Supplier Debits are purely Expense/Service type transactions that have no affect on physical stock on hand eg a telephone bill, water rates, internet services etc.
If stock is received it should be entered through the Purchase order/Receipting/Invoicing module not through cards as a Supplier Debit.
Data Tidy ups for Debits and Credits
- On each supplier card try and get your account code with the supplier and insert it into cards>settings>supplier settings>supplier Acc Number
- On each supplier if the payment tender is always the same please assign it to the supplier card>settings>supplier settings>supplier tender
- On each supplier check the payment term supplier card>settings>supplier settings>payment term
- On each non stock supplier, apply a general ledger account for whatever the expense maybe . The general ledger account can be changed when inserting a debit/credit note. Supplier card>settings>supplier settings>account
- Log onto Readysell>relationships>cards
- Drop the filter in the top ribbon for 'Current suppliers' or 'all cards'
- Search and highlight the supplier
- Down arrow on the 'New' action button in the top ribbon and highlight Supplier Debit
- Supplier debit window appears
- Todays default date will appear, you can change it if need be
- Check the cardid on the screen
- Enter a decription to best describe the debit
- On the Lines detail if you have the General Ledger account assigned to the card, it will draw to the screen. If you dont then search and select an expense account
- Enter the value ex or value in and the appropriate tax code
- Click on either 'Finalise' or 'Finalise and New'.