Sales, purchasing, customer and supplier overview

Sales, purchasing, customer and supplier overview

Readysell Core Competencies


The Readysell Main Menu3-4
Products (Briefly)5-6
How to enter a picking slip / sales order9-9
Invoicing a picking slip / sales order10-10
How to enter a sale (cash/eftpos/card/chq)11-11
How to enter an account sale12-12
Looking up a product when processing a sale13-13
How to enter a manual cash credit / refund14-14
How to enter a manual account credit / refund15-21
Receipting customer payments at point of sale22-24
Reprinting picking slips / invoices / quotes / receipts25-25
Sales back orders26-30
Extracting sales orders from sales back orders31-35
Extracting back orders onto an order / invoice36-38
Writing Stock On & Off39-41
Inserting / changing / deleting purchase orders43-45
Printing purchase orders46-46
Browse purchase order menu47- 48
Automatic purchase order generation49-58
Receiving Orders59-62
Raising a stock credit62-62
Receiving delivery dockets63-63
Adjustments / rounding / rebates on a receipt63-63
Reversing a purchase receipt64-64
Browsing customers66-66
Inserting / changing / deleting / copying a customer68-78
Changing a customer code79-80
Open item enquiries81-82
Inserting a debit or credit83-84
Inserting a payment85-85
Reversal of a payment86-86
Payment allocation & de-allocation87- 89
Alternate delivery addresses90-92
Key words93-96
Browse & search suppliers / creditors98-98
Insert / change / delete / copy a supplier99- 106
Changing a supplier code107-108
Open item enquiries / balances109-109
Inserting a debit or credit note110-111
Inserting a payment112-112
Payment allocation & de-allocation113-115
The Readysell Main Menu

This is the Readysell Main Menu showing all modules available within Readysell

The Readysell web site available through the Readysell program

Your website will eventually display here.

The modules opened and shown on the task bar

When you open some of the modules available in Readysell you will notice down on your task bar (at the bottom of your screen next to the time) that each module has a different coloured "R"


Click on <Products>from the Readysell Main Menu window
"Browse Product Sites" window

This brings up the list of your product file
You can <Insert> <Change> or <Delete> a product from this Browse
When inserting a new product or reviewing a current product you need to check...

  • Is the product a non stocked item to be used for a service or comment line?
  • Is the product bought and or sold by Each/Box/Ream/Bag/etc?
  • Is the product sold by Each and/or Box and/or Pallet?
  • Are there to be individual bar codes for Each and Box Products?
  • Who is the main supplier and are there to be any other suppliers for this product?
  • What is the department and/or Location for this product?
  • Should this product have a Tax Code of E or G?
  • If inserting a new product then Average Cost should be $0.0001
  • If the product is to be back ordered then the Supplier for the product must be set to Back Order
  • FOR OFFICE NATIONAL STORES - Fixed Level1 prices = List price, Level 2 = volume 1 prices, Level 3 = volume 2 prices, Level 4 = Nat Cust, Level 5 = Government promo

Click on <OK>to finish and save the information entered
If the system won't let you out of the new/changed product window, it will then place the cursor in the field that is yet to be filled in. Fill in the field/s and once again click on <OK> to finish.
For More Information on Products – please see document "V7 PRODUCTS – A GUIDE"



For Trainee: _________________________

Basic Training Capabilities For Sales

Readysell Training


Self Study



  1. How to enter a picking slip/sales order







  1. Invoicing a picking slip/sales order







  1. How to enter a Cash Sale







  1. How to enter an Account sale







  1. Looking up a product (full code word search)







  1. How to enter a Cash Credit







  1. How to enter an Account Credit







  1. Receipting Customer Payment at POS







  1. Reprinting an invoice/picking slip/quote/receipts







  1. Sales back orders







  1. Extracting Sales from Sales Back Orders







  1. Extracting Back Orders onto an Order & Adding to that Order







  1. Write Ons / Write Offs








How to Enter a Picking Slip/Sale Order (SALORD MODE)

(Only to be used if executing sales orders from the Readysell Main Menu)

  1. Click on <+ Sales Orders> from the Readysell Main Menu

  1. Key in [Customer Code]Sales Orders mode is for account customers to pick and pack orders
  2. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard

Account customers details will now appear. Add in an Order number if required and/or alternate delivery address if this applies to this customer.

  1. Key in [Order]this may be the customer's purchase order number to you, or if they do not have one then you can key in the name of the person placing the order. It can be used by your accounts person later to track as proof as to who or why the order was made by that customer.
  2. Click on <+OK>
  3. Key in [Operator Code] try A or your initials/or a number you use in your current system.
  4. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
  5. Key in [Product] required
  6. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
  7. Key in [Amount Ordered] by the customer
  8. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
  9. Leave[Amount Supplied] it will automatically generate from stock on hand
  10. Repeat steps 8 – 12 until you are finished entering in all products for this order
  11. Click on <+OK>

No tender screen will appear as all Orders/Picking slips automatically print and remain outstanding until stock is picked and packed and ready for Invoicing.

Invoicing A Picking Slip/Sales Order

When you are ready to invoice the orders from the sales module while in transcode of SALORD, use the next steps to do so.
From the Readysell Main Menu, click on <+ Sales Orders>

    1. Search for and Highlight the Order to be invoiced from the "Browse Sales Orders window
    2. Double click on that order(alternatively, click on <Change>)
    3. You will then get a pop up box as below:

                • 1 - Invoice And Reallocate Stock – to be used only in SALORD mode – where stock is received & that stock (or some of it) is not to go to any other order other than this one. Used for stores using stock allocation that have correct stock levels.
                • 2 - Invoice – convert order to invoice
                • 3 – Leave Transaction As Order

    1. Click on option <2-Invoice> to convert the order to an invoice

The order now appears before you as an invoice

    1. Key in [your operator code]
    2. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard

Make any changes that you need to the order

    1. Click on <+OK>

"Picking to Invoice Check" window appears

    1. You need to re-scan the products to confirm that you have indeed picked the correct products ordered
    2. Click on <+OK>

Tender box will appear
Press the <<>>* button on your keyboard if you are unsure of what number the tender is, this will bring up a list of the tenders for you to choose from. Double click on that tender to select and use it.

    1. Key in the [Tender to be used] If you already know which tender you are using
    2. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard to make the field accept that tender
    3. Click on <+OK>

How to Enter A Cash Sale/Card/Cheque/Amex/Diners/Eftpos Sale (SALINV MODE)

  1. Double Click on the Sales short cut on your desktop

"Enter Customer For A Sales Transaction Of Type SALINV" window appears.

  1. If the customer is paying cash/eftpos etc, is not an account customer and does not need a business name to appear on the invoice...

  1. Click on <Cancel>

  1. Key in [Operator Code] try A or your initials/or a number you use in your current system.
  2. Press <<Enter>>or <<Tab>> on your keyboard in order for your operator code to be accepted by the system and to move to the next field.
  3. Scan the Barcode of the product or key in the product code. It can the either of the following, Product code, short code, barcode, mnemonic code or supplier's code.
  4. Key in [Quantity]
  5. The price will automatically insert unless otherwise configured. If no price appears, key in the price of the product and press <<ENTER>>

Continue steps 10 - 12 until all products have been entered.

  1. Click on <+OK>

The "Tender Type" screen will appear.

  1. Key in [Tender Type Number]
  2. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard to have the tender accepted by the field

E.g. Tender Code of "1" will give you a Cash tender type. Press <<ENTER>> or <<TAB>> on your keyboard
If you are unsure of your available tenders, press <<>>* and <<ENTER>> on your keyboard which will bring up a list of your tenders.

    1. IF the sale value is EQUAL to the tender amount, enter [Tender Code] and press <<+>> on your keyboard or click on <+OK> to tender the sale.

    1. IF the tender was CASH and the amount is GREATER than the sale value then enter the [Tender Code], press <<ENTER>> on your keyboard, then key in the [Tender Amount] in $ and press the <<ENTER>> button on your keyboard. If there was any Change to be given then it will be displayed on the screen. Press <<>>* on your keyboard or click on <+OK> to tender the sale.

N.B. There are many passwords that can be set up to operate with your Point of Sale Registers. These passwords give you security functions and require manager input to approve and continue along a particular path.

