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Tenders are forms of payment that can be used for customer and supplier transactions. Readysell has various built in tender methods, and each tender method can have one or many tenders.

An example of some tender methods are:

  • Cash

  • Card

  • Gift Voucher

For each of these tender methods, you could have multiple tenders. For example, you may have American Express, Visa and MasterCard all set up as separate tenders that use the "Card" tender method.

Tenders are usually set up at the initial installation date however you can add extra tenders if you set up a new Bank Account
A General Ledger accounts needs to be set up and flagged as 'Is Bank Account' before a tender is set up and linked to it.



Tender IDA unique identifier for the tender used to search for and select the tender when entering transactions. For convenience, we recommend prefixing the tender ID with a number to increase efficiency (e.g. 1 CASH and 2 CHEQUE)
Tender Method

The built in method that this tender is linked to. Different tender methods exhibit different behaviours in the system (for example, Card can instantiate integrated EFTPOS, Customer create a open item on a customer's account). The list of available tender methods is:

  • Card: This represents funds received or paid by credit card or EFTPOS. It must be linked to a bank account (or account-site). If integrated, this tender will instantiate a transaction with the EFTPOS terminal. When used, an entry will be created in the cash book.
  • Cash: This represents money received or paid. It must be linked to a bank account (or account-site). When used, an entry will be created in the cash book.
  • Customer: This represents account sales. It must be linked to an accounts receivable control account (or account-site). When used, an entry will be created in open items.
  • Gift Voucher: This represents redemption of gift vouchers. It must be linked to a gift voucher redemption account (or account-site). When used, you will be prompted to select the gift voucher you are redeeming.
  • Internet: This represents funds received via the Internet (such as on a web site). It must be linked to a bank account (or account-site). When used, an entry will be created in the cash book.
  • Lay-By/Order Rounding: This is used internally by the system to balance small rounding variances when completing a lay-by or customer order (or example, if a customer has less than 5c remaining at the end of a lay-by, the remainder will be tendered here).
  • Manual Cheque: This represents funds received or paid by a hand-drawn cheque. It must be linked to a bank account (or account-site). When used, an entry will be created in the cash book.
  • Old Gift Voucher: This represents redemption of legacy gift vouchers (that do not have a voucher number recorded in your system). It must be linked to a gift voucher redemption account (or account-site).
  • Printed Cheque: This represents funds paid by a cheque automatically printed from Readysell. It must be linked to a bank account (or account-site). When used, an entry will be created in the cash book.
DescriptionA friendly description for the tender (to be displayed alongside the tender ID).
AccountThe general ledger account to which this tender is linked. If specified, the account-site used will depend on the site of the transaction.
Account SiteThe general ledger account-site to which this tender is linked. If specified, the site on the transaction will be ignored. If you are a multi site store and you need to see all forms of cash in the one bankrec, set the account site field to be the bank account and remove the bank account from the field of "Account" on each tender.
Reconciliation Method

The means by which to group transactions of this tender when performing bank reconciliation.

  • Do Not Automatically Reconcile: Do not consider this tender for automatic bank reconciliation.
  • Reconcile By Batch: Group together all bankings within a batch into a single reconciliation line. Useful for tenders used when generating an ABA where multiple suppliers are paid, but the transfer is represented on your bank statement as a single line. If the same tender is used for a non-batch transaction, this method will fall back to the Reconcile by Transaction behaviour.
  • Reconcile By Site: Group together all bankings created by a site on a specific day into a single reconciliation line. Useful for cases where a tender is combined for the entire site (such as cash).
  • Reconcile By Transaction: Don't group together bankings using this tender. Each banking record will display as a separate line on the bank reconciliation. Useful for cases cases such as direct deposit or BPay, where the statement line represents a single payment.
  • Reconcile By Workstation: Group together all bankings created by a workstation on a specific day into a single reconciliation line. Useful for cases where a tender is combined on each workstation (such as integrated EFTPOS).
  • Reconcile by Shift: When this option is selected and a bank reconciliation is extracted, group together all the transactions for that tender that occurred within the same shift and place them onto a single line on the bank reconciliation. Reconcile by Shift by Date. More so used to ensure that when late night trading is occurring to be able to reconcile by the shift 

The reconciliation method drives how transactions are grouped and is the primary factor in automatic matching during bank reconciliation. Please be aware though that the reconciliation cut off time, matching mode and "BANK-RECONCILIATION-AUTO-MATCH-DAYS" system reference will also impact how transactions are matched during bank reconciliation.

