How to search for previous codes

How to search for previous codes

Readysell has implemented some changes as to the way you search for the previous product codes.

Product code: Searches for the Easycode Codes
Name Includes: Searches for only the name
Of the product/s. This no longer includes
Product code search.
From the product search screen there has
Been a new search field included called
Previous Code Includes:
The Previous Code Includes: Searches for
Any part of the previous Codes. The Previous
Codes appears in a new column beside the
Easycode. This feature is available in the latest
Upgrade & has already been deployed out to
all Easycode stores
The only way to search for previous codes is with the previous code search field. We tried to include it in name search but trying to search on product and name and previous code at once was not workable. The search works as follows:-

  • The name search fields search on name,
  • If you turn on the include product code then the first name also searches for product codes,
  • If you want to search on previous code you have to type it into the previous code search field.

How Readysell Convert Office Brands sites to Easycode

  1. Readysell performs an upgrade the night before to the latest version of Readysell
  2. Then an Office Brands Interface Upgrade is run to ensure that the latest version of RObl is installed
  3. Overnight the CC02 Easycodes Catalogue is run to convert all Codes from the Previous Codes to Easycodes, which takes a duration of 4 hours.
  4. The Invoice, Tax Credit, Sales Orders, Picking Slips, Quotes and Purchase Order layouts are adjusted to suit Easycodes, Product code is shortened to a 7 digit number and the description is expanded to add the previous code. An example has been placed below.

  1. The following system references have to be created by running sales and preview an existing invoice, run a product alternate code search & open the price change module
  2. Set system reference type 'REGISTER' code 'PRINT-PREVIOUS-PRODUCT-CODE' to have description & value of 2, This allows the Previous code to print on all layouts.
  3. Set system reference type 'PRODUCT' code 'SMART-PREVIOUS-CODE-SEARCH' to have description & value of 1 so that you have the ability to search for the previous codes.
  4. Set system reference type 'SITE' code 'EASYCODE' to have a description & value of 1 to active Easycode on your Readysell system.
  5. Set system reference type 'WEB' code 'CONTRACTUPD-EZCODE-ENABLE' to have a description of True to activate Easycode on WebSphere.
  6. Once the above steps are completed Readysell then contacted your store and we commence a training course as to how to search for the Previous Codes and where the Previous Codes are displayed. (Below are screen prints of where the previous codes are displayed on various screens)

Below are screen prints of where the previous codes are displayed on various screens
Sales Back Order Browse
Previous code is displayed on Tab 9 'Customer'

Product Sites Browse
Previous Codes is displayed on 'Product' tab

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