
You need to make a decision around how you want to manage the risk that turning on automatic price updates will initially cause some of your sell prices to be wrong. The options are:

The options are:

If your system can do automatic product file price updates (e.g. if you are an Office Brands dealer), this is the procedure you need to follow to make best use of automatic price updates.

Dealers normally do not have the time to setup their automatic price updates. We suggest you invest in a few support hours and get Readysell to set this up for you. This will result in some sell prices changing in ways you don't expect and will require some followup. But our experience is the task is too large for most dealers to handle themselves.

 If you decide to get Readysell to help you with this process we will:

We recommend that you set your system to automatically update sell prices from your price book:

Automatic price updates update products that are not covered by catalogue loads. For example endlless isle sell prices are never updated by manual catalogue loads. To keep those product up to date, you have to go to automatic price price updates.



DO NOT POST THIS FIRST PRICE BOOK RUN YOU CREATE! It probably has changes in sell prices that you do now want. Make sure you run a few price book runs to reduce the crazy increase and reductions in sell prices before you post the last price book run you generate.

Step 1: Use price book runs to clean up your product data before turning on automatic price updates

  1. Run a price book run for all products (see Creating a price book run)

  2. Add quantity on hand to the price book run log
  3. Filter the price book run log to only show products where the list price has changed
  4. Look at the "Difference Percentage" column on the price book run lines. (This column uses a formula newvalue/oldvalue*100 to calculate the percentage change for relevant fields)
  5. Sort the price book run lines list view by the  "Difference Percentage" column
  6. Review the large positive and large negative changes on the spreadsheet
  7. Make sure the following 3 fields are available to you:
    1. Ignore Catalgoue Sell Unit and Price

    2. Ignore Catalogue Cost Unit and Price

    3. OB Sell Unit Available

  8. For product/s where you do not want the data to change to match the price book:
    1. Go to the product (Related, Show Product)
    2. Go to Settings > Catalogue Update tab
    3. Set ignore changes to sell prices and ignore changes to cost prices to be true
    4. If the number of changes is too large in number of changes, contact Readysell for further help to mass update this (as noted in the video) and let us know what criteria you want the changes based on.  Readysell cannot tell you what products should be mass updated based on as we are not completely familiar with stationery products, how they are normally stocked and sold.  You could make a decision based on the difference % and ask Readysell to mass update those products larger or smaller than a particular % in difference. 
    5. click on button Save and Close to save those changes.
  9. For product/s where you want to update them to what Office Brands has them as (where the flag is on for OB Sell Unit Available), you need to select each one (one at a time)
    1. Go to the product (Related, Show Product)
    2. Click on button Use OB Unit
      1. This will change your stock on hand to the same used by the Office Brands unit on the product, 
      2. It will update the units, cost pricing and sell pricing, the OB supplier unit and the sell unit on the product to reflect that which matches the Office Brands unit.
    3. Make sure the flags are off for Ignore changes to sell prices and Ignore changes to cost prices
    4. Click on button Save and Close to save those changes.

Repeat the above procedure until you get a price book run which only includes acceptable sell price changes, then post that price book run.

Your first price book run will be very large and should be posted on the server or a workstation with a lot of memory and processing power.

Step 2:  Contact Readysell and have our support team and get help with the following:

Important note:

Step 3: If you have a retail business, print labels each week to update your shelf prices

See Also: