code](optional). This is another code that you can make up yourself to identify the product.
      9. [Previous Product Code] This field is filled in automatically when you change product codes using button <Change Product Codes> on tab {F2 General} at the bottom of the screen. It will put the old product code in automatically for you.
      10. Key in [Last Invoice Date] automatically fills in when you start to buy and sell this product
      11. Key in [Last Cost] automatically fills in when you start to buy and sell this product
      12. Click on <OK> if all details are correct.
      13. Repeat steps a) – k) if there is more than 1 supplier for this product

Back to the "Update Product Sites" window...

    1. Key in [Tax Code Sell] Tax code that applies when you sell the product to the customer. These must be set up in the System Administration module. (G / -G / E / etc.) "TAX-CODE – TAX CODES FOR PRODUCTS"

    1. Key in [Retail Break]this is number of units sold per single buy unit. E.g. If you buy a box of 100 nails as 1 unit from your supplier but you sell each nail individually, you would set the retail break to 100.

Negative Retail and Pack Breaks...
Are being phased out altogether with the next catalogue.

    1. Key in [Pack Break] It generally should be the same as the retail break (used for purchasing)

N.B.: It is usual that the buy quantity and the sell quantity be equal when breaking packs, both in breaking up the cost and the quantity in relation to selling and purchasing the product.

  • There is a special note for stores that use Recommended Retail selling prices and down load cost prices from supplier disks or from EDI.

    • Where the retail break and pack break are more than one in a product, a problem will occur unless the Recommended Retail flag is turned OFF for this product.

    • A margin on cost and a sell price must be established otherwise the price-update-disk will override all your information and set your data to whatever is on the disk. This will create a very incorrect sell price considering the extension occurring from the multiplication factor in the retail break and pack break (if these are greater than one.)

    1. Key in [Manufacturer](optional). Code used to identify the manufacturer (if different from the supplier) of the product – draws from system reference "MANUFACTURER".

    1. Key in [Tax Code Buy] Tax code that applies when you buy the product from your supplier. These must be set up in the System Administration module. (G / -G / E / etc.) "TAX-CODE – TAX CODES FOR PRODUCTS"

    1. "Re-Order Box" should be ticked if you wish the automatic order generation process to re-order this product when it reached its minimum stock levels based on average weekly sales.

    1. If you set up Miscellaneous Products, Gift Voucher as a product or Freight/Comment Line Notes as a product then you set the Re-Order flag to be UNTICKED. Most products would be set up to reorder.

    1. "Stock Control Product" should be ticked if you want this product to be stock controlled and wanted to see the product's movements. It affects your stock on hand, if the flag is off the stock on hand will not increase or decrease as you sell and purchase this product.

    1. Flag "Round Cents"should be ticked to automatically round the sell price to the nearest 5 cents. I.e. Buying Bulk.

This should be unticked when splitting things by pack breaks.

    1. Flag "Allow Discount"should be ticked if you want to allow the product to be discounted at any stage.

    1. "Comment Line In Sales" should be ticked if this product is to be used as a comment line on a sales order not as an ordinary product. Note: this will make the value of a product with this flagged as on to sell at a $0.00 value. It ignores any pricing you put on tab 2 of this product.

    1. "Serial Number Required"flag as on ONLY if the serial number is required for this product. Note: when the flag is on, and it is sold/invoiced, it asks for the serial number of the product and will not let you out/finish the sale until you enter one in.

    1. Flag "Special Order Only Product" If flagged as <ON> product is to be ordered specially as a once off or maybe irregularly.

    1. Flag "Obsolete" If flagged as <ON>, then you can sell this product, but not purchase it anymore.

    1. Flag "Pop Up Notes as Sold" If flagged as <ON>, at point of Sale, notes attached to this product will pop up in a Sales Window as the product code is entered. Also when purchasing this product, notes will also pop up upon entering of this product code.

