There is a standard procedure for for handling products where you stock the product by the each, sell it by the each or by the box and where WebX assumes you sell the product only by the box:
- Run a report to determine which products have a problem
- Then for each product with a potential issue. Either:
- Use the OB unit if possible and keep using cost and sell changes from Office Brands
- Ignore cost and sell changes for the product and maintain the cost and sell price for the product manually yourself in future
- Note: A few sites do not sell at Office Brands sell prices for any products. Those sites can still take the sell price feed from Office Brands as display only
Using the
Use the "Product unit review against the price book for products sold by each and by box" list report
Select "Reports" then "list reports" from the navigation pannel
Change your list view to "Custom Reports" in the view selection pull down list on the toolbar
Click on the "Readysell Store" button and select "Browse Store"
Highlight the "Product unit review against the price book for products sold by each and by box" report and click download
Find the report in your "list reports" list view. Then click on the Filters tab on the report, highlight the "Products that sell by the box and by the each" filter and click on the "Show Report Using Filter" button
Alternative, use a view variant on the price book list
It takes more work to setup a list view on the price book but you can use a list view variant on the price book list view. But it is slightly easier to get at the list this way. There are a lot of steps to setting this up. See procedure below.
Create a new view variant "Product unit review" on your price book list view
Filter your list view to only show price book entries where the product is not blank
Right click on filter editor and paste the following filter into the filter editor
[Product] Is Not Null And [Product.Default Sell Unit.Quantity] <> 1.0m
Add a report footer to your report and count the number of rows
Add the following fields to you list view:
- Default Sell Unit Code
- Sell Unit Quantity
- Fixed sell 1
- Then from product add
- Product.OB Sell Unit Available
- Product.Use OB Sell Unit
- Product.defaultsellunit
- Product.defaultsellunit.code
- Product.defaultsellunit.quantity
- Product.ignorebuyunitandcost
- Product.Ignorecataloguesellunitand price
- Product.Quantityonhand
- Product.Quantityonhandysellunit
- Product.Defaultproductpriicelevel.calculatedeachpriceintax
- Product.Defaultproductpriicelevel.calculatedunitpriceintax
From product.primary product supplier, add:
- Cost price 1
- Default buy unit
- Supplier
Add some conditional formatting to highlight the products that can be actioned using OB sell units
Your list view on the price book should look like this:
Add some conditional formatting so you can see the products you can address using the Office Brands units