4. How to Enter an Account Sale

  • Account Customers can be selected at any time during a sale.
    • <<F2>>* will redraw the Customer Details window ("Enter Customer For A Sales Transaction Of Type" window) whilst in the sales window
  • (Tab {3 Change Transaction} also contains a button for <<F2 Customer>>) in the sales window
  • When you press <<F2>> on your keyboard or click on <<F2 Customers>> on Tab {3 Change Transactions} this opens up the Enter A Customer for Sales... window which shows buttons at the bottom that allows you to see the customer balances, stock movements, current back orders, open items, sales enquiry, alternate delivery addresses & frequent flyer details.
    Alternatively a sale can proceed as usual and be identified as an account sale at the end of the sale.
    Once again depending on system reference setup, the following steps apply.....
  1. Double Click on the Sales short cut on your desk top

  1. Key in [Customer Code] to select the customer for the account sale

If an account customer is identified, "credit limit" and "Customer On Stop" messages can be seen if relevant – if customer settings are set up correctly. For an On Stop customer, at the time that you enter in the Acct Customer details for a sale, when you click on <<OK>> a message appears saying that the customer is on stop & can only be processed as a cash sale.
The select a customer screen will appear. Key in [Customer Code] and press <<Enter>>. If you do not know the customer code, insert your [Best Guess] at the code and the customer search screen will appear.

  1. Key in [Order Number] &/or [Reference]in the Order field

If alternate delivery address is required...

  1. Click on Tab {3 Addresses}
  2. Click on <Customer Alternate Delivery Addresses> if alternate deliver address.

IF there is an alternate delivery address, highlight it and click on <+Select>

  1. Click on <+OK>
  2. Key in [Operator Code] try A or your initials
  3. Scan the Barcode of the product or key in the product code, or key in the product code. It can be either of the following, Product code, short code, barcode, mnemonic code or supplier's code.
  4. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
  5. Key in [Quantity] press <<Enter>>
  6. The price will automatically insert unless otherwise configured.

Continue steps 13 - 15 until all products have been entered.

  1. Click on <+OK>
  2. Enter in the [Tender]to which the sale is being made

If you are unsure what number the tender is that you are after, press <<>>* and <<Enter>> on your keyboard to bring up a list of your tenders for you to select from.

  1. Click on <OK>or alternatively press <<>> on your keyboard

5. Looking Up A Product When Processing a Sales Order/Invoice

Whilst processing a Sales Order or Sales Invoice you are able to look up which product you are wanting to add to your sales order/invoice

  1. Double Click on the Sales short cut on your desk top
  2. Key in [Customer Code] to select the customer for the account sale
  3. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
  4. Key in [Order Number] &/or [Reference]in the Order field
  5. Click on <+OK>
  6. Key in [Operator Code] try A or your initials
  7. Press <<Enter>>or <<Tab>> on your keyboard in order for your operator code to be accepted by the system
  8. Type in either
    1. Part of the Product code you require – will take you to a "Product Code" search

Keying in 2 or 3 parts of a product name e.g. A4(space)Paper will take you to a "Product Name" search

    1. <<>>* on your keyboard – to redraw the "Product File" then search
  1. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard

This window shows you the product details on the right hand side each time you highlight a different product.
To select the product to enter it onto the Sales Invoice/Order either double click it or highlight it and click on <+Select>

6. How to Enter a Manual Cash Credit/Refund

The steps are identical to entering a cash sale except a Minus Sign needs to be entered before the quantity supplied. Always place the minus sign before the quantity supplied, not the sell prices.

  1. Double Click on the Sales short cut on your desk top

  1. Key in [Operator Code] try A or your initials
  2. Scan the Barcode of the product or key in the product code. It can the either of the following, Product code, short code, barcode, mnemonic code or supplier's code.
  3. Key in [Quantity as a minus/negative quantity] (Only if your register is configured for manual quantity entry).
  4. The price will automatically insert as a negative amount unless otherwise configured. If no price appears, key in the price of the product and press <<ENTER>> on your keyboard. (Only if your register is configured for manual price entry).
  5. Continue steps 7 - 9 until all products have been entered.
  6. Click on <+OK>
  7. Enter your password (which may be activated via a system reference)
  8. Select the Account Tender


  1. Click on <+ Sales Orders>on the Readysell Main Menu
  2. Search for the original sale/invoice. Highlight the Invoice which needs to be credited
  3. Click on Tab {General}
  4. Click on <Copy> Invoice copied will be in {Outstanding} Tab
  5. Locate the copied Invoice (which will have today's date on it) and Double Click on it
  6. Key in [Operator Code]
  7. Press <<Enter>> across to the supplied quantity (using your keyboard)
  8. Key in [a negative/minus sign in front of the qty supplied]
  9. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
  10. The price will automatically update as a negative amount
  11. Continue steps 7 - 9 until all products have been entered
  12. Click on <+OK> to complete the credit
  13. Enter tender type as per the tender used on the original sale...e.g. so if the original sale was tendered by cash then the credit must be by cash tender etc...

How to enter a Manual Account Credit/Refund

Once again depending on system reference setup, the following steps apply.....
Alternatively a sale can proceed as usual and be identified as an account sale at the end of the sale.
Once again depending on system reference setup the following steps apply.....

  1. Double Click on the Sales short cut on your desktop

  1. Highlight Register/PCfor your workstation
  2. Click on <Select>on the "Browse Cash Registers" window

  1. Confirm Invoice/Sale is clicked <SALINV>
  2. Click on <+OK>on the "Enter A Sales Transaction Code" window

"Select A Customer" window appears

  1. Key in [Customer Code] & press <<Enter>>. If you do not know the customer code, insert your [Best Guess] of code & the customer search screen will appear.
  2. Key in [Order Reference]in the Order field to appear on the invoice
  3. Click on <+OK>

  1. Key in [Operator Code]

  1. Scan the Barcode of the product or key in the product code. It can be either of the following: Product code, short code, barcode, mnemonic code or supplier's code.
  2. Key in [Quantity as a minus/negative quantity]
  3. The price will automatically insert as a negative amount unless otherwise configured. If no price appears, key in the price of the product & press <<ENTER>> on your keyboard.

  1. Continue steps 10 - 12 until all products have been entered.

  1. Click on <+OK> when you have finished entering the products & are ready to issue the refund/credit

  1. Enter in the [Account Tender]to which the refund is being made

If you are unsure what number tender you are after, press <<>>* & <<Enter>> on your keyboard to bring up a list of your tenders for you to select from. Account is usually tender number 8

  1. Click on <OK>or alternatively press <<>> on your keyboard


Once again depending on system reference setup, the following steps apply.....

  1. Click on <+ Sales Orders>on the Readysell Main Menu

  1. Search for the original sale/invoice. Highlight the Invoice which needs to be credited
  2. Click on Tab {General}
  3. Click on <Copy> Invoice copied will be in {Outstanding} Tab
  4. Locate the copied Invoice (which will have today's date on it) and Double Click on it
  5. Key in [Operator Code]
  6. Press <<Enter>> across to the supplied quantity (using your keyboard)
  7. Key in [a negative/minus sign in front of the qty supplied]
  8. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
  9. The price will automatically update as a negative amount
  10. Continue steps 7 - 9 until all products have been entered
  11. Click on <+OK> to complete the credit
  12. Enter tender type as per the tender used on the original sale...e.g. so if the original sale was tendered by Account then the credit must be by Account tender etc...


  1. Click on <Insert> on the "Browse Sales Orders" window
  2. Key in [customer code]and [Order number] in customer details window
  3. Click on <+OK>
  4. (Notes warning usually appears – click on <OK> - if warning does not appear – skip this step 4)
  5. Key in [Operator Code]
  6. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard

IF you are already set to SALINV mode then do not proceed with step 7, and skip straight to step 8

  1. Press <<Alt>> <<F5>> on your keyboard to change the transaction code to SALINV & Click on <OK>

  1. Press <<ALT>> <<F9>>on your keyboard

  1. "Select Sales Order To Copy Into This Credit" window appears

  1. Either

Key in [Invoice Number] and press <<Enter>> on your keyboard
Click on the <Ellipsis> button

When clicking on the Ellipsis button...
Re-key in [Customer Code] and press <<Enter>> on your keyboard
All invoices for this customer will appear in the first box
All lines to each invoice will appear in the box below (the second box)
Highlight the Invoice required for credit and click on <+Select>

  1. "Notice" box appears – Click on <+OK>

  1. "Select Sales Order To Copy Into This Credit" window appears

  1. Highlight the product line that is to be credited by clicking once on it
  2. Click on <Tag>
                • If there is more than one product to be tagged then highlight each one and <Tag> them
                • If all products are to be credited, then click on <Tag All>
  3. Click on <OK>
  4. The Sales window appears now showing the tagged products. The quantity supplied and the value shows as being negative amounts.