    1. Flag "Display On The Web Site" If product is to be displayed on your web site

    1. Key in [Override Image ID]of new image ID to override a previous image ID on file

Sub departments are used as the next level down from department (see step # 4). For example: If the Department is 'Paper', sub department 1 could be 'A4', sub department 2 could be 'reflex' and sub department 3 could be 'white'.
Readysell provides the space for sub departments, however we do advise you to be careful with departments and sub departments as certain rules apply in General Ledger.

    1. Key in [Sub Department 1]

    1. Key in [Sub Department 2]

    1. Key in [Sub Department 3]


The first group of information is where you define all your cost price levels for the product.
This is for recording better cost prices given by suppliers when certain quantities are ordered.
Mark-ups calculating on either cost or rec. Sell update themselves as the product is bought and sold.
Inc GST SellPre GST sell

Promotions/Catalogues6 Cost prices
Take advantages of better buy prices for quantity buys
If the above box is checked then the mark up will calculate upon the recommended sell price

  1. [Cost Price Amount For Each Level 1-6 EX GST] In the left hand section, the left column is where Level 1 is the cost price. These are ex-tax values. Enter from Level 2 onwards where you have pricing with your supplier that you when buy more you get a cheaper cost price.

  1. [Cost Including Tax]is calculated by the system and displayed.

  1. Key in [Recommended Sell] (optional) - this is used if you are reading the recommended retails from a supplier's price disk.

  1. Tick the "Mark-up From Recommended Sell" box if you want to mark-up the recommended retail by a certain percentage.

  1. [Quantity Breaks]2nd column on the left hand side, is the quantity that you must order to receive the cheaper price from the supplier shown in the left column.

The right hand section is used to set up all Sell Price Levels 1-6
E.g. Level 1 = all customers, Level 2 = Trade customer etc. Or alternatively: Fixed Level1 prices = List price, Level 2 = volume 1 prices, Level 3 = volume 2 prices, Level 4 = Nat Cust, Level 5 = Government promo

  1. [Fix Sell Pricing] The third hand side column – fixed sell price – this is where you enter in your pricing INC GST if you are creating a product.

  1. [Mark-up Percentage]The fourth column is for each price level, the Mark-ups column is where you can enter a Mark-up Percentage from cost to calculate the sell price. (This is can be used as the mark-up percentage from retail if the mark-up from recommended retail is ticked.)

  1. [GP Percentage]The fifth column works out the Gross Profit Percentage

  1. [Quantity Break] The sixth column

  1. [Sell Price Ex-GST]The seventh column (Greyed out and updates automatically)

  1. [Sell Price Inc-GST] The eighth column

  1. Promotions This area at the bottom of the screen is where the promotions are shown. Promotions are generally installed by Readysell.

NOTES - Current Cost and Last Cost

  • Your [Current Cost] will be updated upon the receipt of a purchase receipt where there has been a cost price change. Your old current cost will then move to last cost and a new current cost will be inserted. In this way you will be able to see easily any cost price movement easily.

  • You can elect to use the [Last Cost] field to achieve a different objective. You can receipt a purchase order to update last cost where there are cost price changes. Instead of the cost price shuffle occurring into the past it moves it into the future. You can hold the new cost price in the "Last Cost" field for application at a more convenient time.

  • Product Pricing Codes...

These show in the product browse window (P1 & FM1) as well as in the sales window on the second tab at the bottom of the sales window.

      • P1Cost P1 – Cost Level 1 Pricing
      • FM1Level 1 Pricing
      • CommComment Line
      • ManManual Pricing
      • LM1Contract Pricing


  1. Key in [Timber Code] (Timber products only). Another code used to identify products such as timber that you might sell at customer specified lengths (Used by Hardware and Timber stores)

  1. Key in [Dim Width] (Timber products only) - the width of the timber (Used by Hardware and Timber stores)

  1. Key in [Dim Height](Timber products only) - the height of the timber (Used by Hardware and Timber stores)

  1. Key in [Dim Length](Timber products only) - the length of the timber (Used by Hardware and Timber stores)

The right hand side of the screen is used to define your General Ledger accounts. Your General Ledger accounts must already be entered in the General Ledger before you can complete this section. Please check with Readysell.

