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A sales invoice represents the financial charge to a customer for one or many shipments. A single sales invoice can cover a single shipment, a group of shipments related to the same sale order, or all shipments to a single customer in a single month.

Prices and values: The prices and values on an invoice come from the source shipment(s). These cannot be changed. You can add a non-stock line to an invoice to cover charges such as freight, but you cannot add or change stocked lines on any invoices. Stocked lines are controlled at the shipment level.

Invoice dates: By default, the sales invoice date is set to the same as the shipment date. You can change this date if necessary - for example, you can give a customer extended trading terms by moving the invoice date to the next month.

Related shipments: The Shipments tab on an invoice shows all shipments covered by that invoice. A single invoice can contain many sales shipments, but each shipment can only be on one invoice.

Getting Started



Refer to Common Buttons.


Reverses the invoice but not the shipment. The shipment will need to be dealt with accordingly (either reinvoiced or reversed etc).
This button is not usually available to most users due to issues it can cause if used. If you are requiring this button, please contact Readysell.

 CreditThis is used to raise a credit from an invoice trying to credit all lines on the invoice. It will create a sale shipment with all lines from the original invoice allowing you to make any changes, add reasons for credit and remove off lines you do not wish to credit.

PayThis will generate a customer payment that is linked directly to the invoice. If you finalise that payment, it will be allocated directly to the invoice.


Allows you to

  • view the Charge To Card from sale invoice
  • bring up the original Customer details window
  • show the related Open Item to this invoice
  • show any related Office Brands Message of the SALWEB where the invoice was generated from originally


TypeThis is the transaction type for this Invoice (SALINV / SALCRD / etc)
NumberThis field contains a unique Readysell transaction number that identifies the sale invoice/credit
StatusThe transactions current status which can have optional colour coding of the status property on all transactions
DateThe date and time of this transaction. Defaults to the date/time this transaction was created
CustomerThis is the customer that this invoiced relates to
Customer OrderThis field shows the customer order for this sales invoice customer can enter a unique value. This field is also editable once invoiced this can only be set through a system reference in SALES> INVOICE-CUSTOMER-ORDER-EDIT-DAYS: Set the days after posting that the customer order of the sale invoice can be edited
ValueThis is the total value inc tax invoiced for the sale invoice. This value is automatically calculated
Tax ValueThis is the total tax applied to the sale invoice. This value is automatically calculated
Document GroupYou can group customers into certain document group ranges.  (Example only: schools can all have document numbers starting at 1000000 and normal customers are in the 3000000 range and govt customers are all in the 9000000 range.)
ChangeThe change given to the customer for this invoice if paid by cash
YearThis shows the year the Invoice was created
MonthThis is the month the Invoice was created e.g if its February it will show a 2
Week Of YearThis is an integer which counts how many weeks have passed since the first week of the year. e.g of invoice is created 8/2/2017 this is in week 6 of the year

Lines tab

ProductThe product/s on the lines of the sale invoice
NameThe product name/s on the lines of the sale invoice
QtyThis field shows the unit quantity invoiced on the lines of the sale invoice
UnitThe product unit for the line/s
Unit Quantity on HandThe products quantity on hand
Price IncThe unit price including tax for the line/s

Discount Percent

The discount applied to the item per line, expressed as a percentage
Tax CodeThe tax Code for the product/s on the lines of the sale invoice
Tax ValueThe total tax value invoiced for each line of product. The value is automatically calculated
ValueThis is the total value inc taxed invoiced for for each line of product
NotesThis indicates if the product line has a note attached to it (tick box). If ticked, you can look at tab Line Notes to see the note.
Variance Percent To Default Price LevelShow percentage difference between the invoice and price value for each line of product
Value Inc Tax At Default Price LevelProduct Value Inc Tax for the Default Price Level
Value Ex Tax At Default Price LevelProduct Value Ex Tax for the Default Price Level
Line Details
Each Cost Ex TaxThe cost of each item, Excluding Tax
Unit Cost Ex TaxThe unit cost excluding tax for the line
Tax CodeThe tax code for the line
Unit QOHThe products quantity on hand
Points GainedLoyalty Points Gained
WarrantyThe warranty for the line
Warranty ExpiryThe expiry date for the warranty 

