Creating a Distribution List in Outlook

Creating a Distribution List in Outlook

Creating a Distribution List from an Excel Spreadsheet

Create the list of information in Excel

Create an excel spreadsheet. The following sample file has the person's first name, last name and email address with the appropriate headings.

Open or create the file in Excel.
Select File; Save As and save the file as a .csv file.
Save it in a location where it will be easy to find later (like your desktop). Close the file.

Bringing the information into Outlook

Open Outlook and click on Contacts in the Outlook Shortcuts Bar; On the File menu, select New; Folder.
Enter a name for your new folder and click OK.
You don't need to add a shortcut to the Outlook Bar.
Click on your new folder to open it.
Click on File; Import and Export.

Click on Import from another program or file; Next.

Select Comma Separated Values (Windows); Next.

Note: If you receive the message 'Microsoft Outlook cannot start the
Import/Export engine. This feature is not currently installed. Would you like to install it now?' then click on 'Yes'.

Browse to select your .cvs filename that you created with Excel; Click Next

Select the folder you created in Outlook for the new contacts; Click Next.

Select the Import list (it will be highlighted when selected) and check the check box beside it.

Click on the Map Custom Fields button.
Match up the fields in your .cvs file with the fields in the Outlook New Contact List.
Follow the directions at the top of the window to map (match up) the fields. Click the + beside the field Name on the Microsoft Outlook side to see the parts of the name.

Once you have mapped your fields to the Microsoft Outlook fields, click OK.
Click Finish.
Outlook should create a contact for each row in the spreadsheet.

Creating the distribution List

If Contacts isn't already open, select Contacts in the Outlook Shortcuts list.
Click on the folder that contains the contacts you want to use to create the distribution list.
Below the main menu, select the down arrow beside New; Select Distribution List
Enter the name for your list (ex. Hollins2005)
Click on Select Members.
Click the down arrow beside Show names from the: dialog box to see the folder with the contact names.

Select the contacts folder where you imported the list of contacts.
Select the first contact name in the list, hold down the Shift key and click on the last name. All the names in the list should be selected.
Click on Members ->.
Click OK
Click on Save and Close.
All of the selected names should be a part of the distribution list.
If you want to use some of the names on the contact list but not all of them, select the first contact name in the list, hold down the Ctrl key, click on each additional contact you want to include on the list. Each one you click on will be selected (highlighted). Click Members. Click
Click on Save and Close.

Using your Distribution List

To send email to the new distribution list, right click on the list in the contacts folder where you created it.
From the drop down menu, select New Message to Contact. Create your email message and click Send.


The maximum number of names on a distribution list at Hollins is 165. If you have more names than that, you must create multiple lists.
When you add new folders under the Contacts folder, you may need to change their properties so that they appear in the list of Contacts folders when you try to use them. Right click on the new folder you have created.
Select Properties
Click on the Outlook Address Book tab.
Check the box Show this folder as an e-mail Address Book if it is not checked. Click OK.

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