    1. Key in General Ledger Account Code for [Sales Account] (contact Readysell)

    1. Key in General Ledger Account Code for [Qty Variances Account](contact Readysell)

    1. Key in General Ledger Account Code for [Payables Account] (contact Readysell)

    1. Key in General Ledger Account Code for [Price Variances Account](contact Readysell)

    1. Key in General Ledger Account Code for [Cost Of Goods Sold Account] (Cost Of Sales Account) (contact Readysell)

    1. Key in General Ledger Account Code for your [Stock Account] (contact Readysell)

    1. Key in General Ledger Account Code for your [Accrued Stock Account](contact Readysell)

    1. [Ranks]at the bottom of the screen are automatically created by the system from your sales history. This process must originally be set up by Readysell on your request should you want to run this.

    1. The next section [Key Dates] is set by the system.

    1. [Master Product]Refers to kit products mostly but not always used just by hardware stores

    1. [Master Product Type]Refers to kit products mostly but not always used just by hardware stores

    1. [Product For Specified Customer Only]Refers to kit products mostly but not always used just by hardware stores


  1. "Discount From List"should be ticked if supplier offers your store a discount from the list price

  1. [Discount From List %1] is the first discount percentage given on the product

  1. [Discount From List %2]is the second discount percentage given on the product

  1. "Rebates"should be ticked if the supplier offers you rebates on this product

  1. [Rebate %1]is the first rebate percentage offered on this product

  1. [Rebate %2]is the second rebate percentage offered on the product

Shelf Labels:
Predominantly are used in conjunction with individual product price and barcode stickers, or with scanning books.
Often used for Barcode Catalogues at Point of Sale.
Print a price and barcode sticker per product

  1. "Print Shelf Labels For The Product"tick if you are printing shelf labels for this product.

  1. "Print Price Stickers For Product"tick if you require a price sticker with/without a barcode for this product.

  1. "Print One Price Sticker Only"tick if you require a single barcode and/or price sticker. This may be applicable for very large or small items that require identification from a front counter barcode-scanning book.

  1. [Warranty Code 1]draws from system reference "Warranty Code" (see below)

  1. [Warranty Code 2]draws from system reference "Warranty Code" (see below)

  1. [Warranty Code 3]draws from system reference "Warranty Code" (see below)

  1. [Warranty Code 4]draws from system reference "Warranty Code" (see below)

Warranty Codes are used when goods (for example: printers) are returned to a supplier as an RA.
They draw from a System Reference code of "Warranty-Code" as shown below

  1. [Frequent Flyer Points Code] Only when this product is sold to a customer does it entitle the customer (any customer) to frequent flyer points? Y (Yes) / N (No) - This draws from a system reference. (see below)


  1. [Cost FOB] this field is updated from purchasing so leave blank when inserting a product. Generally used for importing and currency converting.

  1. [Last Cost] this field is updated from purchase receipting so leave blank when inserting a product.

  1. [Average Cost]the system won't let you out of it if there's no average cost when setting up the product. Key in an average cost of $0.0001 and this field will update from purchase receipts.

NOTE: If you are setting up a brand new product and want to put in the average cost yourself (you only get this chance to do it yourself when inserting a new product, after that the field is greyed out), and you are selling by pack breaks, the average cost is affected. It's the box cost ex price divided by the individual eachs/inners
I.e. sell by each, buy by box of 12. Cost ex is $24.00 so average cost is $2.00

  1. [Quantity On Hand]this field is automatically updated from purchasing & selling of stock.

  1. [Quantity On Order]this field is automatically updated from purchasing & selling of stock.

