What do I get for my Readysell Lite data conversion

What do I get for my Readysell Lite data conversion

Data conversions

We normally do two data conversions for you:

  • Stage 1, all you data required to help you start training and test using the customers, product, suppliers and sales history from your old system
  • Stage 3, on the Friday night of the go live weekend or on a Saturday if you trade on the Saturday. Import the data you need to go live. Your customer, supplier and stock data. As well as stock on hand. We also try to import your debtors and creditors balances if possible.
  • (Note: There is a stage 2 conversion procedure, but it is not required for Readysell Lite conversions)

You may get some included training and implementation assistance hours. Those hours can be used on training or on implementation assistance. Such as our support team assisting you by explaining the various checklists with you and helping you review data. Training and data review by Readysell will count as training and implementation assistance hours.

The standard information we normally import from your existing system, where possible:


  • Products,
  • Stock on hand for products if you would like us to so so. Many lite sites elect to start with no stock on hand.
  • Product price levels, either one sell price level or multiple. Considering the way you calculate sell prices on your old system
  • Product suppliers. Just one for each product at lest, if you only have one supplier for products. If you don't have a supplier on a product we normally create a dummy supplier

Relationships (customers and suppliers)

  • Cards for customers and suppliers
  • Addresses for customers and suppliers. There is usually some maintenance required as only suburbs that match both suburb and postcode are imported
  • Contact people at customers and suppliers
  • If possible we may also import:
    • Customer open items. Balanced to your customer trial balance
    • Supplier open items. Balance to your supplier trail balance

Once you go live, there may be a charge if Readysell is asked to import data from your old system that was not previously requested before the go live date. 

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