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A Customer is a person, company, or other entity  whom you sold goods on credit to and agreed to receive payment for these goods.

Accounts Receivable are also known as 'Trade Debtors' or 'Customers'.

A Customer Card is where all transactions entered against that customer is logged and stored as either a Invoice, Credit or Payment for further purposes.

The customer card only needs to be set up the once and access can be given to other users for further use.

Settling up a Customer Card.


  1. From the Navigation Panel click "Relationships"
  2. Click on Cards
  3. Click "New" (top task bar)
    1. Enter "Card ID" - (Customer code)
    2. Enter Card Type.
    3. Card types are a means grouping Customers together for Contract Pricing, Reporting etc.
    4. Enter Customer "Name".

    5. Tick "Is Customer'

  4. Click on Tab 'Status'
    1. On Stop - any orders placed for that customer will be automatically put on hold, requiring a user with appropriate permission to release the order.
    2. Account Closed - customer cannot is not visible when placing orders, customer misc debits misc credits, payments, 
  5. Click on "General" Tab and fill in the relevant fields -
    1. Select a "Charge to" - If the customer is from a branch you will select the head office, otherwise it defaults to the customer code.
    2. Enter "Parent Company Name"
    3. Enter "Trading As' Name.
    4. Enter "ABN and ACN" 

  6. Click on the Tab ' Bank Account' If you should have the customers bank details
    Click on New, insert each Bank Accounts and assign the Primary Account accordingly
    1. Enter the Payee Name
    2. Enter the BSB
    3. Enter The Account Number
    4. Select 'Customer Primary Account' Tick
  7. Click on "Contracts" 
    From with in this tab, you can preview the contracts that have been set up for this customer card. Otherwise click on Link to maintain Contracts.

  8. Click on tab "Addresses" . This tab controls and identifies various Customer Addresses.
    Eg below:

  9. Click on Tab "Contact"  
    Contacts is a list of information about the people within a company and there roles and details.
    1. Click on 'New' to insert the people (contacts) within that company and there details.
    2. Enter Name of the Contact
    3. Job Description of that Person
    4. Phone - for that contact
    5. Mobile - for that contact
    6. Fax
    7. Web Id
    8. Email Address - for that contact
    9. Tick the appropriate check box for the role of that Contact Person 
      See Example below:
  10. Click on Tab 'Cases'
    Cases can be broken up into many categories eg:
    1. Scheduling Appointments
    2. Phone Calls logged
    3. Report on Problems
    4. Service Orders
    5. Sales Orders etc
      A Case can be inserted from within a Customer Card as well as from the Cases Icon. Click on the Link for further instructions.

  11. Click on Tab "Settings" 
    Click on 'General Settings'
    The only fields that need to be reviewed are:
    1. Discount from list - assign a value if you wish to give this customer a discount
    2. Auto Email Invoices - if tick is on, the customer will be set to email invoices.
    3. Available on Point of Sale - if tick is on, this customer can be seen at POS

  12.  "Customer Settings" enter the fields required for your company.

    FieldTypeDescriptionDefault ValueNotes
    Sales AreaDrop Down (System Reference)Regions assigned to sales reps. This can be used for reporting and can be populated on any customer window.  
    Sales PersonDrop Down (System Reference)Is the sales rep that is assigned to a customer card.   
    Price LevelNumber (1-10)If a price level is assigned to a customer card that will be the default price level, however this price level can be overridden at time of entry of sale order.  
    CarrierDrop Down (System Reference)Carrier to be used for deliveries/consignments for shipments to this customer  
    Sales GroupDrop Down (System Reference)Is the Sales Group assigned to the Customer Card. This can be used for Reporting Purposes.  
    Cost CentreText  Yet to be implemented
    TenderDrop Down (Tender)Tender to be used when this customer is invoiced. If a tender is set the sale will automatically use this tender when finalised. If no tender is set, a tender selection screen will be shown.  
    Customer Payment TermsDrop Down (Payment Term) 

    Is the Payments terms that have been assigned to the Customer Card. Payment should be received from the customer upon these terms.

    Customer Credit LimitNumber (Dollar Value)A credit limit is set for a customer card. If the credit limit is exceeded, any new sales for this customer will automatically be put on hold.  
    Statement Delivery MethodDrop Down How this customer prefers to receive their statement. Default = none, but you can choose 'email/fax' or 'print'.None 
    Invoice ModeDrop DownManual Invoicing: Customer will receive one invoice per shipment, to be manually created some time after the shipment is finalised.
    Batch Invoicing: Customer will receive one invoice periodically, batching up one or many shipments. This process can be run manually each, or any other time period. (see Invoice Runs)
    Invoice Per Order: Customer will receive one invoice automatically once all lines on the sale order are fulfilled by shipments.
    Manual Invoicing 
    Delivery Docket ReportDrop Down (Form Report)  Yet to be implemented
    Invoice ReportDrop Down (Form Report)  Yet to be implemented
    Add Extra Charge ProductCheck Box  Yet to be implemented
    Orders on WebCheck Box  Yet to be implemented
    Customer Order RequiredCheck BoxWhether a customer order number is required before a Sale Order or Sale Shipment can be finalised.  
    Print InvoiceCheck Box  Yet to be implemented
    Back Order AllowedCheck Box CheckedYet to be implemented
    Show in Sales ReportingCheck BoxWhether this customer should be shown as part of any sales reporting. (Usually disabled for internal sales customers).Checked 
  13. Click on Tab Schedule
  14. From within Schedule you can set up Reminders of different Events within the Calendar for the Card you setting up or reviewing.
  15. Events can comprise of Cases, Cards, Service Orders and just reminders.
  16. Click on the link for further instructions: Schedule 




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