Scan check and variance procedures for purchase receipting

Scan check and variance procedures for purchase receipting

Scan Check and Variance Procedures for Purchase Receipting
Normal Purchase Receipt Scanning2-7
Pending A Partly Scanned Receipt 8-12
Scanning Variances13-16 Normal Purchase Receipt Scanning

Click on <Purchasing>

Find the purchase order and click on <Receive/Invoice>

Click on <+Yes>

Click on <1 – Use ex GST cost prices (Recommended)>

Click on <Scan Receipts>

Make sure you have clicked into the [Check Product] field
Start Scanning your products you have received.

When you have finished...Click on <+OK>

Click on <+Yes>
This will update the amounts received in that you have scanned to show on the purchase receipt.

Key in the date the goods were received in the [Suppliers Invoice Date] field
Make sure there is the supplier's invoice number in the [Suppliers Invoice Reference] field
Make sure that the Value Invoiced field has its value calculated by YOU clicking on <Default Value Invoiced To Computed Total>
Also make sure that the flags for "Receive Stock" and "Invoice" are turned ON only IF you are finalising the receipt.
Make sure that the products, quantities and cost ex fields reflect that which is on the invoice from the supplier. You may need to change back the scanned quantities to match those that are on the supplier invoice. (IF there is a variance, the scanning variance report will show this for someone there to do a credit request to the supplier – see pages 13 – 16). Finish as you would a normal purchase receipt.
Click on <OK>

Click on <+Yes>
This then takes you back to the "Browse Purchase Orders Avail." window ready for you to receive your next lot of goods.

If you are not receiving any more of the products on that purchase order, and the purchase order is now deemed as completed (The supplier may let you know that they are not able to supply the rest of the goods)...

Open up the purchase order
On tab {2 General Cont.} make sure the flag for Fully Updated is flagged as on (if all relevant goods have been received on that purchase order). This will remove the purchase order from the outstanding purchase order list in the Browse Purchase Orders window.
If the supplier has supplied all goods leaving nothing outstanding, you will NOT have to action this flag inside the purchase order, the system does this for you.

Pending A Partly Received Purchase Receipt Scan

Click on <Purchasing>

Find the purchase order and click on <Receive/Invoice>

Click on <+Yes>

Click on <1 – Use ex GST cost prices (Recommended)>

Click on <Scan Receipts>

Make sure you have clicked into the [Check Product] field
Start Scanning your products you have received.

When you have finished...Click on <+OK>

Click on <+Yes>
This will update the amounts received in that you have scanned to show on the purchase receipt.

Key in the date the goods were received in the [Suppliers Invoice Date] field
Make sure there is a full stop in the [Suppliers Invoice Reference] field
Also make sure that the "Receive Stock" and "Invoice" flags are left OFF
Click on <OK>
To retrieve that purchase receipt and finalise it
Click on <Receipts> on the Browse Purchase Orders window, find the Outstanding receipt and click on <Change>, make sure the flags are on for Receive Stock and Invoice. Make sure Date and Suppliers Invoice Reference have been filled in. Check off quantities and cost ex values and Default the total value. Click on <OK>

Click on <+Yes>
This then takes you back to the "Browse Purchase Orders Avail." window ready for you to receive your next lot of goods.
Scanning variances
From the Readysell Main Menu, Click on <Purchasing>
Turn the flag on for "Show Only Outstanding Orders"

Find the purchase order you are looking for and click on <Scans>

All scans for this purchase order are now showing.
Select the scan you wish to run your variance report on.
Click on <Variance Report>

Step 1. If the report already exists, left click on it and click on <Select> (Click on <New> if no report exists as yet)
Skip to Step 4 at the bottom of page 15 if the report already exists.

Step 2. Key in the name you want to give this report and click on <OK>

Step 3. On the left are fields for you to choose from.
Add all fields to this report by clicking on Add-> many times over until the left side is blank

You can use the Up and Down arrows to move the fields to the positions you want them in.
Click on <OK>

Step 4. This new report is now highlighted
Click on <Select>

Click on <Close>

Report now previews to screen. Print it off and highlight the variance for the relevant person to put in a credit request if the supplier is not going to supply the incorrectly supplied goods.