Technician performance metrics

Technician performance metrics

Technician performance metrics



TerritoryTechnicians are grouped by territory.  You have to create a territory in Readysell, flag it as a service territory and link it to a technician.
If you do not want to use service territories, create one territory called "ALL" and link all the technicians to it.

Technicians must be defined as users in Readysell and the user must be flagged as a technician.  The technician is normally referred to by Technician ID

Service OrderTechnician service reporting takes very little notice of service orders.  Service orders have calls.  The reporting system is built around tracking calls.  The reason being there can be many calls for a service order.  To correctly track technician performance we need to look at technician activities logged against the service calls on the service order.  You can use Readysell without taking notice of service calls and without entering technician activities on the calls.  This basic level of operation does not support the technician productivity reporting system.  You have to start tracking individual calls on service orders in order to make use of the technician performance reports.  It often takes some training to and implementation time to start tracking service calls.  See service calls below.
Service Call

A single call to a site made by a technician.  Any one service order may require more than one call.  Each call is linked to activities, such as travel time, repair time, parts used etc.  The information captured on service calls is the basis of the technician performance reports.  The most effective way to capture this information is to have your service technicians use the Readysell mobile app to capture service call activities as they do the work.  It is possible to record service call information on paper and have someone type it into Readysell later.  But this is error prone, slow and less likely to be effective.  You probably have to invest the training and implementation time required to get all your service technicians to use the mobile app for entering service call information when performing service work.

OrdersThe Number of Service Orders for a Technician (not the service calls)

The total of all the Service Calls (not service orders) attended by a technician in a period of time.


Total Number of Days within a period of time that the technician was active.  Basically how many days he worked on during the period of time


Where it has taken the technician more than 1 call activity to finish the call


The number of Incomplete calls divided by Total number of Calls X 100 in a period of time


Each market segment has 2 fields. 1 - call back max days 2 - call back max meter count.  If the technician comes back before the maximum is met on these two fields then it is a call back.  Readysell is deployed with a standard set of market segment rules.  You should review and adjust those rules if you want to use different call back criteria in your business.

One rule of thumb might be to regard calls that occur within 60 days of the previous call as a call back.

Machines on managed print services contacts are more likely to use minimum meter counts as a call back criteria.  Other machines are more likely to use only days since the prior service call to determine if a call should be regarded as a call back or not.

Callback %

Number of Callbacks divided by total number of calls X 100 in a period of time

Territory IntegrityOut of Territory.  There is a field read only field on service calls called 'Out of Territory'.  If this check box is On, then the technician is out of that territory.  Machines have territories and technicians have territories.  If a technician actions a service call for a machine that is not in the technicians territory, then the service call is flagged a out of territory.  When this happens the "Out of Territory" checkbox on the service call is turned on.

First Call Effective

Total calls less incomplete calls less callbacks divided by gross calls as a percentage in a period of time

Calls per day gross(Calls/D/Gross)

Total number of Calls divided by total number of Days in a specified period of time

Calls per day Nett (Calls/D/Nett)

Total number of calls less any incomplete or - any calls back.  Total number of successful calls in a period of time

Parts cost per call (Parts/Call)The sum of all the parts used on a call activity multiplied by the Cost
Repair time per call (Repair time/Call)Average repair time for each call in a specified period of time
Travel time per call (Travel Time/Call)Average travel time per call in a specified period of time

Repair time per day

(Repair time/d)

Average repair time per day in a specified period of time

Travel time per day

(Travel time/d )

Average travel time per day in a specified period of time

Total time per day

(Total time/d)

Repair time per day plus travel time per day in a specified period of time

Total Kilometres


The total kilometres of travel in a specified period of time

Total Kilometres per day


Call response timeThe difference between when the call was first logged and when the technician arrived on site at the customer location