  1. [Minimum Quantity, Triggers Re-Order]Key in a quantity that represents the minimum you want in stock before an order should be generated.

  1. [Maximum Quantity, Limits Re-Order]This tells the automatic reorder process the quantity you want to increase your stock levels to. The re-order schedule allows you to manually insert a trigger based on your knowledge of the stock turn over for that product. If you can only hold a certain number of goods in stock, consider how fast the product moves. If you have a quantity at which you buy in volume and qualify for a better buy price, consider that as well.

  1. [Minimum Quantity Per Order]This is used when the supplier only allows you to order this product if you order at least a set amount of them.

System references that may help in this area :-
Type 'PURCHASING' code 'CHECK-MINIMUM-ORDER-QUANTITY' set the value to  0 to stop  minimum order quantity being checked,
Type 'PURCHASING' code 'QTYMINORD-IS-IN-SELL-UNITS'. Set the value to 1 to regard qty min ord to be in your stock unit, not in your buy unit.
So if the retail break is 100 and quantity min order is 100.  If the value is 1 them a qty min ord of 100 is 1 box of 100 units. Otherwise a qty min ord of 100 would be 100 boxes.

  1. "Use Calculated Minimum And Maximum Quantity Calculated" Tick if required to use for Min Max ordering.

  1. [Minimum Quantity Calculated]Automatically updates itself (is greyed out)
  2. [Maximum Quantity Calculated] Automatically updates itself (is greyed out)

  1. [Velocity Code]Is automatically set by the computer

  1. [Re-Order Code] Given by the supplier (generally left empty)

  1. [Sales Pattern Code]Given by the supplier (generally left empty)

  1. [Sales Trend Last Two Years] Automatically set by the computer

  1. [Volume]Automatically set by the computer

  1. Key in [Freight Code] No Longer Used

  1. [Lead Time (Days)] If required (generally left empty)

  1. Select components for kit as sale inputfor those who use kit products only

  1. Sell as a kitfor those who use kit products only


This Tab does not have any fields that need to be entered – it is automatically updated by transactions within Readysell.
Site:Where there is only one site it will always be WHS (warehouse). In the case where there are more than 1 sites, the site will show for the site it is currently at (e.g. it may be SYD for Sydney or MEL for Melbourne etc.)
Record Date Created: Date that this product was created
Record Time Created: Time that this product was created
Record User Created: User ID that created this product
Record Date Last Modified:Date this product was last updated
Record Time Last Modified:Time this product was last updated
Record User Last Modified:User that made the last modification to this product
Last Update Date:Last date that an update was made to this product
Last Update Time:Last time that an update was made to this product


Key in any Notes you would like to make on the product.
There are separate sections set for 3 sorts of Notes
These are the general notes on the product
Sales Notes:
These are the notes that will automatically pop up (if the flag on tab 1 is on) in sales when you key this product into the sale
Purchase Notes:
These are the notes that will automatically pop up (if the flag on tab 1 is on) in purchase order when you key this product into a purchase order


Extra field for notes – sometimes used for Catalogue page numbers


Click on <OK> to save the product record you have just created. (Button located in bottom of this window)

If you are just looking at a product and do not make any changes then click on <Cancel> once you have finished with this product.
If you have made any changes to the product then click on <OK> to save those changes.

Browse ProdSites – MultiSite and Browse Product – Single Sites

Multi Site Only - On the main browse Prodsite Window there is a Button "Change Other Sites" which allows you to make changes to certain fields within the Prodsite file for a specific Site only.

TAB {F2 General}

  1. "Hide Promotion Prices" flag can be used when flagged as on – so that the right hand side of the screen displays normal pricing when the product is also on promotion. If the flag is off and there is currently a promotion for inclusive of that product then the right hand side will show the promotional pricing for that product.

  1. <Copy a Product> allows you to create a new product from an existing product. Handy in the case of adding a product that is the same as the existing one, just a different colour has few slightly different aspects.

