Encouraging service uses to make use of a wider range of the features that are available listed below.
Links to the features we are currently focusing on are shown The Service Optimisation is aimed at helping Readysell service module users get the most out of their Readysell system. The focus is on features that may be of significant benefit, but which are either new or existing features that are currently underutilized. The exact mix of features included in the service optimisation program may change over time. As new features are added and more sites start using features that were previously underutilised.
The list of links below includes those areas of our service module that are currently included in our service optimisation program. Readysell wants to help you get started using any or all of the features below.
Orders and Quotes
Service quotes now copy the full range of detail lines to service orders
There is now an API that allows you to modify service orders
MachineIdNumeric is a read-only field on machines that allows you to sort machines in numerical order
Contracts can be added to a machine and the machine can be added to a contract
Staff Schedule
Set up/Creating/tracking a staff schedule for a service call for a technician
Navigating from Service Orders to the Schedule and back to the service order