  1. Check that the product and the quantity supplied are correct. If the quantity is NOT correct, re-key in the quantity with a negative value
  2. Click on <+OK>

  1. Key in [Password]this is set up in your system references
  2. Click on <+OK>

  1. "Changing A Tender" window appears
  2. Key in your [Tender](this needs to be the same as the tender for the original invoice)
  3. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
  4. Click on <+OK>and the adjustment invoice will print

  1. What prints out shows a reference line under each product advising which invoice and picking slip the credit came from.

Receipting Customer Payments At Point Of Sale

Once again depending on system reference setup, the following steps apply.....

  1. Double Click on the Sales short cut on your desktop
  2. <Close> the Customer window

You will now be viewing the Point of Sale data entry screen

  1. Key in [Operator Code]

  1. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
  2. Use the Hot Key <<F11>>on your keyboard or click on Tab {5 Other Transactions} <F11 Account Customer Receipt>

  1. Key in Customer Codeinto the [Customer] field
  2. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
  3. Customer Namewill automatically enter into the field
  4. Press<<Enter>> on your keyboard

If there is no match to the customer code, the "Customer Browse" screen will appear. In this case, just Highlight and Double Click to select Customer required

  1. Key in [Description] of the customer receipt
  2. Press <<Enter>> on your keyboard
  3. Key in [Value] of the receipt
  4. Press <<Enter>> on your keyboard
  5. Key in [Discount] if it is appropriate
  6. Press <<Enter>> on your keyboard
  7. Key in [Receipt For Invoice]Invoice number the payment refers to. If you are unsure, type in any number e.g. 1 into the field and hit <<Enter>> on your keyboard and this will draw on the Browse Customer Open Items In Sales window.

  1. Highlight the required Invoice and click on <Select>
  2. This returns you back to the Enter Account Receipt Details From Update Sales window placing the invoice number in the Receipt For Invoice field. Note: this does NOT allocate the payment to this invoice – the payment will still need to be manually allocated.

The balances of the Customer's account will be displayed in grey

  1. Click on <+OK> to finish

You will be returned to the Sales Tender screen

  1. Key in [Sale Tender Type]1 for Cash, 2 for Card etc.
  2. Click on <+OK>

Receipts taken at point of sale are reported on the End of Shift Z read. All cheques taken will of course print out on the bank deposit slip. The balance of a Customer's account correctly reflects all receipts, however, they are not allocated to any particular transaction. It is necessary to produce a report periodically to list all Customer receipts, payments, and credits that are not yet allocated to their appropriate open item. The report below can be produced for this purpose.

Reprinting Picking Slips/Invoices/Quotes/Receipts

Once again depending on system reference setup, the following steps apply.....
From the Readysell Main Menu...

  1. Click on <Sales Orders>
  2. <Close>Browse Registers
  3. Click on <Orders>on the "Sales Main Menu" window

Browse Sales Orders screen

  • Here you are able to search for Outstanding Orders and completed orders in various ways, by: Sales Order Number, Customer, Date, Invoice number, by Operator, etc.

Tab {Printing} - Reprinting Picking Slip/Invoice/Quote/Receipts

  1. From Browse Sales Orders, search and Highlight Order or Invoice which needs to be reprinted.
  2. Then Click on Either Buttons of <Print Receipt> or <Print Invoice> or <Print Pick Slip> or <Print Quote> or <Print Delivery Docket>
  3. You will be able to preview before actually printing.
  4. Note: when wanting to reprint a credit, highlight the SALCRD and click on <Print Invoice> as the layout for credit stems from the print invoice button.

Sales Back Orders

Run the Sales Back Orders report from the Sales Orders module on the Readysell Main Menu

    1. Click on <+ Sales Orders>

From the "Browse Sales Orders" window

    1. Click on <Back Orders>in the Sales Orders window

Click on Tab {2 Reports}

Click on <Backorder Report>

Click on either:

"Select an option – Print report without page breaks before subheaders"

"Print report with page breaks before subheaders"
The difference is:

  • Select an option – Print report without page breaks before subheaders

This option continues the report down the page with no breaks between each sort (i.e. supplier/customer/location etc)

  • Print report with page breaks before subheaders

This option starts a new page per sort (i.e. per supplier/customer/location etc.), it means the report can be many pages long.

Select "Preview"

Click on <OK>

Click on <Close> to close the Saved Queries window and to show all back orders

NOTE: In the Saved Queries window you can <Insert> a query of your own if you only want the report to show a certain supplier or product code or customer.

Highlight a"Sort"This is the sort order of the report, i.e. whether the report is sorted/grouped by supplier/customer/location etc.

Click on <Select>

Select a"Design"of report. The report that comes up automatically highlighted has already been selected as a default for your company. You won't need to change this.

Click on <+OK>

    1. The report then appears

This report tells you:

The products currently sitting on back order for each supplier

  • Whether the back order is currently sitting as an order or an invoice
  • If purchase receipts have been received, which back orders have been allocated stock from those purchase receipts
  • Your current stock on hand
  • Your current stock on order
  • Your available stock
  • Total back orders for that product for that supplier
  • Note this report was run with a sort of "Supplier" therefore the report has sorted each product by supplier

<Print> the report
If you want to just view the report, review it and then <Close> it
If there is only one page to this report OR there is only one particular page you want to print, find that page and click on <Print 1>

Extracting Sales Orders From Sales Back Orders

This process is a requirement for those using One Invoice Per Month for customers.
From the "Browse Sales Orders" window

        1. Click on <Back Orders>in the Sales Orders window

Click on <Release Picking Slips>

Enter in the Supplier the report is to start at [Start at Supplier]

Enter in the Supplier the report is to end at [End at Supplier]

Enter in the Customer the report is to start at [Start at Customer]

Enter in the Customer the report is to end at [End at Customer]

Enter in the Product the report is to start at [Start Product]

Enter in the Product the report is to end at [End Product]

Flag as ON the "Only Release Back Orders If Sufficient Stock On Hand"

Flag as ONthe "Generate Sales Order From Back Orders (Do not just print a trial report)". This will generate the sales order from the back orders for the customer or supplier or product as stated above

When you flag this as ON, a warning screen appears

    1. Click on <+OK>

You are now given further options

    1. Key in your [Register Number]
    2. Key in your [Operator Code]
    3. Flag as ONthe "Print Picking Slips For All Orders Generated" to automatically print the picking slips that generate from the sales back orders being released.

If you do not wish to print these orders straight away, then leave the flag off.

    1. Leave the [Transaction Code]do NOT change it
    2. Click on <+OK>

    1. Make sure that "Preview"is selected
    2. Click on <OK>

    1. Click on <Close>

    1. Click on"Customer"
    2. Click on <Select>

    1. This shows you the sales orders that will be extracted
    2. <Print> and then <Close> the Report

Next, from the Sales Order screen...

    1. Search the Sales Order screen for the Order numbers shown extracted on the report
    2. Once you have picked & packed the orders...
    3. Open these orders up by double clicking them (the report showed the order number/s that the back order/s have been send to) and converting them to an invoice reallocating stock, print them up and send the invoices with the goods that have arrived and been picked & packed.

Extracting Back Orders Onto An Order/Invoice

Once again depending on system reference setup, the following steps apply.....

From the Readysell Main Menu

Click on <Sales Orders> from the Readysell Main Menu

  1. Click on <Insert>

Key in the customer who has the back order with stock available to fill it as per your Back Order Report

  1. Click on <+OK>

Key in your [Operator Code]

Press <<Enter>> on your keyboard for the system to recognise your operator code

Click on Tab {3 Change Transaction}

  1. If this transaction is to be done as a SALINV...click on <AF5 Set Transaction Code>
  2. Select transaction code INVOICE/CREDIT = SALINV and click on <+OK>


Click on <AF8 Extract Back Orders>

If this customer has back order/s and the stock is available for them, the above window will show the lines for the those product/s.

Highlight the Product to be added from the back order

Click on <Tag> to tag any or all of the products to be extracted

The product now has an "{}{*}" next to it signifying that it is tagged.

  1. Click on <OK>

The back ordered product is now added to the sales order

  1. Add any further products to the order/picking slip that you wish to supply to this customer
  2. Click on <+OK>
  3. Key in your [Tender](only if SALINV transcode was used)
  4. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard (only if SALINV transcode was used)
  5. Click on <+OK>

A picking slip will generate from this order and print up so that the goods can be picked ready for invoicing.
If the transaction was done as a SALINV it will tender and print two invoices.