Enter the New Product Code and make the necessary changes to the relevant fields on the new product created before clicking on <OK>.

  1. <Change Product Codes> allows you to change an existing product code to the new product code and click on <OK>
  2. You can merge two products together by using this same process. The rule is: If you were merging product code TEST into product A, Product code A will remain as A however ALL the details except for the product code A inside product A will change to exactly what is in product TEST. All product movement/archive will be merged into product A, this means you will have the history of both together.

  1. <Stock Allocations> if the stock has a quantity allocated, this tells you what it has been allocated to.

  1. <Product Site> allows you to see all movements in and out by site for that product. Within this list you also have the capability of another set of buttons
      1. <Detailed Product Movements For Site>
      2. <Summary Product Movement For Site>
      3. <Detailed Transfers>
      4. <Detailed Purchase Orders>
      5. <Detailed Sales Back Orders>

Each one of the above options will show you all movements for a specific site in further detail or summary.

      1. <Send To> can be used if you want to print the information or save the information as a file on the computer or send via email. (See the Send To Document on Readysell Website)
      2. <Quick Product Site Maintenance> can be used to quickly update for this product Minimum qty triggers reorder and Maximum qty limits reorder.
      3. <Report Wizard> can be used to print a report based on certain dates, certain sites etc.

TAB {F3 Extras}

  1. <Alternate Code> allows you to add extra product barcode and product codes for that product. Highlight the product, Click on <Insert> to set up your alternative code/bar code. Key in the alternate product code and then <OK>

  1. <Product Suppliers> Allows you to browse, insert, change or delete details such as the supplier, barcode, supplier code etc attached to the product you have highlighted.

<Kits> allows you to insert, change or delete the components which make up the kit product highlight.

Please see document "V7 Kit & Manufactured Products" in your Readysell Documents folder. If it is not in there, open up your Readysell Main Menu, click on the second tab and download the document from the Readysell Website.

  1. <Price Book> allows you to browse details of the product that have been isolated from your supplier.

  1. <Serial Numbers> allows you to enter in serial numbers and warranty information for this product. Click on <Insert>, key in the serial number, any description and warranty information and click on <OK>, then <Close> out of there when you are finished.

  1. <Customer Back Order> allows you view all sales Back Orders for this product. <Send To> can be used if you want to print the information or save the information as a file on the computer or send via email. <Query> can be used if you want to narrow down the information on the screen to only view what you want to see.

  1. <Purchase Order Lines> allows you to browse what is on order/receipts for the product you select.

  1. <Manufacture Products> Almost the same as a kit products except these products have to be manufactured in advance and stock on hand will only have affect on the manufactured product itself not the components at point of sale.

  1. <Associated Products> this is where you set up products which may be classified as "Add on Sales Products". For e.g. when selling paint, you can have a paint brush automatically added on to be received for free.

Please see document "V7 How To Create Associated Products" in your Readysell Documents folder. If it is not in there, open up your Readysell Main Menu, click on the second tab and download the document from the Readysell Website.

TAB {F4 Searches}

  1. <Product Supplier> - allows you to search for barcode, supplier codes etc of a supplier.

TAB {F5 Sales}

  1. <Promotions> – allow you to set up/change all your products which are to be sold on Promotional Catalogue

  1. <Product Movement> – allows you to view in detail or summary all movements by product/transcode/date/supplier for purchases, sales, transfers etc.

  1. <Product Sales Summary> shows stock movement by month also by sales-customer etc.

TAB {F6 Prints}

  1. <Print Back Orders With Picking Slips One Product> Prints a report showing back orders that have picking slips for that product.

  1. <Print Product Labels (Optional Query For Changes Only> Print product/shelf labels for this product

Use the query window to make a query for a particular product code / supplier code / department code / location / etc.
Select a sort order of how you want your labels to print.
Select a label layout
Labels preview to the window. From here you can print them.

