Readsell Lite optional project senario I am not sure if I should go with Readysell Lite or the full Readysell program


You have a growing business and expect your requirements to expand over time.  Yet your business is too small to justify going to Readysell right now.  So just use Readysell Lite for now and swap to Readysell at a later date


Readysell Lite sites can swap to Readysell for an increased monthly licence fee.  If at any point you outgrow Readysell Lite.  Just talk to Readysell about upgrading to the full Readysell program.  You can't run Readysell Lite on some workstations and full Readysell on others.  You must run one or the other.  The databases are compatible.  So with a simple licence change, Readysell Lite can flip to Readysell, resolving you issues.  You can also move your database to a local server in your business and swap from software as service to buying a regular Readysell licence.