Mass updating contract pricing end dates

Mass updating contract pricing end dates

Mass Updating Contract Pricing End Dates
From the Readysell Main Menu

Click on <Customers>

On Tab {F6 Associated Files}
Click on <Mass Change Contract Prices>
Scroll down the next 2 pages for different examples of how you can update the End Contract Date.

Example: – If this is for ALL Customers using all sorts of Customer Types and all Customer Codes...
Turn ON Flag "Change Any Global Contract Prices That Apply To All Customers". If not, leave the flag OFF
Make the "Start At Customer Type" field blank and "End At Customer Type" field as ZZZZZZZZ – meaning all contracts using all Customer Types.
Make the "Start At Customer" field blank and the "End At Customer" field as ZZZZZZZZZ – meaning for all customers with contracts based on Customer Codes.
Click on <OK>
Example: – where the change is only for one customer with contracts based on Customer Code

Click on <OK>
Example: – where the change is only for one customer Type

Click on <OK>

You are then advised of how many changes have been made based on the type of change you have made.
Click on <+OK>

You are then taken back to the Customers Browse window.
The process is now finished.