Mobile CE unit guide

Mobile CE unit guide

Readysell Mobile Unit

This is what the window looks like when you log onto the PDE unit.

Updating the Readysell CE unit program2-2
Products – Update Product Sites 3- 4
Purchasing – Browse Purchase Order Scans 5- 10
Stock Put Away- From Purchase Receipt11 - 12
Stock Location Look up12 - 13
Sales – Insert A Held Sale 14- 17
Sales – Paperless Picking 18- 22
Stocktake – Browse Stocktakes 23- 27
Browse SALORD Screen Colour Coding28 - 28
How To Set Up System References 29 - 29

When Your Hand Held Unit Is Updated

When an update has come through for your handheld unit, the above message appears.
Click on <OK>
Then the update will appear on screen.
Once the update is complete,
You are asked if you want Readysell Mobile reloaded – select <Yes>
You are then taken back to the desk top.

Double click on the "ReadysellMobile" icon to start using it again.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are not connected to the wireless Readysell will not open and you will receive error message. On most units when connected to the wireless it will display green. Products – Update Product Sites (Changing Product Details)

  1. Click on <Products> General details on the product

Use the <Search> buttons to search for an
alternate Location, Supplier or Department

Pricing on the product Levels 1 – 6Pricing on the product Levels 5 – 10

  1. Enter the Product Code or scan in the bar code into the search field and enter. Make the relevant changes to the details available on this window and the remainder of the 2 tabs

Image file of this product Notes on the product

  1. And click on <OK> to accept the changes.

  1. If you should require a label to print then click on the check box for "Print Label".

  1. And then Click on <OK> when finished.

  1. For precaution if you have forgotten to generate the labels by selecting the "Products – Generate Labels for Selected Products" once you close out of the Mobile Unit, the generate labels process will automatically run giving you a batch number. If you choose to have different batch numbers then manually run this process as per instructions below.

  1. All labels generated will flow through to the Product Transactions Module under Product Labels whereby you can make changes and print them.

  1. All changes made via this hand held unit in the Products section is online to Readysell and updates are automatic. Purchasing – Browse Purchase Order Scans

This feature is able to perform 3 functions

  1. Produce a variance report comparing stock actually received against receipts and orders
  2. Generate a purchase receipt and leave it outstanding within readysell
  3. Create a purchase order which updates Readysell with that purchase order number

  1. To scan Orders/Products which have been received in the warehouse click on <Purchase Scans>
  2. Firstly the order is entered into Readysell and sent off to the supplier.

  1. Enter the purchase order number assigned to the goods you are receipting.

  1. Once the goods are received you can scan the products into the PDE unit and enter the quantity received and click on <OK>

  1. Follow the next few steps to make this happen

  1. Click on <New Scan>

If you are creating a new receipt by doing a New Scan...

  1. Select the purchase order6.Click on "Create New Receipt"

Click on <OK>

  1. The details of the purchase receipt8.Tab {Products} shows the products on the

show as above. purchase order to be received.

  1. Scan each of the products in, the quantity10. As you scan each product it keeps adding

Changes each time you scan the product on the quantities. Click on <OK> when done.

11. You are prompted that your receipt has12.You are now prompted that your scan has
now been created. Click on <OK> been successfully created. Click on <OK>

13. The completed scans appear on the next14.To change an existing scan, highlight the scan
window. receipt, click on <Change>

15.Click on Tab {Products}16. Find the line you are wanting to change.

17.Change the quantity and click on <OK> 18.You are then brought back to the Purchase
18. Screen comes up "Update Receipt"scans screen. Use the <X> to close out of here
Click on <YES>when you are finished.

The purchase receipt will show in the Purchase Receipts window
Purchasing – Scans Module Within Readysell

  1. From the Readysell Main Menu

  1. Click on <Purchasing>

  1. The <Scans> button is located bottom right hand side, click on it.

  1. Everything that had been scanned via the PDE Unit you can browse from here.

  1. You also have the option to browse the scan lines; run the variance report; generate the receipt; insert, change or delete a transaction.

Stock Put Away
The Stock Put Away function gives the ability for Pickers/Packers to pack stock from a Purchase receipt.

1.Click <Stock Put Away>2.Select <Picker> and press <OK>

3. Select the <Receipt> 4. Scan a <Product> then its <Location>
Press <Put Away>

5. If the barcode and location is correct a <Tick> will appear in the boxes.
Once All items and their locations have been completed the above screen will appear you will need to click <OK> and you can then begin to pack the next receipt.

Stock Location Lookup
Stock Location Lookup allows the Pickers/Packer to pack the products in its correct location.

1. Click <Stock Location Lookup>2. Scan your <Product> and then its <Location>

3. If the Location is incorrect it will display as <Invalid Location> in Red, meaning you are at the wrong location and should find the correct location.
If the Location is correct it will display as <Valid Location> in Green, meaning staff can place the product in the location.
4. Once complete click on the <Reset> button to begin a new scan.

Sales – Held Sales

  1. Click on <Sales>2.The sales window shows 2 tabs

Click on tab {Customer}

  1. Key in the customer code 4.Click on tab {Products}

Key in the sales order reference
Key in the reference

5. Scan in the barcode of the product6.The product is now added.
to be added to this picking slip.

7.To increase the quantity, either scan 8. The transaction is now complete.
the barcodes of all the products or key in Click on <OK>
the quantity in the Edit Quantity field.
Once you have finished, click on <OK>

  1. If the sale is a Customer Account Sale then click on the <Customer> button and enter the customer code or search for the customer.

