Product conversion review report

Product conversion review report

Product Conversion Review Report
From the Readysell Main Menu

Click on <Report Wizard>

You will either get the above window instantly,
You might get the old reports window.
If you get the old reports window, in the bottom right hand corner is another button <Report Wizard> - click on <Report Wizard>

Use the drop down box to select "PRODUCTS"

Scroll down and find Report "ProductConversionReviewReport"
Left click on it and then click on <Run Highlighted Report>
You can use a query to show only one supplier or department etc.
If you want all products then click on <Close>

The report then runs (you don't need to do anything with this window, it will disappear in a matter of seconds)

The report outputs to the window.
Click on <Send To (Print Report)>

Select to save it as a "File"
Save it as an "Excel" spreadsheet
Click on the ellipses button to select where to save it to.

Select where to save this to using the above window.
Use the [File Name] field to KEY IN THE NAME of this spreadsheet file.
Click on <Save>

Now you have saved the path for the file
Click on <Save>

The excel spreadsheet is now generating.
This will take a little while depending on the size of your product file, the query you may or may not have used, and whether or not you are running this from your server. (Reports always run much faster on the server)

The report gives you all details you need to review your products. This is not only good for conversions but also for reviewing your current product file to check GP and Average Cost (the Value On Hand column).

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