Readme notes popup

Readme notes popup

Readme Notes that pop up when Readysell is opened after an upgrade
The [8] at the top of the screen refers to the actual size of the font used in the notes – it in no way reflects how many pages print up of these notes.
Please note: John has now reduced the notes so that should reduce the number of pages that print.
When you click on Print – what will print out is everything in that actual notes box.
Should you want to print only certain parts of those notes, use the "Save" button (the <Tick> button – third button from the left hand side).

This opens up the save box.

On the left hand side of the save box is a <Desk top> button.  Click on it (so it saves to your desktop)
At the bottom of the save screen in File Name field – type in name of file – EG: Readysell Release Notes 02102007 (using the date e.g. of 2nd of the 10th 2007)
Left Click on <Save>
This saves to your own desktop.
Use the icon as below (this sits at the very bottom of your screen, on your task bar next to the start button)

Left Click on this icon.  This icon then reduces everything to the taskbar leaving your desktop open and clear for you to open up the file you just saved to it.
Double click the file you just created.  It opens up using Microsoft Word.
When the file has opened – using your mouse, left click and hold down that left click and swipe across the information you wish to print.  E.g. (see next page)
Left Click on "File" or in the case of office 2007 click on the "Office Button" at the left hand side top of the Microsoft word window.
Scroll down and Left Click on "Print"

The "Print" window appears.
The printer name will be whatever you have defaulted already and will not usually need to change this.
Left Click on "Selection" – as this will print only what you have highlighted.

  • Should you NOT click on "Selection" it will print everything in that document.

Left Click on <OK>
The printer will now print the selected text of this document.
You can then (if you want to) delete the document off your desktop.
Use the "Show Desktop" icon on the task bar again to bring all open programs to the task bar leaving your desktop open.
Left Click on the Release Notes document once (to select it)
Hit the <<Delete>> button on your keyboard
You then get asked if you wish to delete this document – left click on <Yes>
The document is now deleted off the desktop and you can now close down the Readysell Release Notes window.

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