To help dealers share their project planning experience
We want you to start thinking about a go live date. You should take no less than four weeks and no more than eight weeks to complete the onboarding program. We will move your go live date by for example a week if we find you are not ready on the date you are aiming for. We normally don't set a firm go live date until the last week before you go live on Readysell.
Each dealer participating in the workshop presents and discusses how they have applied the project planning documentation in their business. Each participant will present their plan for the conversion project. We will discuss the plan with all of the participants.
Readysell normally adjusts our approach based on feedback received. We may organise a follow up project planning workship if requested by most participants.
You need to have put together an outline of your plan before the session. You may only need a few points if you are a Readysell Go site. In any case, make sure you jot down something before the session so you are ready to share your thoughts with the participants
Additional reading
Readysell Implementation Methodology
Readysell Policies and Practices
What's Next?
Make sure your Readysell or Readysell Lite system is setup and your data import is complete before the next session.