Write Ons/Write Offs – Stock Adjustments

From the Readysell Main Menu

  1. Click on <Product Transactions>

Browse WriteOn/WriteOff screen appears

  1. Click on <Insert>

  1. Leave as <WHS>or key in whatever your site location is
  2. Click on <Close>

  1. Key in [Date] in date field – usually today's date
  2. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard to move to the next field
  3. Key in [Your operator code] in operator field
  4. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard to move to the next field
  5. Key in [the product]that is having its stock level changed
  6. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
  7. Key in [Type of write on/write off]in Type Of Write On Write Off field. This field draws from the system references already set up in your system. If you are unsure of your options press the <<*>> and <<Enter>> buttons on your keyboard to bring up a selection to choose from.
  8. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard to move to the next field
  9. Key in [Reason For Adjustment]
  10. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard to move to the next field
  11. Key in [Quantity of stock items to Write On OR Write Off] in the relevant field of Write On or Write Off
  12. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard to update stock fields on right hand side of screen
  13. The Stock values are displayed at the bottom right hand corner of this screen showing you what the new figures will be with this adjustment before you accept the adjustment.
  14. Click on <OK> to accept the adjustment

Are you sure you want to complete this write on/write off?

  1. Click on <+Yes> this will post the WriteOn/WriteOff automatically at this point. Or click on <No> if you want to go back and change the information you have just entered.

  1. The change now appears in the Stock Adjustment screen – "Browse WriteOn/WriteOff" screen

You are able to then print off the stock adjustments/writeons/writeoffs by
clicking on <Print WriteOn/WriteOff>



For Trainee: _________________________

Basic Training Capabilities For Purchasing

Readysell Training


Self Study


        1. Enter/Change/Delete a Manual Purchase Order





    1. Print the Purchase Order & Fax or Email the Order





    1. Browse Purchase Order Menu





    1. Automatic Purchase Order Regeneration / Auto Generate Purchase Order Work File





4.1 Build the Purchase Order





4.2 Manual Rebuild of Order Work File from All Stock Movements





4.3 Print Reorder Work File





4.4 Browse Purchase Order Work File





4.5 Build Transfers From Work File





4.6 Consolidate Duplicate Products On Order (Multi Site Only)





4.7 Build Orders From Work File





4.8 Browse & Edit Orders





    1. How To Receive Orders





    1. Partly Receiving Orders





    1. Receipting Lines From Other Orders





    1. Raising A Stock Credit





    1. Receiving Delivery Dockets





    1. Adjustments, Rounding & Rebates On A Receipt





    1. Rounding





    1. Reversing A Purchase Receipt





Please see THE FULL GUIDE TO PURCHASING for full documentation on how to do a purchase order manually and automatically, and how to receive goods under many different circumstances.

1. Inserting, Changing & Deleting Purchase Orders - Manually

  1. Click on <Purchasing>On the Readysell Main Menu
  2. Click on <Insert> or <Change>
  3. The "Adding a Purchase" Order Record screen will appear
  4. Click On Tab {1 General}
  5. Key in [Order Date]Use the Default date or Key in the date you require
  6. Key in [Expected Delivery Date]Use the Default date or Key in the date you require
  7. Key in [Supplier] from which you are purchasing.
  8. Key in [Charge To] Default data will appear in this field if it is set up in Supplier
  9. Key in [Site] Relevant to stores that have multi-sites.
  10. Key in [Supplier Minimum Order Value] will fill itself in.
  11. Key in [Product Code]Use the Product Browse Screen to select a product
  12. Key in [Quantity Ordered] Cost pricing will default from the product file and total in value as more product is entered.
  13. Key in [Notes] to accompany a Purchase Order by Clicking on <Notes>

  1. Click on Tab {2 General Cont.}
    1. Key in [Purchase Order Reference], if you have one
    2. [Promotion]You have the option to select a promotion from which to draw your buy prices.
    3. Key in [Message Code]
    4. On Hold Use if wanting to put Purchase Order on hold
    5. PrintedUsed if Purchase Order is printed
    6. Order Is Tax ExemptUse if order is Tax Exempt
    7. <Reprice Whole Order Based On Product Suppliers Last Cost>
    8. <Reprice Whole Order Based On Quantity Break Cost Prices>
  2. Click on Tab {3 Importing}
    1. Key inCurrency
    2. Key in Exchange Factor FOB To Local Price
    3. [Order Value In Local Currency]will automatically update itself
    4. <Reprice Whole Order Based On Exchange Factor>
  3. Click on Tab {4 Reorder Details} to find Summary information regarding any product highlighted
  4. Click on Tab {5 Notes} to add delivery address (a drop ship address).
  5. Click on <OK>to finish
    1. Now print the purchase order as instructed below.

There is a new feature in browse purchase order work file to retain the display transaction balances checkbox on Tab 7. As a result the setting will always stay on or off based on the last time the window was used.

The <Notes> button on the "Changing a purchase order record" is a line by line note which associates to the product on it.

2. Printing Purchase Orders

        1. Click on <Purchasing> from the Readysell Main Menu

Use the Search field in the top left hand side of the screen to find the Purchase Order you wish to print.

  1. Click on Tab {9 Printing} (bottom left hand side)
  2. Click on <Print Purchase Order>

Choose between options given on screen

  1. Select either Print Order Including Tax OR Excluding Tax
  2. Select either Print Only Outstanding Order Lines OR Print All Order Lines Even If Fully Received

Print Only Outstanding Order Lines – means only print the products on that purchase order that you have not yet received.
Print All Order Lines Even If Fully Received – means print the whole purchase orders regardless of which products have and have not been received.

  1. Click on <Preview>and select your printer
  2. Click on <+OK>
  3. Highlight the Report Designyou favourite
  4. Click on<+OK>
  5. Purchase order will appear to screen if you asked to preview
  6. Click on <Print>Icon Top left hand side

3. Browse Purchase Order Menu

In Purchasing the browse purchase order lines and browse purchase orders shows outstanding transactions only, in default mode.
Tab {8 General}

  1. <Suppliers> – Takes you to Browse Suppliers.
  2. <Receipts> – shows you receipts outstanding and completed.
  3. <All Order Lines> - shows you all orders by for one product or all products.
  4. <Order Lines> - only lines relating to product selected.
  5. <Product Sites> – browse all movements in summary and details for a product.
  6. <Receive all Lines> – receive all order lines on a selected order even though they have already been receipted.
  7. <Receive Invoice from a Receipt> - copy lines from a different receipt into current receipt.
  8. <Receive/Invoice> – receipt and invoice lines from purchase order highlighted.

Tab {9 Printing}

  1. "Purchase Order" – Print Purchase order highlighted.
  2. "Import Pricing Worksheet" – a report for importers to help them work out landed costs.
  3. "Purchase Order Labels" – Print labels for products on purchase order selected.
  4. "Purchase Summary by Department" – Print a summary report for date selected by department.
  5. "Goods Receipting Report" – report of all products receipted on a purchase order.
  6. "Purchase Order Labels Bar Code Printer" – Print product labels for the purchase order selected on a special bar code printer.

Tab {0 General}

  1. "Copy" – Copies all lines on the purchase order highlighted. Make relevant changes to new order.

4. Automatic Purchase Order Regeneration

To use the automatic purchasing module it is important that your Product file is set up correctly re min, maxs, reorder quantity, retail/pack breaks etc. before you begin.
Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is the best method for me to create the reorder report.
  • Is it by bringing my stock back to the maximum shelf level? Is it by replenishing just the products that have sold"
  • Is it by creating a speculative suggestion based on the sales for a "similar trading period" such as same time last week, or same period last year, and
  • Do I want to create the shelf stock based on a certain number of weeks of stock?

The answers to these and more questions will determine which reorder method is best for you.
There are suggested reorder reports based on the following.
1 – Min to Max 2 – Or Min to max inc. Back orders
3 – Or Min Levels 4 – Or Min Levels Plus Sales Back Order
5 – Or Sales back orders 6 – Or Sales
7 – Or Special Orders 8 – Or Max Levels
9 – Or Special Orders Manually Flagged to Reorder 10 – Avg Weekly Sales (- RECOMMENDED)
11 – Copy Sales Backorders (Note, for Invoices SALINV)

4.1 Menu Purchase Order Regeneration (MUST DO)


  1. Click on <Purchasing> from Main Readysell Menu.
  2. Click on <Close> on Browse Purchase Order window

  1. Click on <Generate Orders> button on the top left

  1. It would be wise to clear all outstanding Purchase Orders before Generating new ones.
  2. Click on <Purge Order Work File>
  3. Then click on <Automated Regenerate Order Work File>

  1. Here you can select one supplier or a range of suppliers.
  2. Click on <OK>

  1. Select one of the following:
  • 1 – Min to Max
  • 2 – Or Min to max inc. Back orders
  • 3 – Or Min Levels
  • 4 – Or Min Levels Plus Sales Back Order
  • 5 – Or Sales back orders
  • 6 – Or Sales
  • 7 – Or Special Orders
  • 8 – Or Max Levels
  • 9 – Or Special Orders Manually Flagged to Reorder
  • 10 – Avg Weekly Sales
  • 11 – Copy Sales Backorders (Note, for Invoices SALINV)

NOTE: Most Stores use number 10. Average Weekly Sales

  1. Insert [Start Date]
  2. Insert [End Date]
  3. Insert time frame you want to keep stock for [Floor Stock Weeks]
  4. Leave the Minimum Weekly Sales at [0.90] minimum amount of product sold per weekly sales
  5. Click on <OK>

  1. Select either<"Print only Products to be ordered"> or <"Print all Products">

Use Print only products to be ordered if you only want to see what products you only want to order.
Use Print all products if you want to see why the system is not ordering some things but ordering others.

