Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Log onto readysell>reports>form reports>supplier trial balance summary F-019
  2. Highlight one of the Parameters and click 'show report using paramater'
  3. Enter start and end date
  4. Report will appear to screen

Customer StatementsStatements 

Run statement from both systems until there are no open items outstanding in the old system

In Readysell you can run extract and run a customer statement batch run however Statement Email Batch run, or you can email run statements another way manually from cards or Form Report based upon what the statement method is set on the customers card.
If you have some of your customers set to Print Statement then you will need to run the statements from within the Form Report see link Statement of Account  Statement of Account (with Remmittance)
If you have customers setup to email, you can run the Statements Email Batch see link Sending customer statements using an email batch

Running Statement from within Cards

  1. Log onto readysell>Cards
  2. Drop the top filter and select 'Customers with balances"
  3. Highlight each customer individually and click on Show in Report and select the right statement layout
  4. The statement will appear to screen, click on one of the email options from the previewer
  5. Check the email address
  6. Click on Send

Form Reports

  1. Log onto Readysell>Form Report>Statement of Account
  2. Click on 'show report using parameters'

    titleShow me

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    Screen as per below will appear


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    If a customers card is set to have a statement delivery method = none, then when you run the statement of accounts, and the check box is ticked it will not print the customers set to NONE even if they have a balance.

  3. Enter the Statement Date.(usually the last day of the month in question)
  4. Start Customer and End Customer fields
    1. If you require all customers leave both fields blank 
    2. If you require 1 customer key in same card id into both fields
    3. If you require specific range of customers based on card id enter start customer and end customer for that range. 
  5. Click OK 
  6. A list of statements will appear to print or email individually 
  7. Click on the appropriate Printing action icon button to select printer and print.