The browse window queries tab

The browse window queries tab

Tab – {Queries}
An example of the query tab in a browse – as shown below:

This button lets you narrow down and view the actual information only that you want to see in the browse.
This button lets you alter the columns in the browse so that you can view the information in the order that you want to see it.
This button lets you modify the view and then save it as your own so that next time you come back to the Readysell program you can choose your own customised view.
NOTE: Current bug in Define Views is that when you create the view, you may have to rename it again by highlighting that blank view clicking on <Rename>, as the bug currently lets the name of the view go through for the first entry of views as "(Blank)". Any views created after that will have no problems. This is currently under investigation by Readysell and will be fixed shortly.
Examples as follows (shown in the Supplier module):
QUERY button

On Tab {Queries}
Click on <Query>

If the query does not already exist, click on <New>

Search for field and Highlight it – in this example: SUPPLIER:Supplier Code
Click on <Next>

Select/highlight query operation – in this example: Is Equal To
Click on <Next>

Key in value – in this example: TESTSUP (this is the supplier code)
Click on <Next>

Query is presented to you. If this is not correct, click on <Change> and make any changes necessary. Once completed, click on <Finish>

Click on <Yes>

Key in the Query Description or name – in this example: One Customer
Click on <OK>

The browse now only shows the supplier that we made the query for.
To reset the screen to show all suppliers again, click on <Reset>
You can use this query button to find suppliers with a certain post code, with certain contact people, banks with a certain bank, with a certain country, by date created, etc. You are only limited by the fields available to you in the query screen.
You can Modify existing queries by clicking on <Query>, highlight the query you wish to change, click on <Modify>, make any changes (for example using the above query – to see another supplier, modify the query One Supplier and <Change> the supplier code)
You can Copy an existing query if you wish to keep the existing query and create a new one the same as that query but adding more to the query.
You can use the option of renaming the query to something else by – clicking on <Query>, click on <Rename> and click on <Save>

Click on <Modify View>

You can <Add>, <Remove>, reshuffle around the fields into the order you wish them to be in <Arrow Up> <Arrow Down>
Click on <Apply> once you have made the changes you require.

The columns in the browse are now appearing how you selected them to be.
Note: using the <Modify View> button only changes the screen for the time that you are in the module that you changed the browse.
Once you close the module and reopen it, the modified changes you made will not be saved at all.
This is a temporary modification to the browse window.
To reset the view back to it's default, click on <Reset View>


Click on <Define Views>

Create a New view defined by whatever you want to call it.
Click on <New>

Key in your name or the name of the view as you want to call it. Note: it should be something that you remember this view by. By using your name you are customising it to be your own personal view.
Click on <OK>

You can <Add>, <Remove>, reshuffle around the fields into the order you wish them to be in <Arrow Up> <Arrow Down>
Click on <OK> once you have made the changes you require.

Your view now appears as saved.
Click on <Select>

The columns now appear as the view you defined it as.
Note: Down the bottom of this screen…"Views: Sharon"
This is the view currently showing.

To Reset the view click on <Reset View> This sets the screen back to the default view.
If you want to change it back to your saved view…
Click on Scroll down button on Views (bottom of the screen)
Scroll down to and click on (what it was that you save the defined view as)

For this example, click on "Sharon"
This sets the view back to your defined view.

Views at the bottom of the screen, reads as the view that you have selected.
NOTE: that when you close down the module and reopen it, it remembers the last view set for this screen. You still also have the option of selecting your defined view.
When you open up readysell on another PC or on another login, you still have the option of selecting your defined view.
To make any changes to this existing view, click on <Define Views>, Highlight the name of the view, click on <Modify>, make any changes, click on <OK> and re <Select> the view again.
Once again, to reset the screen back to it's default, click <Reset View>

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