  1. Click on <Close> the query window

  1. The system then starts processing records. You don't need to click on anything in this screen

  1. The Print To screen then appears, Click on <OK>

NEVER click on <Cancel> UNLESS you want to exit this process and go back to the Menu Purchase Order Generation screen without previewing or printing anything.

  1. The screen "Making Report" appears. You don't need to click on anything in this screen

  1. The report now appears on the screen.
  2. <Print> the Report
  3. Look at the Ordered Column for the amounts generated to order.

4.2 Manual Rebuild of Order Work File from All Stock Movements (Optional)

IF you wish to manually generate orders for a supplier or multiple suppliers you can do so through this step.

  1. Click on <Manual Rebuild of order work file from all stock movements> on the Menu Purchase Order Generation screen
  2. Enter a [supplier code]
  3. This shows you, in various columns, the increases/decreases/reorders/etc details for the product highlighted.
  4. Highlight a "Product" and press <<Tab>> on your keyboard and manually enter the quantity you wish to order on that product in the Qty Ordered field on the bottom right.

  1. These orders will be added to your Order work file manually.
  2. Click on <Close>

Step 2

4.3 Print Reorder Work File (Optional)

You may choose to print the work file and check it or browse the purchase order work file on the screen.
Click on <Print Reorder Work File> on the Menu Purchase Order Generation screen

Step 3

4.4 Browse Purchase Order Work File – (MUST DO)

  1. You can make any changes to the products on order by site. This browse displays many features such as Lead time, Min order value, quantity ordered, price, value total per line, sales history of product, cost prices etc


4.5 Build Transfers From Work file (Optional)

  1. You need to have Purchase order work file split by site to run the build transfers from work file. This feature is Optional. If you wish to firstly transfer available stock on hand from your warehouse to the other sites before you generate an order file you may do so. This will generate a transfer from HO to Site and reduce stock on hand from Head Office and increase stock at the site in question.
  2. Build transfers needs to be run before you run the Consolidate Duplicate Products on Order File by site, as a supplier would prefer to see products consolidate by site rather than have products duplicated on a purchase order.


Consolidate duplicate products on Order file (multi site only)

  1. If you are Multi Site, this feature allows you to consolidate a product that appears more than once on the order work file for each site or to one site.

Step 4

Build Orders from Work File (MUST DO)

  1. Once you are happy with the work file and you have finished making relevant changes, click on <Step 4 Build orders from work file>. This step gives you your order number(s)

  1. Click on <-No>"Exit Now?" Window
  2. Click on <OK>on "Optional Common Supplier Override For Purchase Orders" window - making no selections if only 1 supplier selected during step 1
  3. Click on <1 – 1 Split orders by site>on the "Select A Option From The List Below" window
  4. Click on <1 – 1 Print Details>on the "Select A Option From The List Below" window
  5. Key in the [Start From Supplier Code] on the "Starting and Ending Supplier Range" window
  6. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
  7. Key in the [End At Supplier Code]
  8. Click on <OK>
  9. Click on <Close>on the "Saved Queries" window
  10. Click on <Generate Orders>on the "Select A Option From The List Below"
  11. Click on <-No>on the "Send a copy of the report to word" window
  12. The Generate Purchase Orders From Purchase Order Work File report views to screen.
  13. View the report, <Print> it and then <Close> and Exit out of the report.

Step 5

Browse and Edit Orders (MUST DO)

  1. Once "Step 4 - Build orders from work file" has finished then click on <Step 5 - Browse and Edit Orders> off the "Menu Purchase Order Generation" window.
  2. The last order numbers on the browse are the ones that have just been generated.
  3. You still have the ability here also to make changes to the orders if you wish by highlighting the "Purchase Order" you have just generated and clicking on <Change>

This shows you what's on the purchase order.
On Tab {2 General Cont.}

  • You can key in your [Order Reference]

On Tab {3 Importing}

  • You can enter the [Currency] if supplier is in another country

On Tab {4 Reorder Details}

  • It shows supplier details / Quantity On Hand / Minimum Order Quantity

On Tab {5 Notes}

  • You can key in any special delivery notes/special instructions for this purchase order

Click on <OK> to finish
Highlight this order, <Print> this order (Tab {9 Printing} <Print Purchase Order> and fax it to your supplier. Receiving Orders

5. How to Receive Orders

  1. Click on <Purchasing>from the Readysell Main Menu
  2. Highlight Purchase Order you wish to receive/invoice
  3. Click on<Receive/Invoice>

  1. "Copy Order Details" window appears.

  1. Copy outstanding order lines to receipt? Click on <+Yes>
  2. Select either"Use ex GST cost prices" OR "Estimate from Inc GST cost prices"

  1. Your receipting document will now appear on the "Changing Purchase Receipt" screen.

  1. Key in [Purchase Order Number]
  2. Key in [Purchase Order Reference]
  3. Key in [Supplier Invoice Date]
  4. Key in [Suppliers Invoice Reference]
  5. This receipting process allows you to
      1. Receipt stock only OR
      2. Receipt and invoice only OR
      3. To process the stock and the invoice together.
  6. Notice the Check boxes. Click on the Boxes to clarify what you are processing.
  7. Make changes to Quantity Received, Quantity Supplied
  8. Make Changes to Cost prices
  9. Click on <Default Value Invoiced To Computed Total>. Click on this to enter a computer-calculated figure in [Value Invoiced]. This figure will calculate the invoice according to the details on the computer. Quantities and Cost price changes made to this document will provide the source information for stock on hand receipts and Supplier Account Debits.
  10. Click on Tab {2 Notes and Promotions} These fields enable products to be identified with a promotion's special pricing.
  11. Click onTab {3 Pricing Changes} These buttons primarily affect changes in timing

You have now completed your Stock Receipt.

  1. Click on <OK>
  2. Notice: Confirm acceptance of this receipt – Purchase receipt is for site WHS and your site is WHS. Accept anyway?
  3. Ask's you to check that this receipt is for your site.
  4. Exit now? Abort Generation of Price Changes from receipts
  5. Click on <NO>
  6. Query screen appears
  7. Click on <Close>
  8. Notice: 1 Changes generated and allocated. Price change transaction #3
  9. Click on <OK>
  10. Exit Now: Abort deletion of Price Change Request
  11. Click on <NO>
  12. Exit Now? Last Chance?
  13. Click on <No>
  14. <Close> the query screen

N.B. There is warning on purchase receipts- where, upon entering purchase receipts and post purchase receipts, a check occurs to confirm all products on the receipt exist at the site.

Partly Receiving Orders

You can partly receive an order through the following methods.
Firstly ensure that the Supplier has "Back Order" Flag turned on in the supplier module.
Putting Stock on back order to a Supplier - if a product line is not fully received, change the quantity received column from the quantity order to reflect what was actually received.
The product line will then go onto back order for the supplier. To look up what orders have not been fully received on a Product, look in <Browse Order Lines>. (See "Browsing Order Lines" below)
Then use you [Default Calculated Computer Invoice Value] button to check that the stock receipt document agrees with your supplier invoice.

Receipting Lines From Other Orders

If a Supplier has back orders then it is helpful to look up all the back orders from a Supplier in one list when you are receipting a Purchase Order. For example some of our customers are members of the Danks buying group. Many Danks customers find that there is a considerable backlog of old Purchase Orders sitting on the system only partially received.
When a delivery is received and an incoming invoice is available you can pull up a list of the full backlog of un-received products and mark any that have come in on this present delivery. This is a very helpful facility.
Inside the purchase order or receipts screen simply click on the <Receipts Lines From Other Orders>. This will open the list of backordered stock. You can then Search for the product you require and when highlighted simply click on the <Mark> button and all those products thus marked will transfer back to the receipting document.

