Kits and manufactured products

Kits and manufactured products


Kit Products
When you sell a Kit Product (not a manufactured kit product), all components are not listed at Point Of Sale. The invoice and the picking slip will list the components supplied.
Kit Product child products product movements are affected and their quantity on hand will change every time the Kit Product is sold.

Manufactured Kit Products
When you sell a Manufactured Kit Product, any child products of that Manufactured Kit Product do not show any product movements and their stock levels do not vary. All components are not listed at Point Of Sale and the components are also not listed on the sales order and sales invoice.
The reason for this is that the child products came in as part of that Manufactured Kit Product therefore their stock levels are part and parcel of the Manufactured Kit Product.

Products InstructionsPages

Kit products2 – 9
Manufactured Kit Products10 – 18


Create the Parent Product of the Kit product (in this example: "TESTKITPRODUCT")
Make sure that that Kit parent product is highlighted/selected
Click on tab {F3 Extras}
Click on <Kits>

Click on <Insert>
Use this to insert all child products into this parent kit product.

Product – this is the parent kit product code (for this example it is: "TESTKITPRODUCT")
Part – this is the child product to be included in the kit
Qty – this is how many of the product is to be a part of this kit
Sell Price – this is optional
Discount Percentage – this is optional
Click on <OK>

Click on <+Yes>
(If you click on <-No> it will take you back to the "Adding A Kit Product Record" window)

At this point if there are any more products to be added – click on <Insert>
(for the purpose of this document, there is to be another product added)

Product – this is the parent kit product code (for this example it is: "TESTKITPRODUCT")
Part – this is the child product to be included in the kit
Qty – this is how many of the product is to be a part of this kit
Sell Price – this is optional
Discount Percentage – this is optional
Click on <OK>

Click on <+Yes>
(If you click on <-No> it will take you back to the "Adding A Kit Product Record" window)

Once you have finished adding products into this kit product, click on <Close>

The Pricing for this Master Kit Product is $575.75

When you sell this Master Kit Product only one line appears in the sale.

However the Sales Order will show the Master Kit Product with all it's child products.

Now re-opening up the sale & converting it to an invoice – once again only one line will show the Master Kit Product

The Sales Invoice shows the Master Kit Product and all the Child Products that make up the Master Kit Product

Looking at one of the child products, click on <Product Movements>

The movements for this child product are shown above – it shows that 2 were sold (the 2 sold were the ones from the sales invoice using the Master Kit Product.) MANUFACTURED KIT PRODUCTS

From the Readysell Main Menu…
Click on <Products>
Click on Tab {F3 Extras}
Click on <Manufacture Products>
Click on <Insert>

Key in the Part – the Product Code of the child product
Key in the Qty – the number of this child product
Sell Price – Optional
Discount Percent – Optional
Click on <OK>

Click on <+Yes>
(If you click on <-No> it will take you back to the "Adding A Kit Product Record" window)

At this point if there are any more products to be added – click on <Insert>
(for the purpose of this document, there is to be another product added)

Product – this is the parent kit product code (for this example it is: "TESTKITPRODUCT")
Part – this is the child product to be included in the kit
Qty – this is how many of the product is to be a part of this kit
Sell Price – this is optional
Discount Percentage – this is optional
Click on <OK>

Click on <+Yes>
(If you click on <-No> it will take you back to the "Adding A Kit Product Record" window)

Click on <Manufacture Kit Product Now>

Click on <-No>

Key in how many of these Manufactured Kits you have in stock
Click on <OK>

Now if you are finished – Click on <Close>

When you transact that Manufactured Kit Product it only shows one line on the SALORD window

Just one product appears on the Sales Order/Picking Slip

When converting the SALORD to a SALINV it also still shows one line of the Manufactured Kit Product

The Sales Invoice also only shows one line

Looking at the <Product Movement> for one of the child products of the Manufacture Kit Product

These are movements shown as the price and quantity are contained within the actual Manufactured Kit Product.

N.B If you are drawing part of a component into the making a manufactured kit (i.e. only 10 kg of a 40 kg pack) express the quantity as a fraction of the total unit of the component ( note: not a as percentage). For example if one of your components is purchased in 40 Kg bags and you are making up a mixture containing 10 kg of the 40 kg bag, (for step 9 above), key into the quantity field of <Inserting> the component as the fraction( In this example it would be .25 that is a quarter written as a decimal). This will cause the manufacturing process to take the correct fraction of the whole (and following our example -a quarter or .25 of the total 40kg resulting in 10kg going) into each kit-unit manufactured. The formula is: For fractions of parts divide the child product by the master.
Manufactured Kit Products can be Sold, Stock Adjusted, Credited, Transferred by the Kit or Component.

The stock on hand automatically comes off each product that is part of a manufactured product as each manufactured product is manufactured.

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