Readsell Lite optional project senario I dont want to overthink this I just want Readysell to import the recommended data


You are happy to accept want ever standard starting point we normally data imported into the system.  We don't start from a empty system.  We import some Office Brands data and can import some data from your old system.


The standard data import procedure for Readysell Lite is:

  • catalogue products will be imported
  • the preferred Office Brands suppliers will be imported
  • any customers and suppliers you provide us in Excel in a format matching our standard customer and supplier import will be imported.  We have specialized imports for output from some popular packages
  • if we import suppliers from your old system, you will probably get some duplicates where an Office Brands suppliers and some of your suppliers are actually the same supplier but with different supplier codes.  You will have to merge the data for those suppliers.
  • your product data is not normally import.  As we may get a lot of duplicates if we bring that data in.  But if you put your data into excel in the standard product import format.  Readysell will import your product data where the bar code of your product does not conflict with a bar code on the OneX database.  This will normally create some duplicates.  It will be up to you to merge products to tidy up the data.