Using the copy to clipboard function

Using the copy to clipboard function

From the Readysell Main Menu
Click on <Sales>
Select Register (depending on how you are set up for sales)
Select transaction code (depending on how you are set up for sales)
"Enter Customer For A Sales Transaction Of Type (transaction code)" window appears
Key in [Customer Code]
Key in [Order] reference if required
On tab {1 Enquiries} at the bottom of the screen
Click on <Customer Stock Movements>
"Browse Product Movements For Customer (what every customer you selected)" window appears with a list of all products bought/returned in the past.

Search for product and highlight it
Click on <Copy To Clip Board>
This copies the product code for you to use in the sale
It has the same function in windows as the <<Ctrl>> <<C>> for copy
Click on <Close>
On "Enter Customer For A Sales Transaction Of Type (transaction code)" window...
Click on <+OK>
"Sales Adding" window appears
Key in your [Operator Code]
Press <<Tab>> or <<Enter>>
The cursor appears in the Product Code field
Hold down <<Ctrl>> on your keyboard and press <<V>> on your keyboard to paste in the product code from the clip board
This pastes in the product code, the product name appears and then the cursor is moved onto the Ordered/Supplied field depending on which transaction code you chose.

To add any further products that may have been previously purchased by this customer, hit <<F2>> on your keyboard to redraw the "Enter Customer For A Sales Transaction Of Type (transaction code)" window.
Click on <Customer Stock Movements>
Search for and highlight product required
Click on <Copy To Clip Board>
Click on <Close>
On "Enter Customer For A Sales Transaction Of Type (transaction code)" window...
Click on <+OK>
NOTE: you must click on <+ OK> on the F2 Customer window otherwise you will lose all customer details off this sale.
"Sales Adding" window appears again
Make sure that you are on the next line for a product code with cursor appearing in product code field
Press <<Ctrl>> <<V>> on your keyboard to paste in the product code from the clip board
REPEAT these steps if there are any further products to be added from this customer's product movements.

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