  1. You can scan in either a form of a cash sale or a customer sale

  1. Also available is the Customer Order Number and the reference number fields.

  1. <Insert> or scan products and enter the quantity you wish to sell.

  1. The sale is assigned a Readysell Order Number.

  1. Click on <+OK> to accept the sale
  2. From the Readysell Main Menu

  1. Click on <+ Sales Orders>

  1. Within Browse Outstanding Sales, you will see the sales orders you just entered.

  1. Highlight and click on the sales in question to update the order to an invoice and make the relevant <Changes>

Paperless Picking - Sales

  1. Click on "Paperless Picking" 2. Select a "Picker" using the drop down box.

Click on <OK>

3. The picker Adam is now chosen. 4. Click on "Show Unassigned"
Any assigned picking slips to be picked this shows all the picking slips waiting to
will show for Adam. be picked.

5. Highlight the picking slip you are 6. Click on <X> this will allocate this order
going to pick. Click on <Edit> to this picker.

7. If you are part way through your scanning 8. The order has now been pended and is
and need to pend it to continue laterno longer unallocated. It has been allocated to
Save your changes – click on <Yes> picker Adam.

9. The order now shows waiting to be10. Highlight the order you are going to pick
picked by picker Adam.Click on <Edit>

  1. Start scanning the products 12.You can mark that item as then picked.

Continue scanning products until all picked.

13. Once you have finished picking all products14. The order shows as no longer outstanding
Click on <Yes>

15.Flag on for Include Fully Picked16. Turn on the flag for "Show Unassigned"
Shows that the order is now fully picked. this will now show more orders still to be

The goods have been picked, the sales order is now ready to be converted over to a sales invoice.
From the Readysell Main Menu, click on <+ Sales Orders>. From the Browse Sales Orders window, find the Order and convert it to an Invoice.

Stock takes

  1. To enter a stock take via the Hand Held Unit, click on <Stocktakes>

  1. From Browse Stock takes, you can3.To insert a new stocktake

see all outstanding stock takes.Click on <New Stocktake>
Click on <Change> to either view
or change the existing stocktake.

4.Start scanning in the products &5.Once you have scanned a product it places a
Decide if you are Overriding Stock On Hand quantity of 1 in the field.
Of if you are Adding To Stock On Hand

  1. Keep scanning and it will keep on adding7. Your stocktake has been created

onto that quantity.Click on <OK>

8.The stocktake is now added to the list9.To change or modify a stocktake...
Highlight the stocktake to be changed
Click on <Change>

10.Add further products to the stocktake11.You are now told that the adjustments are
Or adjust the quantities necessary.now saved. Click on <OK>
Once you have finished making the
Adjustments, click on <OK>

The stocktake is now updated and added to the list of stocktakes.
Now open up Readysell from the desktop of your computer and process/finish off the rest of the stocktake procedure.

  1. When you have finished, log onto the Readysell Main Menu and continue with the process to complete the stock takes. Click on <Product Transactions>

  1. Click on <Close> to close the WriteOn/WriteOff Browse window

  1. Click on <Stocktake>

  1. Follow on procedures as normal with your stocktake.

Browse SALORD Screen Colour Coding

The colour coding has changed on SALORD's allowing the stores that use the hand held units to indicate what stage the SALORD is up to.
Please note; there is an option that can be turned on that will restrict an ORDER from being modified once it has been assigned to the 'PICKED' status it cannot be modified by anyone unless you follow the procedure in step 4.
Below is the description of what each colour represents.

  1. Light Blue – Indicates that the order has been assigned to a picker and is currently being picked.
  2. Orange – Order is fully picked and ready to be scan checked.
  3. Green – Order is fully picked and scan checked and is ready to be invoiced.
  4. Pink – On the <General 2> Tab there is a new button <Clear Mobile Units Scans> if you select it the order will revert to pink indicating that the order has been picked and will remove all flags allowing you to make changes to the SALORD before Invoicing it to the Customer.
  5. Red – Indicates that the Order is a web order.
  6. Black – Is an Order that has not been assigned to a picker and can be updated within Readysell manually.

Activating Screen Colour coding: SYSREFER: The Type = 'REGISTER'
Set value to 1.

How to set up System References


Value = 1 (1 is on 0 is off)

  • Count Each Received Item =TYPE = 'MOBILE' AND CODE = 'COUNT-EACH-RECEIVED-ITEM';   Value = 1 (1 is on 0 is off)


  • Count Each Picked Item = TYPE = 'MOBILE' AND CODE = 'COUNT-EACH-PICKED-ITEM';Value = 1 (1 is on 0 is off)

  • Show Pack Screen =TYPE = 'MOBILE' AND CODE = 'SHOW-PACK-SCREEN';

Value = 1 (1 is on 0 is off)

  • Scanning Required Threshold = TYPE = 'MOBILE' AND CODE = 'SCANNING-REQUIRED-THRESHOLD';

Value = 1 (1 is on 0 is off)


Value = 1 (1 is on 0 is off)

  • Always Save After Last Item Picked = TYPE = 'MOBILE' AND CODE = 'ALWAYS-SAVE-AFTER-LAST-ITEM-PICKED';

Value = 1 (1 is on 0 is off)

  • Customer Sort Picking Slips = TYPE = 'MOBILE' AND CODE = 'CUSTOMER-SORT-PICK-SLIPS';

Value = 1 (1 is on 0 is off)

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