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CodeDescriptionDefault Value
ALLOCATE-HELD-ORDERSAllocate stock to orders that are placed on holdFalse
AUTO-CREDIT-NOTEProduct ID that should be used to automatically contra lines in creditsCN
AUTO-END-SHIFTAuto end shiftTrue
AUTO-END-SHIFT-AGE-THRESHOLDHours prior to midnight at which a shifts should automatically end.18

Cash count required

  • set to True to prevent close of shift for a workstation until a cash count is entered and posted. 
CASH-COUNT-VARIANCE-ACCOUNTAccount used when there is a variance during cash count80045
CASH-COUNT-VARIANCE-WARNING-PERCENTThreshold (in percent) which, if exceeded, triggers a warning about cash count variance.150
CASH-COUNT-VARIANCE-WARNING-VALUEThreshold (in dollars) which, if exceeded, triggers a warning about cash count variance.0
CONSIGNMENT-CUT-OFFTime after which consignment flows into next day12
CONSIGNMENT-EDIT-DAYSSet the days that consignment detail of the sale shipment can be edited.2
CONTRACT-PRICE-PRIORITYContract price priorityFalse
CUSTOMER-IS-REQUIREDCustomer is required for sale order, sale shipment and service order.0
DONT-SPLIT-LINES-IF-STOCK-ALLOCATION-OFFDon't split lines if 'Stock Allocation' is offFalse
DROP-SHIPPINGDrop Shipping Features Enabled0
DROP-SHIPPING-USE-SELL-AS-COSTUse the sell price of the product as the cost at supplier when drop shipping0
EXTRACT-PRODUCT-HISTORY-MONTHSMonths of history to search back when using the extract products screen.2
GENERATED-CONTRACT-INCLUDE-TAXInclude tax in contracts generated from orders or quotesFalse
GIFT-VOUCHER-EXPIRYNumber of months before a gift voucher expires.12
GIFT-VOUCHER-EXPIRY-EXTENSIONNumber of days added when extending gift voucher expiry date.14
HIREHire Features EnabledFalse
INVOICE-NUMBER-IS-SHIPMENT-NUMBERSale Invoice number is Sale Shipment NumberFalse
LAY-BY-CANCELLATION-CAPMaximum charge when cancelling a lay-by40
LAY-BY-CANCELLATION-FEEFee applied when cancelling a lay-by0
LAY-BY-CANCELLATION-PERCENTPercentage of paid value forfeited when cancelling a lay-by100
LAY-BY-CANCELLATION-PRODUCTLay-by cancellation productLBC
LAY-BY-DEPOSITPercent deposit required for a lay-by10
LAY-BY-EXPIRY-WEEKSWeeks after which a lay-by is created when it expires.8
LOW-GP-PERCENT-LINE-THRESHOLDGross profit percentage for a line at which a warning is displayed when entering a sale.0
LOW-GP-PERCENT-THRESHOLDGross profit percentage at which a warning is displayed when entering a sale.0
LOW-MARGIN-PERCENT-THRESHOLDMark-up percentage at which a warning is displayed when entering a sale.0
LOW-MARGIN-PERCENT-LINE-THRESHOLDMark-up percentage for a line at which a warning is displayed when entering a sale.0
LOW-MARGIN-LINE-THRESHOLDMargin value for a line at which a warning is displayed when entering a sale.0
LOW-MARGIN-THRESHOLDMargin value at which a warning is displayed when entering a sale.0
OFFLINE-GENERAL-JOURNALoffline general journalFalse
ORDER-CANCELLATION-CAPMaximum charge when cancelling an order40
ORDER-CANCELLATION-FEEFee applied when cancelling an order0
ORDER-CANCELLATION-PERCENTPercentage of paid value forfeited when cancelling an order100
ORDER-CANCELLATION-PRODUCTOrder cancellation productOC
ORDER-DEPOSITPercent deposit required for a order20
ORDER-LOCK-ENABLEDEnable the sale order lock (prevents multiple people from editing at once)False
ORDER-LOCK-TIMEOUTThe number of minutes after which a lock automatically expires and is released30
QUOTE-EXPIRY-DAYSNumber of days after which a quote is created that it will automatically expire1
SHIP-AFTER-SUPPLY-TYPESpecify the sale order line supply type if ship after date is filledWaiting
SHIP-AFTER-SUPPLY-TYPE-WAITINGShip After Supply Type WaitingFalse
SORT-SALE-SHIPMENTS-BY-LOCATIONSort sale shipments by location.False
WAS-PRICE-EXPIRYNumber of days for which a 'was' price remains valid after a new 'now' price is set.30
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