TAB {F7 Query}

          1. <Query> narrows down the information you see on the screen

          1. <Reset> keeps the query but puts everything back the way it was before the query

          1. <Modify View> lets you view the screen the way you want to view it temporarily

          1. <Reset View> keeps the modified/defined view but puts back the default view of the screen

          1. <Define Views> creates a view of the screen that you can make yours and keep, reinstating it every time you log on.

Please see document "V7 QUERIES Tab in a browse window.doc" on the Readysell Web Site

TAB {F8 Site}

Tells you which site's data you are in.
If you only have one site (i.e. are not multi site – more than one location of your store) then you are always WHS

Process For Product Ranks

Readysell will need to set this up for you. A script will need to be run.

Inserting Product Locations

Locations are important for many reasons not least of all stocktake.

  1. Click on <System Administration> From the Readysell Main Menu

  1. Browse System Reference Types - type in "LOCATION" press <<Enter>> on your keyboard.
  2. Click on"LOCATION"system reference so that it is highlighted (Blue background)
  3. Click on <System Reference Codes>"Browse System Reference Types" screen.
  4. Click in<Insert>
  5. Key in [Code/Number] in the code field for the location
  6. Key in [Description]of the products in that location. E.g. Adhesives
  7. Tab {2 Notes}you can optionally add any other notes about the location
  8. Click on <+OK> to save the location record

Repeat steps 4.a) – 4.e) until all locations are entered

Inserting Product Departments

Departments are important for reporting facilities and creating customer pricing and discount contracts. Codes are powerful ways to create groups and subgroups. Discounts can be given to a customer for a product group and finer distinctions in the contract can be gained by varying the discount given to the sub group of a product group.
1.Click on <System Administration>from the Readysell Main Menu

  1. Browse System Reference Types – type in "DEPARTMENT" press enter.

  1. Click on"DEPARTMENT"system reference so that it is highlighted (Blue background)
  2. Click on <System Reference Codes>Browse System Reference Type Screen.
  3. Click on <Insert>
      1. Key in [Number/Code]in the code field, for the department
      2. Key in [Description] in description field, of the products in that department. E.g. 01 = Home wares
      3. Tab {2 NOTES}you can optionally add any other notes about the department

Repeat steps 5.a) – 5.e) until all locations are entered

  1. Click on <+OK>to save the department record


READYSELL promotions allow products to be sold at special prices for a range of dates. After the promotion is over products revert to their original cost and sell prices.

Promotion Prices

Promotional prices can be switched off for a customer. A flag on customer maintenance allows you to disable promotion prices for a customer.
Promotional prices can be switched off for a cash register. A flag on cash register maintenance allows you to disable promotion prices for a cash register. All sales processed through that cash register will ignore promotions.
The Update Product Prices window accessed from Browse Products/Prodsites in the Readysell Product module always ignores promotion prices. This is done because price levels 1 to 6 all display the promotion price if promotions are active.

Setting Up Manual Promotions

  1. Log onto Readysell
  2. Click on <Products>Module from the Readysell Main Menu
  3. Click on Tab {F5 Sales}
  4. Click on <Promotions>
  5. Click on <Insert>to insert a new promotion. Ensure to key on most general promos first and then the special promos after it, as promos are read alphabetically.
  6. Key in [Promotion] Code/ID
  7. Key in [Name] Promotion Name – Description of the Promotion
  8. Key in [Cost Start Date] re. period costs are to be calculated
  9. Key in [Cost End Date]re. period costs are to be calculated
  10. Key in [Sell Start Date]re. period costs are to be calculated
  11. Key in [Sell End Date] as per period sell prices are to be effective.
  12. Flag for "Always sell at exact promo price"is used for promos not to round but to sell at exact price.
  13. Flag for "Only apply Promo to One Customer Type" means only apply this promo to the one customer type and enter the customer type in field [Customer Type].
  14. Then Click on <OK>