Raising A Stock Credit

IF the supplier invoice does not agree with the [Default Calculated Computer Invoice Value], an option is to leave the stock receipts document as the supplier has invoiced, and immediately raise a stock Credit for the discrepancy.
Make a note of the [Default Calculated Computer Invoice Value] (DCCIV) Is to use to check the Suppliers Invoice total less the stock Credit total is equal to the DCCIV.

Receiving Delivery Dockets

For further information – please documents

  • V7 Purchase Receipts 2 stages (existing purchase order) deldockets & invoices.doc
  • V7 Purchase Receipts only (no purchase order).doc

Proceed with normal Receipting stock from purchase order or straight stock receipting with no previous purchase order generation. See above.
It is possible in both scenarios to receive goods straight into stock without receiving the invoice.
IF only the received stock box is ticked you receive goods into stock from delivery dockets without processing cost price changes or processing the invoice to Creditors LedgerIf the invoice box and the receive stock box is checked you can receive stock and the invoice at the same time

Adjustments, Rounding And Rebates On A Receipt

If a Suppliers Invoice does not agree with the Default Calculated Computer Invoice Value check the following;

    1. Confirm that all cost price changes have been made
    2. Confirm all goods received quantities, have been amended.

IF the DCCIV total still does not equal the Suppliers Invoice check the following:


Create a product in your Product File called Rounding.
This rounding product needs to be set up as a non stock product, with re-order off and General Ledger Accounts set to there relevant Expense account, its own department re gp%, no sell prices, no cost price.
Any amounts that can be attributed to a rounding discrepancy can be put to the "Rounding Product". Insert a –1 or a 1 supply and the rounding amount.

Reversing a Purchase Receipt

If for some reason a purchase receipts needs to be reversed follow the steps below:

  1. Identify the purchase order in question and highlight it
  2. Click on <Receipts> Button to identify the Purchase receipt to wish to reverse
  3. Note down the purchase receipt number and <Close> out of browse purchase receipts
  4. You are now back on the Browse Purchase Orders with the Purchase order highlighted
  5. Click on "Receive Invoiced from a Receipt"
  6. "Order Fully Received and Invoiced. Receive Anyway?"
  7. Click on <Yes>
  8. Highlight the purchase receipt you wish to reverse
  9. Click on <Select>
  10. Then click on "EX GST" selection
  11. "Changing Purchase Order Receipt ex GST' window appears
  12. If you are reversing only the invoice side, then make sure the invoice flag is on and the receive flag is off
  13. If you are reversing only the stock side, then make sure the receive flag is on and the invoice flag is off
  14. If you are reversing both stock and invoice, then both the receive and invoice flag need to be on
  15. Make a [Note] in the notes field as to why you are reversing the transaction
  16. Arrow down to the [Qty Rec] field. Once again if you are reversing the stock then enter the qty in with a Minus (minus) sign in front.
  17. Arrow across to the [Qty Inv] field. Once again if you are reversing the invoicing side then enter the value in with a Minus (minus) in front.

Do this for all products

  1. Once Complete Click on <Default Value Invoiced to Computed Total>
  2. Notice the Value in the [Value Invoiced] field flips to a Minus value.
  3. Click on <OK> to accept the reversed purchase receipt

"Purchase receipt already exists" window appears

  1. Click on <Yes>

"Purchase receipt is for your site WHS" window appears

  1. Click on <Yes>

"Exit Now – Abort Changes of Prices Changes?" window appears

  1. Click on <Yes>

"Price changes aborted" window appears

  1. Click on <OK>

"Notice no price changes generated" window appears

  1. Click on <OK>

This will not only generate a reversed receipt, but depending upon which flag you had on re "Receive" or "Invoice" a movement is written to the archive and a transaction is written to the supplier open item.



For Trainee: _________________________

Basic Training Capabilities For Sales

Readysell Training


Self Study



  1. Browse & Search Customers







  1. Insert/Change/Delete/Copy Customer







  1. Change Customer Code







  1. Open item enquiries/Balances







  1. Inserting a Debit & Credit Note







  1. Inserting a Payment







  1. Payment Allocation & De-allocation







  1. Alternate Delivery Addresses







  1. Contract Pricing































Remember, use the <<*>> on your keyboard to enable you to draw on any system references relevant to many fields within the Customers Module.

Browsing Customers

        1. Click on <Customers> module on the Readysell Main Menu

This is the Customers module window

On this window you can use the ellipsis buttons as follows:

<move to the first record

move to the last record
<<move to next page
>>move to next page
>move record by record
<move record by record
Tab {1 Customers} Customer code is Alpha (not numeric)
Use this tab to search by Customer Code
Tab {3 Name}
Use this tab to search by Customer Name
Tab {5 Suburb}
Use this tab to search by Customer's Suburb
Tab {6 Contact Person}
Use this tab to search by Customer's Contact Person Name
Tab {7 Post Code}
Use this tab to search by Customer's Post Code
(note: Tab {2 Sort Name} can be used if a different name/details have been entered into the customers' sort name, and for searching on Telephone numbers [the phone numbers will need to be imported first by Readysell])

Inserting/Changing/Deleting/Copying a Customer

Use the <Insert> <Change> <Copy> buttons the create or change customers

          1. Click on <Insert>

Use your <<Enter>> button on your keyboard to move around the screens.
On Tab {1 General}

        1. Key in the [Customer Code]to be used for this customer (DO NOT LEAVE THIS AS A NUMBER)
        2. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
        3. Key in the [Customer Type] to be used if customer is on contract pricing – should be the same as customer code – needs to be set up in system administration. This is a Mandatory Field!
        4. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
        5. Key in customer's [Sort Name] can be any particular information you may use as an alternative search for customer
        6. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
        7. Key in customer's [Name] this has been made available in fields in the case where you may wish to enter in "Test Company trading as" "New Test Company"
        8. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
        9. Key in customer's [Postal Address] Delivery Address is set up on Tab {4 Delivery Address}
        10. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard

Customer Group – used for sales reports on regions etc
Promotion Type – example "G" Government – set up in system administration
Format for credits/delivery dockets/invoices etc – to be set up if individual layouts needed for this customer
Override Contract start & end dates – system will look here first if different to contract pricing on tab 6

Click on Tab {2 General (Cont.)}

        1. Key in [Telephone Numbers]
        2. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
        3. Key in [Contact People]their names
        4. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
        5. Key in [Job Description]of the above Contact People
        6. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
        7. Key in [Fax Numbers] for this Customer
        8. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
        9. Key in Customer's [Frequent Flyer Card]number if this customer has one
        10. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
        11. Key in customer's [Card Name] must be the same as customer's name
        12. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
        13. Select the [Customer's Pricing Markup Level] using the drop down box

25. Flag on or off "Customer Order Required" flag as on and this will not let you out of the Sales Customer (F2) window without you entering the Order number/reference for this order/invoice for this customer
26.Flag on or off"Disable Promotional Prices For This Customer" Flagged as on, this is used to disable any promotional pricing currently used in general for this customer only.
26. Key in customer's [ABN]number - this is a Mandatory Field, if you don't have the customer's ABN enter a full stop [.]
27. Select whether the customer will get "One Invoice Per Month" or "One Invoice Per Customer Order" by flagging your choice (use your mouse to click on it / use your space bar on your key board to click on it), usually "One Invoice Per Month" is selected.
One Invoice Per Month – gives you a break up of invoices with individual product lines per invoice. (This requires a set up by Readysell)
One Invoice Per Customer Order – when the picking slip is converted to an invoice and there is still stock on back order, a delivery docket prints instead of an invoice. The invoice will only print once all back orders have been released. (This requires a set up by Readysell)
Click on Tab {3 General (Cont. 2)}

  1. Key in [Payment Terms]for customer - accessed through system references
  2. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
  3. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard to skip Payment Days field
  4. Key in [Credit Limit] for this customer
  5. Press <<Enter>> on your keyboard
  6. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard to skip Early Payment Days field
  7. Press <<Enter>> on your keyboard to skip Early Payment Discount % field
  8. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard to skip Overdue Interest % field
  9. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard to skip Interest Amount field
  10. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard to skip Settlement Discount field
  11. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard to skip Date Created field
  12. Tag or Un-Tag "Disable Back Orders"depends on whether you want back orders to be created for this customer
  13. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard to skip Tax Certificate field
  14. Key in who the [Sales Person/Sales Rep] is for that customer
  15. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
  16. Key in [Sales area] accessed through system references used for reporting

