How to create a service charge

How to create a service charge

How to Create a Service Charge.
From the Readysell Main Menu...
Click the <Sales Orders>
Click <close> on the Browse Sales Orders Screen.

Click on <Specials>
From the Special Orders Browse click <Insert>

From the <General> enter...

  • Operator Code
  • Enter Transaction Code. – SALSPL- Is a Replacement Product. SALREP- Is a product repair.
  • Customer Code
  • Serial number.
  • Enter Supplier Code – This is the supplier that repair or replaced the product.
  • If required insert a note in the notes field regarding the Special order or Product repair.

Please note; if there is no serial number entered from point of sale you would have to create one by entering a * and press the <TAB> button on the keyboard then click <Insert>.

From <General> tab enter...

  • Serial Number.
  • Customer Code.

Once entered all information hit the <OK> button on adding a serial number screen and from the Browse Serial Number screen hit <Select>.

From the <Products And Actions> you have to insert a product by clicking on the <Insert> button and enter the quantity and Value of the product.
Once all products are entered, from the <Actions> tab you can select either;
Generate Supplier Stock Credit – This will create a credit for the supplier.
Generate Sales Invoice – This prints an Invoice out.
Generate And Open Sales Invoice – This will take you to the sales screen to generate a Sale.
Generate Stock Adjustment - This adjusts the stock count.
Generate Sales Credit – This prints a credit out.
Generate And Open Sales Credit - This will take you to the sales screen to generate a Credit.
Generate Stock Transfer – This will allow you to transfer stock to other stores.
Generate Account Receipt – By clicking on this button this will take you to the sales screen to create an account sale.
Generate Purchase Receipt – Allows you to create a Purchase receipt.
Generate Purchase Order – This allows you to create a purchase order.
Once you have completed the service charge you press the OK button.

From the Special Orders Browse click on the <Special Order One Only>

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