This takes you back to the "Browse Promotions" window

  1. Highlight Promotion you just set up
  2. Click on <Products for Promotion>
  3. Click on <Insert>
  4. <Insert> each product individually with the less quantity at the higher price first, then the more you sell the cheaper the price. Allowed 4 sell prices/qty sell levels.
  5. Click on <OK>to accept.
  6. <Close>the Browse Promotions once you have finished setting up a Manual Promotion.
Copying On The Data

Your supplier or promotional group may have provided you with a disk file containing the promotion information. If you do not have access to such a file, skip to manual promotion maintenance. The first step required is to copy the promotion file onto your computer in a form that Readysell can use.
Take care to ensure that the promotion file contains only promotion information. We have had cases where the promotion file includes deleted products from prior promotions, the whole supplier product range or simply errors. The promotion file may be out of date or for a future promotion.
If possible obtain a file layout showing field positions for all information in the promotion file.
Consider backing up your system before loading the promotion. If the promotion is loaded after hours you can recover from your backup if you encounter any problems. Readysell has a batch file back up tool that can be run when everyone is completely out of Readysell.

Excel Spreadsheets provided by your supplier– Must be run by Readysell
Text Files provided by your supplier - Must be run by Readysell
Creating The Promotion – Must be run by Readysell
Create The Import (Technical!) – Must be run by Readysell

Setting Promotion Dates once the promotion has been run

Your promotion is now defined and products for the promotion have been loaded. The promotion product file did not include any start and end dates for the promotion.
Start and End Dates need to be added for each product in the promotion. To do this, enter the dates into the actual promotion and the system will update the associated products.

        1. Click on <Products> from the Readysell Main Menu
        2. Click on Tab{F5 Sales} the "Browse Products" or "Browse Prodsites" screen
        3. Click on <Promotions> from the Products module Tool Bar

        1. Double click on the Promotion that was just loaded
        2. Key in [Cost Start Dates] for the promotion (catalogues - always turned off)
        3. Key in [Cost End Dates] for the promotion (catalogues - always turned off)
        4. Key in [Sell Start Dates] for the promotion (catalogues - always turned off)
        5. Key in [Sell End Dates]for the promotion (catalogues - always turned off)
        6. Always Sell At Exact Promotion Price – this means that for the products in this promotion you want them to sell at exactly the price in this promotion for the period given.
        7. Only Apply Promotion To One Customer Type – this means that the promotion is for customers with a particular customer type – so only those customers with that type will receive the promotion pricing for the products on promotion.
        8. Customer Type – this is the customer type as mentioned in point 10. The customer type must be available from and/or added to the system reference file of "CUSTOMER TYPE"
        9. Click on <+OK>

Adding New Products

Products have been set up for the promotion. If any of those products are new, each new product needs to be set up separately on the product file. New products can be added manually or imported using the Readysell Import module.

Loading an ON / OPD Promotion

Please see document "Catalogue And Flyer Loads Within Readysell" in your Readysell Documents folder. If it is not in there, open up your Readysell Main Menu, click on the second tab and download the document from the Readysell Website.

Turning Promotions Off for a Customer

    1. Log onto the Readysell Main Menu
    2. Click on <Customers>
    3. Highlight each customer that Is Not Going To Receive Promotional Prices, one at a time
    4. Click on <Change>
    5. Click on Tab {2 General (Cont)}
    6. Click on Disable Promotion Prices For This Customer checkbox
    7. Click on <OK>

Turning Promotions Off For a Register

        1. Log onto the Readysell Main Menu
        2. Click on <+Sales Orders>
        3. Highlight the Cash Register that is Not Going To Allow Promotional Prices and
        4. Click on <Change>
        5. Click onTab {2 Optional Features}
        6. Click on Disable Promotion Prices For All Products checkbox.
        7. Click on <OK>