Tab {4 General (Cont. 3)}

This tab allows you to fill in information about this customer's business. The number of staff, the type of business that it is, if it has a cost centre number or name relevant to you, if there is a parent company to them, and also if they do orders on the web.
It doesn't have to be filled in, however you may find that it helps to have that information in there when you may consider doing promotions etc. Click on Tab {5 Delivery Addresses}

If the Delivery Address is the same as the postal address...
Click on <Set Delivery Address To Postal Address>
If the Delivery Address is NOT the same as the postal address...
Key in the name of company and the delivery address for this customer.
If there are further delivery addresses that are not the same as above...
Click on <Alternate Delivery Addresses>
Insert the additional alternate delivery addresses.
This can also be used if the goods are to go to a specific person within this customer one day and then must be delivered to another person within this customer the next day etc. Click on Tab {6 Notes}

The 1st Notes screen are customer notes that show on the F2 Customer Sales window – to enter notes here simply click into this field and start typing remembering to save these notes by clicking on <OK> each time you exit out of the customer
Notes 2 screen are pop up notes that show up in the F2 Customer Sales window – to enter notes here simply click into this field and start typing remembering to save these notes by clicking on <OK> each time you exit out of the customer
You can use the <Edit> button which gives you variety in the type of font, the colour of the font, bolding, underlining, italic font, etc.

Tab {7 Notes Cont.}

The Notes3 screen are extra customer notes F2 Customer Sales window – to enter notes here simply click into this field and start typing remembering to save these notes by clicking on <OK> each time you exit out of the customer
Notes4 screen are notes further customer notes – to enter notes here simply click into this field and start typing remembering to save these notes by clicking on <OK> each time you exit out of the customer
You can use the <Edit> button which gives you variety in the type of font, the colour of the font, bolding, underlining, italic font, etc.
Tab {8 Contract Prices}

Special pricing on certain products for this customer you are currently in.
Note: there is a document that exists for contract pricing "V7 Contract Pricing In Readysell.doc".
You can download this from the Readysell website, or you may already have it in your Readysell Documents folder.
Tab {1 General}
Key in [Customer Type] as set up in your system references "Customer-Type" (sometimes left at [G] for Global so that the [G] can be inserted to the customer's to which this will apply)
Key in [Customer Code] if contract pricing is per customer
Press <<Enter>> on your keyboard
Key in [Department] or departments of where the products lie that will be applied in this contract pricing
Key in the [Product Code] that the contract price applies to (per product)
Press <<Enter>> on your keyboard
Key in the [Start Date] & [End Date] for this contract pricing
Either select a) [Pricing Markup Level] base your pricing on Markup Levels
b) [Discount Percent] based on Discount Percentage
c) [Markup Percent]based on a Markup Percentage
or d) [Specific Retail] based on Specific Retail Pricing
You can also select in conjunction with one of the above:
Minimum Qty To Get Contract Price
Click on <OK> to save this information and exit out to the "Changing A Customer" window
Click on <OK> to save this information and exit out to the "Browse Customers" window
Tab {2 General (Cont.)
Select the relevant flags from the list provided
Tab {9 Street Address}

This is the address of this customer/business your sales rep would go to if it different to the Postal Address and the Delivery Address.
If it is the same as the Postal Address – use the button <Set Street Address To Postal Address>
If it is the same as the Delivery Address – use the button <Set Street Address To Delivery Address>

3. Changing a Customer Code

          1. Highlight the Customer whose code you would like to change

On Tab {F2 Transactions}...

    1. Click on <Change Customer Code>

    1. Click on <Insert> to create a new code

    1. Key in the [Old Customer Code]
    2. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
    3. Key in the [New Customer Code]
    4. If the customer codes are to merge – Flag as On the "Allow Merge Of Old Customer To New Customer Even If New Customer Already Exists"
    5. Click on <OK>

    1. Click on <+OK>

    1. The change is shown above on the "Browse Code Change Triggers" window.

The Posting is done during the change.

4. Open Item Enquiries/Balances

Search for and highlight the customer whose open items you wish to look up

  1. Click on Tab {F5 Tab Enquiries}on the "Browse Customers" window
  2. Click on <Open Items>

  1. This window shows you all transactions unallocated/outstanding so far for this customer

"Show Fully Allocated Items"

  • This will show to screen all items that have been fully allocated

"Show all customers"

  • This will show all transactions for all customers

4. On the right hand side of the window, you will see the information that pertains to the information on table.

5. Inserting A Debit/Credit Note

Note well: debit/credit transactions entered via the customer's module will not effect physical stock on hand.
Debit/Credit transactions entered via the customer's module are usually miscellaneous expense general ledger transactions, for example: writeoffs, discounts, freight charges etc.
To do a reversal of a credit note, please enter a debit / Reversal of a debit note, please enter a credit note

  1. Click on <Transactions>on the "Browse Customers" window

  1. Click on <2 - Enter Value Inc GST And Calc GST>

  1. Select Transaction Code of either [Debit/Credit], press <<Enter>>
  2. Key in [Date] of debit/credit, Press <<Enter>>
  3. Key in [Description](why debit/credit?)/invoice numbers etc <<Enter>>
  4. Ignore [Tender Types] or debit/credit as they do not affect your bank, <<Enter>>
  5. This will now bring you into the Account section of this screen
  6. The GL Account will automatically be selected by the Readysell Program as to where the debit is to go to. If the GL account is not correct eg writeoffs <<*>> & draw on GL accounts to select correct account.
  7. Press <<Enter>> on your keyboard
  8. The description will automatically be skipped
  9. Key in the [Value] of the debit
  10. Press <<Enter>> on your keyboard
  11. Key in the [Discount] if applicable
  12. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
  13. Leave the Tax Code as [G]
  14. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
  15. Click on <OK>

6. Inserting a Payment

  1. Click on <Transactions>on the "Browse Customers" window
  2. Click on <2 - Enter Value Inc GST And Calc GST> on the "Select A Option From The List Below" window
  3. Key in Transaction Code of [Payment]
  4. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
  5. Key in [Date]of payment/date of cheque
  6. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
  7. Key in [Description](why debit?)/invoice numbers etc

NOTE: If the payment is by Cheque, another tab will ask for the cheque details and the cheque number will be brought across into the Description field.

  1. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
  2. Key in [Tender Type]if unsure of this Key in <<>>* on your keyboard
  3. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
  4. This will now bring you into the Account section of this screen
  5. The GL account will automatically select by the Readysell Program as to where the payment is to go to
  6. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
  7. The description will automatically be skipped
  8. Key in the [Value]of the debit
  9. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
  10. Key in the [Discount]if applicable
  11. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
  12. Leave the Tax Code as [E]
  13. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
  14. Click on <OK Allocate Now>
  15. If you accidentally allocate the payment to the wrong amount, <De-allocate> this payment and reallocate it to the correct amount.

Reversal of a Payment

The only difference is that you need to turn the "Check Sign Of Dissection Value" flag off. This will in turn make the value a positive value.
Now click on <OK Allocate Now> and allocate this reversal against the original amount that was put in wrong.

Payment Allocation & De-Allocation

  1. Click on <Allocate>on Tab {F2 Transactions}

  1. Key in [Period in YYYYMM format]
  2. Click on <OK>on "Enter Ending Financial Period" window

4. "Changing Customer Open Items" window appears
5. Invoices, Credits, Debits and Payments will all show on this window

Upon clicking on <Allocate Item> to allocate payments & credits made
Click on <Unallocate Item> to unallocate payments & credits

Upon clicking on <Allocate Item> to allocate debits and invoices not paid so far. Click on <Unallocate Item> to unallocate debits and invoices. The totals at the bottom must both be $0.00 in order for the system to let you out of this window. The "Allocate Amount By Period (Default Total Balance In Period)" amounts at the bottom show how much is currently outstanding awaiting payment.
You should allocate each payment to the corresponding invoice.

You can select the payment and to which invoices/debits they are to be allocated for example above, but the totals must still equal $0.00

8. Alternate Delivery Addresses

Click on Tab {4 Delivery Address}

  1. Key in the [delivery address]for this customer

If the deliver address is the same as the postal address...

  1. Click on <Set Delivery Address To Postal Address>

If there are further alternate delivery addresses for this customer...

