Installing TeamViewer on a workstation
Installing TeamViewer on a workstation
Currently we are used TeamViewer as a support tool to gain access to the workstations. In the steps provided below will allow to in the program.
- Into a web browser, type in "http:/readysell.com.au/teamviewer". This will present a page which will help you installed the program. It will also provided other steps which are required complete.
The site look like this. - With the link provided, click on the " Download and Install the TeamViewer Host " which will be begin the download of the TeamViewer host software.Once it has finish downloading, a message message will appear to run the installer.
- The next screen with appear to proceed which the installation, no advance option required.
- Accept the condition and click next.
- At this point of time, the install will ask to select out of a list of option for what version of the software to install. please select "Company/Commercial use". Once this is completed and installed. The installed will closed and the following screen with the program.
- Click "next" on the page above and continue with the setup. Enter the Computer name and the password to access the system. The password to enter in "abc123" as Readysell will change it later.
- Please Click "allow and finish" to applied Readysell settings.
- Once this complete the TeamViewer will appear on the screen. Click on the option icon to complete the next step.
Inside option, select "Security" and ticket the flag mark to grant access for Readysell member. Once this complete contact Readysell support to complete other parts of security setup for the TeamViewer program.
TeamViewer Random Password Security Set-up:
The Readysell passwords is encrypted 16 character and held in LastPass not to be used other than Readysell
You can use the following instructions
- right click on Team-viewer icon bottom right corner next to Time use the arrow to show more icons if you can't see it
- left click options from the pop up menu
- select security from the menu left hand side of the Team-viewer window
- in details on the right hand plane select Password Strength from the drop down arrow
- We suggest selecting Secure (6 characters)
- OK the bottom button
- then left click Team-viewer to bring up the window now you have a
- Your ID
- Password
feed Your ID and password to the required support agent
You can also find a detailed view of this on www.readysell.com.au other documents Windows support
, multiple selections available,
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