Customer open item charts

Customer open item charts

Readysell can produce Charts in summary that extract by Transaction Code by Period the Dollar Value for each transaction type for the date range selected.
This chart is colour coded by Transaction Type.

  1. Log onto Readysell
  2. Search and highlight the customer in question
  3. Click on Tab 7 Charts
  4. Click on Open Items Current Customer Tab

  1. Pop up window appears for you to enter the Data Parameters

Enter Start Date in DDMMYY
Enter End Date in DDMMYY

  1. Click on OK to accept the date range parameters

A Readysell Graph Window with open with two Tabs for the customer that has been selected.

  • Tab 1 Graph
  • Tab 2 Data

Tab 1 GRAPH - shows the results for the customer selected for the date range entered.

  • This Chart is colour coded for each transaction code for each Period in question.
  • The periods are displayed across the bottom of the Chart.
  • The Dollar value is on the left hand side of the chart for each transaction code for each period.

So from the above chart for EG you can see that for Harvery World Travel, the Dollar Value for Period 201405 (May 2014) is listed below :

  • CUSCRE = $80 (Customer Misc Credits)
  • CUSPAY = $0 (Customer Payments received)
  • SALCRD = $0 (Sales Credits)
  • SALINV = $0 (Sales Invoices).

However for the Period of June 201306 (June 2013) the result is:

  • CUSCRE = $0 (Customer Misc Credits)
  • CUSPAY = $45 (Customer Payments received)
  • SALCRD = $0 (Sales Credits)
  • SALINV = $91.95 (Sales Invoices).

TAB 2 DATA – Shows the result in summary by Transaction Code, Value and Period for the Customer and date range selected.
The Data here is sorted by Transaction Type from the most current period.

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