  1. Click on <Alternate Deliver Addresses>

  1. Click on <Insert>

From here you can enter in alternate delivery addresses

  1. Key in [Customer Name]
  2. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
  3. Key in [Customer delivery address] the alternate address required
  4. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
  5. Key in [Telephone Number]for the alternate address
  6. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
  7. Key in [Fax Number]for the alternate address
  8. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
  9. Key in [Contact Person]for the alternate address
  10. Press <<Enter>> on your keyboard
  11. Key in [Email Address] for the alternate address
  12. Click on <OK>to save this record
  13. Click on <Close>on the "Browse Alternate Customer Delivery Addresses" window once you have finished entering any further alternate deliver addresses for this customer

Keywords (only available in Customers module)

You can insert Key Words by customer using <Customer Key Words> or by a mass number of customers <Mass Generate Of Keywords>
Keywords are used for printing up labels/reports based on customers who belong to a certain group or keyword. For example: you may only want to print envelope labels for those customers who are to receive catalogues. Keyword could be "Catalogue" for those customers.
As follows...

Click on/highlight your customer from the Browse Customers window
Click on <Customer Key Words>
Click on <Insert>
Key in a word for this customer and click on <OK>
You must make sure that the keyword exists in system reference "KEY-WORD"



For Trainee: _________________________

Basic Training Capabilities For Sales

Readysell Training


Self Study



  1. Browse & Search Suppliers/Creditors







  1. Insert/Change/Delete/Copy Supplier







  1. Change Supplier Code







  1. Open item enquiries/Balances







  1. Inserting a Debit & Credit Note







  1. Inserting a Payment







  1. Payment Allocation & De-allocation







  1. Alternate Delivery Addresses






































Browse & Search Suppliers/Creditors

Insert/Change/Delete/Copy Supplier

              1. To insert/change/delete/copy a Supplier use the <Insert> / <Change> / <Delete> / <Copy> buttons on the "Browse Suppliers" window.

2. Inserting/Changing a new Supplier

        1. Key in [Supplier] code
        2. Key in [Supplier's Name of Business]
        3. Key in [Supplier's Postal Address]
        4. Key in [Supplier's BSB] & [Supplier's Bank Account]
        5. Key in [Supplier's ABN]

Note: [Supplier Type] is on used for reporting & searches on "Browse Suppliers" window

        1. Click on Tab {2 General (Cont)}

        1. Key in [Your Customer Account Code With The Supplier]
        2. Key in [Supplier's Telephone numbers]
        3. Key in [Supplier's Fax numbers]
        4. Key in [Supplier's Contact Person(s)] & their [Contact Job Description]
        5. Key in [Supplier's Email Address(es)]
        6. The <Contact People> are for any extra contact people

        1. Click on Tab {3 General (Cont. 2)}

        1. Key in [Supplier's Country Currency] if this supplier is not located in Australia
        2. Key in [Payment Terms]
        3. Click on Tab {4 General (Cont. 3)}

        1. Tag or leave UnTagged "Back Order"
        2. Tag or leave UnTagged "Supplier On Stop"
        3. Tag or leave UnTagged "Qty Break Costs"
        4. Key in [Minimum Qty Break]
        5. Key in [Minimum Order Value]
        6. Tag or UnTag "Discount From List"
        7. Key in [Discount From List % 1]
        8. Key in [Discount From List % 2]
        9. Tag or UnTag "Rebates"
        10. Key in [Rebate % 1]
        11. Key in [Rebate % 2]

        1. Click on Tab {5 General (Cont. 4)}

        1. Key in [General Ledger Account]

Note: you should tidy up your Suppliers
Key in []* and press <<Enter>> on your keyboard to draw on your GL accounts. Select the relevant GL account for that specific supplier. (I.e. could be different GL account if Telstra etc). Check with your accountant or Readysell if you are unsure of what GL accounts to select for your suppliers.

        1. Click on Tab {6 Notes}

        1. Key in any [Notes] into this field for this Supplier

        1. Click on Tab {7 Delivery Address}

        1. Key in [Name of Business] where delivery is going to go to
        2. Key in [Street Address]
        3. Key in [Suburb]
        4. Key in [State]
        5. Key in [Post Code]


        1. Click on <Set Deliver Address To Postal Address> if they are the same address.

This will save you filling in all the above details if the address is the same.

        1. Click on <OK> when you are finished entering in all Supplier details


        1. Click on <Delete> on "Browse Suppliers" window

"Delete A Record From The SUPPLIER File" window appears.

        1. Enter the [Password]
        2. Click on <+OK> This will bring you back to the "Browse Suppliers" window


        1. Highlight Supplier you wish to copy on "Browse Suppliers" window

        1. Click on <Copy> on "Browse Suppliers" window

"Adding A Supplier" window appears with current Supplier as selected

        1. The Supplier Code field will appear as empty.
        2. You can now key in the New Supplier Code and any new details for this copied Supplier

3. Change Supplier Code

  1. Click on <Change Supplier Code>

  1. "Browse Code Change Triggers" window appears
  2. Click on <Insert>

  1. "Inserting A Trigger" window appears
  2. Key in [Old Supplier Code] do NOT leave this field as blank
  3. Press <<Enter>> on your keyboard
  4. Key in [New Supplier Code]do NOT leave this field as blank
  5. Flag as on "Allow Merge Of Old Supplier To New Supplier Even If New Supplier Already Exists" if you are merging an old supplier code to a new/existing supplier code
  6. Click on <OK>

Click on <+OK> and the Post Triggers runs automatically

  1. Click on <Close> once you have finished changing Supplier Codes
  2. This returns to the "Browse Suppliers" window

4. Open Item Enquiries/Balances

Search for and highlight a Supplier whose Open Items you wish to view
Click on Tab {F4 Enquiries}
Click on <Open Items>

This window shows you all transactions unallocated so far for this customer
"Show Fully Allocated Items"

  • This will show to screen all items that have been fully allocated

"Show all customers"

  • This will show all transactions for all customers

On the right hand side of the window, you will see the information that pertains to the information on table.

5. Inserting a Debit & Credit Note

              1. Click on <Transactions> located on Tab {F2 Transactions}

              1. Click on <2 - Enter Value Inc GST And Calc GST>

              1. Select Transaction Code of either [Debit/Credit], press <<Enter>>
              2. Key in [Date]of debit/credit, Press <<Enter>>
              3. Key in [Description](why debit/credit?)/invoice numbers etc <<Enter>>
        1. Ignore [Tender Types] or debit/credit as they do not affect your bank, <<Enter>>
        2. This will now bring you into the Account section of this screen
        3. The GL Account will automatically be selected by the Readysell Program as to where the debit is to go to
        4. Press <<Enter>> on your keyboard
        5. The description will automatically be skipped
        6. Key in the [Value]of the debit
        7. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
        8. Key in the [Discount]if applicable
        9. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
        10. Leave the Tax Code as [G]
        11. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
        12. Click on <OK>

Inserting a Payment

  1. Click on <Transactions>on the "Browse Customers" window
  2. Click on <2 - Enter Value Inc GST And Calc GST> on the "Select A Option From The List Below" window
  3. Key in Transaction Code of [Payment]
  4. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
  5. Key in [Date]of debit
  6. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
  7. Key in [Description](why debit?)/invoice numbers etc
  8. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
  9. Key in [Tender Type]if unsure of this Key in "*" on your keyboard
  10. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
  11. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
  12. This will now bring you into the Account section of this screen
  13. The GL account will automatically select by the Readysell Program as to where the payment is to go to
  14. Press <<Enter>> on your keyboard
  15. The description will automatically be skipped
  16. Key in the [Value]of the debit
  17. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
  18. Key in the [Discount]if applicable
  19. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
  20. Leave the Tax Code as [E]
  21. Press <<Enter>>on your keyboard
  22. Click on <OK>

You should really allocate as you go by clicking on <OK Allocate Now>
This would then take you to the allocations window as shown on the next 3 pages

Payment Allocation & De-allocation

  1. Click on <Allocate>on Tab {F2 Transactions}

  1. Key in [Period in YYYYMM format]
  2. Click on <OK>on "Enter Ending Financial Period" window

4. "Changing Supplier Open Items" window appears
5. Invoices, Credits, Debits and Payments will all show on this window

Upon clicking on <Allocate Item> to allocate payments & credits made
Click on <Unallocate Item> to unallocate payments & credits

Upon clicking on <Allocate Item> to allocate debits and invoices not paid so far
Click on <Unallocate Item> to unallocate debits and invoices
The total at the bottom must be $0.00 in order for the system to let you out of this window.
The "Allocate Amount By Period (Default Total Balance In Period)" amounts at the bottom show how much is currently outstanding awaiting payment.
You should allocate each payment to the corresponding invoice.

You can select the payment and to which invoices/debits they are to be allocated for, but the totals must still equal $0.00

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