Planning your automated printing setup

Planning your automated printing setup

Both Readysell and Readysell Lite customers need to book in a one hour session with the IT team implementing your Readysell system to setup automated printing for your workstations:

  • Point of sale workstations have different automated printing options depending on having 40 column receipt printers
  • You need to have your bar code scanners setup on a trial basis, you should use coms mode scanners at POS and for stock receipting if you can, it is a lot faster to process transactions with coms scanners as you don't have to bother about where on the screen you are when you scan
  • For POS workstations you also setup operator codes and automatic stock adjustments
  • For POS workstations you should also organize Tyro units to handle EFT when cards are tendered at sales
  • Back office workstations have different printing options than POS
  • Warehouse workstations may require automatic printing of consignment notes
  • Automatic warehousing has it's own automatic printing options for full Readysell sites with reasonable stock control

There are automatic email options to consider as well for full Readysell around automatic email of invoices at end of day. Readysell lite can automatically email customer invoices as the sale is processed

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