Transitioning debtors and creditors to Readysell Lite

Transitioning debtors and creditors to Readysell Lite


Readysell does not import existing debtor or creditor balances into Readysell lite. As a result you have to follow a procedure for transitioning debtors and/or creditors to Readysell Lite.

The recommended procedure is to start Readysell Lite with no debtor or creditor balances. Then pay out the existing balances in your old system over time. This will require you to print two statements for your customer for a period of time until the full balance on your old system have been completely paid.

Once the balance in your old system is zero for debtors and creditors. You can start just entering payments into Readysell only.

Make sure payments for debtor and creditor open items in your old system are entered into your old system only! Also make sure payments for Readysell Lite are entered into Readysell Lite. It is very common for sites to get this mixed up and end up with unbalanced information in both Readysell Lite and your old system!

If you are using Readysell bank reconciliations you have to:

  • Enter only the part of each payment that relates to your old system into your old customer or supplier system
  • Enter the FULL amount of each payment into Readysell. Split as follows:
    • Only the amount of the payment that relates to debtors or creditors are entered into the debtors or creditors transaction in Readysell
    • The Balance (full amount  of the payment less amount that relates to Readysell debtors or creditors) needs to be entered as a bank deposit. This is equal to the part of the payment, if any, that had to be entered into the old system. EG you receive a payment for $100 of which $20 is for the old system and $80 is for Readysell. Enter a customer payment against the customers card for $80 and $20 as a bank deposit, dating both the same date, same tender, dissect the bank deposit against the gl account of trade debtors with tax code = NTE

if you are going to be using the General Ledger and you bring over your opening balance via general ledger journal, then the above Readysell banking will work for you.

If you are not going to be using General ledger, then when you insert the bank deposit you will need to dissect the value against another general ledger account and not trade debtors.

Dates are important. Make sure you date:

  • all payments entered into your OLD system and Readysell to a date AFTER the go live date.
  • do not date any payments before the go live date. As doing so would change your opening balances. Making balancing the cut over figures very difficult.


Customer Payments Received via Direct Deposit onto a Bank statement

  1. Working off a bank statement, reconcile and work out what direct deposits should be entered into which system.
  2. Insert the payment onto the right system, correct customer card, dating it as per the bank statement date and allocate the payment against the outstanding open items
  3. Run a list of customer payments of both system or a bank deposit report and reconcile back to the bank statement.

Customer Payments received either in a form of Cash/Eftpos or Cheque

  1. Work out what payment belongs onto what system. Insert the payment onto the right system, correct customer card, dating it the date received with the correct tender method and then allocate the payment against the outstanding open items
  2. Run a list of customer payments off both system or a bank deposit report and reconcile back to the physical amount received.
  3. Bank your cash and cheques and settle your eftpos device

Supplier Payments made via electronic lodgement

  1. Work out which supplier open items needs to be paid from each system
  2. Run a list of supplier open items from each system and reconcile back to the supplier statement
  3. Pay each supplier from each system, dating, tendering correctly and allocating against outstanding open items 
  4. Run a supplier payments list view or report and check the payments made before making the payment directly from the bank account.

Customer Trial Balance

Run a customer summary trial balance from each system

In Readysell:

  1. Log onto Readysell>reports>form reports>customer trial balance summary F-017
  2. Highlight one of the Parameters and click 'show report using parameter'
  3. Enter start and end date
  4. Report will appear to screen

Supplier Trial Balance

Run a supplier trial balance summary from each system

In Readysell:

  1. Log onto Readysell>reports>form reports>supplier trial balance summary F-019
  2. Highlight one of the Parameters and click 'show report using parameter'
  3. Enter start and end date
  4. Report will appear to screen

Customer Statements 

Run statement from both systems until there are no open items outstanding in the old system

In Readysell you extract a customer Statement Email Batch run, or you can run statements manually from cards or Form Report based upon what the statement method is set on the customers card.
If you have some of your customers set to Print Statement then you will need to run the statements from within the Form Report see link Statement of Account  Statement of Account (with Remmittance)
If you have customers setup to email, you can run the Statements Email Batch see link Sending customer statements using an email batch via Email and/or SMS

Running Statement from within Cards

  1. Log onto Readysell > Cards
  2. Drop the top filter and select 'Customers with balances"
  3. Highlight each customer individually and click on Show in Report and select the right statement layout
  4. The statement will appear to screen, click on one of the email options from the previewer
  5. Check the email address
  6. Click on Send

Balancing your debtors and creditors trial balances to your general ledger when all debtors and creditor balances from your old system have been paid.

If you are using bank reconciliations in Readysell Lite. You need to enter payments to your old system as debtor/ payments into your old system and enter the part of the payment that is not for debtors/creditors into Readysell as bank deposits dissected against debtors or creditors. If debtors or creditors accounts are not available you need to add those accounts to the cbkpay transaction type.

If you are also using general ledger in Readysell Lite. Your general ledger debtors/creditors balance will not line up with your debtors/creditors open items until you have paid all of the debtors/creditors outstanding in your old system. The cash book payments above will be reducing your general ledger debtor/creditor balances from the old system. When the old system debtors and creditors are paid in full. Your debtors and creditors trial balances should agree to your general ledger debtors and creditors accounts.

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