Reconciliation Cut Off TimeThe hour of the day after which transactions are presented on the next day. Used for cases (such as integrated EFTPOS) where a bank cut off applies. Usually set to 0 (midnight).
If cut off time is set on a tender and a transaction is entered after this cut off time, then this transaction will appear in the bank reconciliation dated the next day. 
Matching Mode

The degree of matching required before a bank reconciliation line is "auto matched" against an imported statement. Can be set to:

  • Ignore Reference (Always): Don't check the reference on the bank statement line against the reference in Readysell when matching - match only on date and value.
  • Ignore Reference (When Readysell Reference Empty): If the Reference is Readysell is not entered, continue by matching on date and value only. If a reference is present in Readysell, ensure the reference matches.
  • Require Reference Match: Always ensure that the reference matches (along with the date and value). If there is no reference entered in Readysell, do not auto match.
Payment File TypeType of File by which the payment is being made. Can be ABA or BPAY if you are using this method. Otherwise all other file types are set to NONE.
If you reconcile Method is set to Batch, then the payment file type needs to be either ABA or BPAY
Count RequiredWhether this tender is to be included in a cash count at end of day.
Allow Negative TenderWhether this tender permits negative values to be entered.
Available on POSWhether this tender is available for use on the Readysell Point of Sale software.

Card Names Tab

Card names are used to map the credit card type name (as returned by integrated EFTPOS or on web orders) to a specific tender in Readysell.


The name of the credit card type as it appears on the printed EFTPOS docket or web order. For example:

  • VISA
  • JCB
SourceWether this card name mapping is for Integrated EFTPOS or Web

Available Transaction Types Tab

Available transaction types are used to specify on what types of transactions each tender can be used. If this is left blank, the tender can be used on all transactions. See also setting up tenders to be restricted to certain transaction types.

Transaction TypeThe transaction type to which this tender is linked (and hence can be used).
DefaultWhether this tender should be applied by default when performing this transaction. (If not applied, the user must manually select a tender).

Sites Tab

This tab will only show when the reconciliation method is Reconcile By Site

Sites are used to map the reconciliation reference of specific sites to a tender. If a specific site gets assigned a reference each time money is deposited in the bank, this will ensure that the deposit is automatically mapped to the correct site.

SiteThe site for which the reconciliation reference applies to.
Reconciliation ReferenceThe code to search for in the bank statement line.

Workstations Tab

This tab will only show when the reconciliation method is Reconcile By Workstation

Workstations are used to map the reconciliation reference of specific workstations to a tender. If a specific workstation gets assigned a reference each money is deposited in the bank, this will ensure that the deposit is automatically mapped to the correct workstation.

Workstation The workstation for which the reconciliation reference applies to.
Reconciliation Reference The code to search for in the bank statement line.

Fees Tab

Subtracted Fee %The percentage of the tendered value which should be subtracted from the amount sent to bank. Useful for cases such as American Express (if you are not applying a surcharge) where the fee is subtracted before funds are deposited into your account.
Subtracted Fee AccountThe general ledger account to which the fee portion that has been subtracted should be applied to.
Subtracted Fee Tax CodeThe tax code used for the fees applied (usually INP).
Surcharge Fee %The percentage of the tendered value to be added on as a surcharge and can only be applied to a tender with a tender method of CARD
Surcharge Fee ProductThe product to represent the surcharge. Will be added onto invoices where a surcharge is applied.

Printed Note Tab

Print messages on sale invoices depending on the tenders associated with the sale invoice. From the Printed Notes tab enter text that your would like to appear on the invoice. This is useful in cases such as "Cash on Delivery" where you may want to have a special message show.

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