Constructing pack break products

Constructing pack break products

Constructing Pack Break Products

Tab {1 General}
Sell Unit: EACH (Should be each even though you also sell by the box/carton/pack)
Buy Unit: BOX (Should be box or pack or carton etc. depending on the item and how exactly you buy this product)
Retail Break: 12(The number of items within the box/carton/pack when sold by each)
Pack Break: 12(The number of items within the box/carton/pack)
The Bar Code in this Tab is the individual product bar code (it is NOT the box bar code)

Tab {2 Pricing}
Cost ex GST: (Cost ex GST for the whole box – cost ex GST is used when purchasing this product by the box/carton/pack)
Level 1 Pricing
Fixed Sell Price 1: (price customer pays for each individual sell unit)
Level 2 Pricing
Fixed Sell Price 2: (Price the customer pays when buying the exact quantity within the box/carton/pack)
Quantities Level 2: (Is the quantity of items within the box/carton/pack)
Cost inc Tax: (Is the cost per item within the box/carton/pack)
The pricing should be set up so that
LEVEL 1 - Buy 1 to 11 of the items from within the box/carton/pack and you pay the normal selling price
LEVEL 2 - Buy the number of items (12) within the box/carton/pack and pay a discounted box price

Tab {5 Costs And Reorder}
Minimum Qty, Triggers Reorder refers to Purchase Orders
Maximum Qty, Limits Reorder refers to Purchase Orders
Minimum Quantity Per Order refers to Purchase Orders
Last Cost – when setting up a new product you can either leave this blank or key in the same cost price as what is in Cost Ex Level 1 (on tab 2 Pricing)
Average Cost – this field depends on how you sell and buy the product.

  • If you sell by the same unit that you buy, and your retail break and pack break are 1 and 1 – then the Average Cost is usually set to the same as Cost Ex Level 1 (on tab 2 pricing) and Last Cost
  • If you sell differently to how you buy it and your retail break and pack break are greater than 1 (i.e. you sell as an each, buy as a box, retail & pack breaks are 10 and 10 as there are 10 eachs to a box) – then your average cost price is the Cost Ex Level 1 (on tab 2 Pricing) divided by your retail or pack break quantity.

Click on <OK> to save changes and go back to the Browse Product Sites window
Now put in the bar code for the box

On Tab {F3 Extras}
Click on <Alternate Codes>

Click on <Insert>

Leave the Product Code as is
Tab through once to put the cursor in the [Alternate Name, Bar Code Etc] field
Scan the box/carton bar code (if you do not have a scanner attached to your computer, type the code in manually)
Tab through once to put the cursor in the [Default Quantity For Sales Lines] field
Key in (or click on the up and down arrows) to enter in the quantity of items within that box/carton
Click on <OK>

The new bar code appears listed in the "Browse Product Alternate Names" window
Click on <Close>
This then takes you back to the "Browse Products Sites" window


Note that the product currently has zero (0) stock on hand at the moment.

From the purchasing module, key in a purchase order for this product. As the product is set up to buy by the box, if you are ordering 12 items which is 1 box, then just key in one (1) as the amount.

Receive and invoice the Purchase Order with the product on it.
Key in Supplier's Invoice Date, Supplier's Invoice Reference, check the Defaulted value is correct, and click on <OK>

The product now shows that there are 12 of this product on hand which is the equivalent to one (1) box. FROM A SALES POINT OF VIEW...

When you sell this product, if you sell between 1 (one) and 11 (eleven) of this item, the price will pick up on level 1 pricing.
When you sell this product, if you sell it a unit of 12 (twelve), the price will pick up on level 2 pricing.

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