Creating associated products

Creating associated products

Using The Associated Products Button
Buy One Get One Free Products 2-5
Creating the Buy One Get One Free Offer2-3
Selling the Buy One Get One Free Offer4-5
Auto Substitute 6-9
Creating the Auto Substitute6-7
System Reference8-8
Selling the Auto Substituted Product9-9 Buy One Get One Free Products

Creating the Buy One Get One Free Offer

From the Products Module

  1. Search for and Highlight the product to which you want the associated product to be attached.
  2. Note: The associated product is the one that the customer is getting for free
  3. Click on Tab {F3 Extras}(at the bottom of the screen)
  4. Click on <Associated Products>(bottom right hand corner of the tab)
  5. "Browse Product Associations" window appears

  1. Click on <Insert>(at the bottom of this window)
  2. "Record Will Be Added" window appears

  1. The "Product Associated From" field already has the original product in it
  2. Select the "Product Associated To" field(key in <<>>* to redraw the product list)
  3. Key in the [Start Date]for this associated product
  4. Key in the [End Date]for this associated product
  5. Key in the [Qty To Get A Free Associated To Product]

i.e. what you need to buy of the product to get the associated free product

  1. Key in the [Number Of Free Products]to be given away with however many you purchase.

E.G. Buy 5, get 1 free. Buy 20, get 20 free etc. (this is in multiples – if you put in buy 5 get 1 free, then when you buy 10 you get 2 free, 15 = 3 free, 20 = 4 free etc)

  1. Flag on "Only Allow Free Products Once Per Line" if for example they buy 5 get 1 free, therefore buy 10 & get 1 free – it stops the ratio/multiples changing.

Leave the Flag OFF if you want the multiples to occur.

  1. Click on <OK>
  2. Click on <Close>to finish
  3. You are returned to the "Browse Product Sites" window

Selling the Buy One Get One Free Offer

  1. Open up a Sales screen
  2. Enter the customer if there is one & key in your [Operator Code]
  3. Key/Scan in the [product]
  4. Key in the [Qty Ordered] & leave the [Qty Supplied] as is
  5. <<Arrow down>> or <<Tab>> across to the next line
  6. The associated product pops up

  1. If the customer bought 20 of the product and the "Only Allow Free Products Once Per Line" is NOT flagged as on, it will appear as below:

  1. If the customer bought 20 of the product and the "Only Allow Free Products Once Per Line" IS flagged as ON, it will appear as below:

Auto Substituting Products

Creating the Auto Substitute

From the Products Module

  1. Search for and Highlight the product to which you want the associated product to be attached.
  2. Note: The associated product is the one that the customer is getting for free
  3. Click on Tab {F3 Extras}(at the bottom of the screen)
  4. Click on <Associated Products>(bottom right hand corner of the tab)
  5. "Browse Product Associations" window appears

  1. Click on <Insert>(at the bottom of this window)
  2. "Record Will Be Added" window appears

  1. Key in the original product in the Product Associated From field
  2. Key in the product that is currently replacing the original product into the Product Associated To field
  3. Set the Start and End dates for this auto substitution to run for
  4. Leave the field blank for Qty To Get A Free Associated To Product
  5. Leave the field blank for Number Of Free Products
  6. Leave unchecked the Only Allow Free Products Once Per Line flag
  7. Turn ON the flag for Auto Substitute
  8. Click on OK

System Reference

You will need to be on the latest version of Readysell, or at least had an upgrade since 13th March 2012.

From the release notes…
1. New Feature
Allowed associated products (substitutions) to be disabled for particular customers.
System reference type is 'CUSTOMER-NO-PRODASS', code is the customer code. Set the value to 1 to disable associated products for the customer.

From the Readysell Main Menu
Click on button System Administration
Key in CUSTOMER and hit ENTER on your keyboard
Scroll down the list until you find CUSTOMER-NO-PRODASS
Click on button System Reference Codes
Click on button Insert
Make the Code read as the customer code (in UPPER CASE)
Set the Value to be 1
Click on OK
(if your list of customer codes have already been imported into the list of codes, select the customer code that you want to exclude, click on the button Change and set the value to 1)
This customer will now be excluded from getting the associated product.

Selling Auto Substituted Products

Key the original product code into the product code field in the sales line
Press Tab or Enter on your keyboard

As soon as you hit your tab or enter button on your keyboard you will see the product code change to the auto substituted product code.
The note on the Additional Line Fields tab (below the sale line) show the note of the product original product being auto substituted.

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