Account SIteThis is the Account SIte for the dissection
Debit ValueThis is the debit value of the dissection
Credit ValueThis field shows the credit value for this dissection
NarrativeThe narrative for the dissection
DescriptionThis field contains a description of the dissection

General Tab

SiteSite Code as to where the transaction is entered for
PeriodThe current period the transaction is entered for
Created By

Is the user who created the Transaction in question (comes from the operator code or User who logged into Readysell to begin with)

Payment TermThe Customer's payment terms on this invoice
Date DueThe date as to which the payment is due for this invoice based on the customer's payment terms
Ref numberThe Reference Number for the Sale Invoice (would have been entered at the time the sales order or sale shipment was created)
Value Ex TaxThis is the Value Ex tax Invoiced for the sale Invoice
Discount ValueThe total value of any discounts applied to Invoiced stock
MarginThis is the margin dollar value for the sales Invoice
GP %The Gross profit for the sale invoice, expressed as a percentage
Margin %This is the margin % for the sales invoice
Charge ToCharge to comes from the card details. It automatically fills in based on what is set up on the customer card.
Points GainedLoyalty Points Gained in total from this invoice
HourThis shows the postedat property of transactions as an hour of the day in 24 hour clock format. Its used if the user wants to make an analysis report based on day of week and hour of day to determine staffing requirements.
Entered By - The user who created the associated sale order (if any)
- Otherwise, the user who created the associated sale shipment (if any)
- Otherwise, the user who posted the invoice (if posted)
- Otherwise, the user who created the invoice

Tenders Tab

How the invoiced was tendered off

Tender This is the tender that was selected for the transaction
Value The value inc for the sale invoice tender
Rounding The rounding for the tender (i.e. for cash tendered transactions)
Change The change given to the customer for the tender
EFT Details tab

Any EFT payment details related to this invoice (if any)

EFT Response Code The EFT POS Response code
EFT Response Text The EFT POS Response Text
Gift Voucher Details

Any gift voucher payment details related to this invoice (if any)

Voucher Number Gift Voucher transaction Number used on the transaction
Voucher Movement Value The value used from the Gift Voucher for this transaction
Cheque Details

Any cheque payment details related to this invoice (if any)

Payment Reference The cheque number received from the customer for this invoice
Payee NameThe payee name on the cheque received from the customer for this invoice
BSB NumberThe BSB number on the cheque received from the customer for this invoice

GL dissections for this invoice

Account SIte This is the Account SIte for the dissection
Debit ValueThis is the debit value of the dissection
Credit ValueThis field shows the credit value for this dissection
NarrativeThe narrative for the dissection
DescriptionThis field contains a description of the dissection


Any sale shipment/s that the invoice relates back to

CustomerThis is the customer on the related sale shipment to this invoice
Transaction NumberThis field contains a unique Readysell transaction number that identifies the sale shipment
DateThe date and time of the sale shipment related to this invoice
ValueThis is the value inc tax shipped for the sale shipment related to this invoice
Sale OrderThis is the sales order number related to this invoice and sale shipment

Service Orders

Any service order/s that the invoice relates back to

Transaction Number This field contains a unique transaction number that identifies the service order
Customer This is the customer related to the service order
Manufacturer The company as to where the related product was created at
Charge To Charge to comes from the card details. It automatically fills in if there is a Charge To company.
Percent Allocated The percent allocated to the service order
Value Inc Tax Ordered The value inc tax order for the service order
Value Inc Tax Back Ordered The value inc tax backordered for the service order
Status The status of the transaction
Work Location The location as to where the worked was carried out for the service order
Order Type The type of service that is required for the service order

File Attachments

Any attachments to this invoice

File NameName of the attachment file
SizeSize of the attachment file


The related message for the invoice if it was emailed to the customer



The date the emailed copy of the invoice was sent
ToEmail address of who the invoice was sent to
SubjectSubject line of the email of who the invoice was sent to

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