Customer ranking

Customer ranking

Customer Ranking
This can be run by you.
From the Readysell Main Menu

Click on <Customers>

On Tab {F2 Transactions}
Click on <Recalculate Customer Ranks>

Key in the start and end dates for when the ranking to look at
Click on <OK>

Key in the Financial Period in the format of YYYYMM
Click on <OK>

For all customers, the system adds up all the sales – you don't need to do anything here

It now clears any old existing ranks for customers – you don't need to do anything here

Select which printer you will be printing from
Click on <OK>

The report generates – you don't need to do anything here

The report previews to screen
Review and print the report if you wish, otherwise just close without printing.

The ranking now shows for each of your customers based on sales.
(You may have to use the "custom views" drop down screens to show your ranking column where you want it to on the screen.)