How to create quotes

How to create quotes

From the Readysell Main Menu,

Click on + Sales Orders

From the Browse Sales Orders window, click on Insert

In the Customer field key in the customer code of QUOTE
In the Name field (next to the customer field) key in the name of the customer or if it is a business, key in the business name
In the Order field key in (if you have not yet recorded the customer's actual name) the customer's name. If you have already keyed in the customer's name, key in their phone number into this field.
In the Reference field key in the customer's phone number, if you have already used this field then just leave this blank.
In the delivery street address 1 field key in the customer's ABN. If they do not want it recorded or do not have an ABN, just key in their address details.
In the delivery street address 2 field, if you haven't already recorded the address, do this now in this field.
Key in the Suburb the address is in
Click on +OK

Before you key in any details into the sales screen...
On your keyboard hit Alt and F5
This will bring up the Enter A Sales Transaction..... Current Transaction Code window
Click on Quote and click on +OK

Now key in your Operator Code
Hit Enter on your keyboard
Now key in the products you wish to quote on, key in their quantities (it jumps straight to supplied field, this will automatically update the Ordered field for you)

Change any pricing using either the Price including GST, or on Tab Additional Line Fields, use the Price Ex Tax or GP percent.
Notice that the line you are changing the pricing on (if using the Additional Line Fields tab fields) partly disappears from the screen to let you know which product you are changing the pricing on.

Once you key in the amount, make sure you hit enter or tab on the keyboard to make the field action the change for you.
Once you have finished keying in the products and changed any pricing, and added any notes that you wish to add either through line notes Additional Line Fields tab attaching them to a product or through Alt F2 Shipping notes, click on +OK
What prints off (depending on what data you entered and changed) will look something along the lines of...

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