Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

CodeDescriptionDefault Value
BANK-DEPOSIT-PAGE-BREAK-BY-TENDERStart each tender on a new page when printing bank deposit report.

False = Print the report and tenders on the one page

True = Print a separate page for each tender breakup

COMBINED-ZREAD-REPORTName of combined zread reportCombined Z-Read Report
CUSTOMER-RECEIPT-FOOTERText to print at the bottom of a customer receipt (HTML permitted).
DELIVERY-DOCKET-FOOTERText to print at the bottom of a delivery docket (HTML permitted).


Show phone number under billing address on delivery dockets



Show fax number under billing address on delivery dockets



Show phone number under delivery address on delivery dockets



Show fax number under delivery address on delivery dockets


GIFT-REGISTRY-WELCOME-LETTERText to print on the gift registry welcome letter.We would like to wish you the best for your upcoming special occasion on {0:MMM dd, yyyy}.\r\n\r\nThank you for choosing us for your gift registry. We will do our best to ensure that your guests receive all of the assistance required when choosing from the selection you have made.\r\n\r\nYour guests are welcome to purchase gifts at any of our stores, or request a copy of your selections from our website.\r\n\r\nWe have enclosed a copy of the selection you have made for your registry. As we continually have new stock arriving, we recommend that you come into the store as often as you like before the planned date, to add to your selection. Unfortunately, price rises occur from time to time and we cannot guarantee these prices will remain unchanged up until your event date.\r\n\r\nWe appreciate that you have any choices. We thank you once again for choosing us.\r\n\r\nAll the best.
IGNORE-SHOW-IN-SALES-REPORTINGIgnore the 'Show in Sales Reporting' flags on cards and products, reporting on all sales.True
INTERNET-TENDERTender used to signify an Internet sale9 INTERNET
LAYBY-DOCKET-FOOTERText to print at the bottom of a lay-by docket.We realise as a shopper you have many options. Thank you for choosing to shop with us. We will gladly exchange any products with proof of purchase excluding sale items.\r\n\r\nLay-By Conditions:\r\n - {0:0}% Deposit Required\r\n - Maximum {1:0} day lay-by period (expires {2:MMM dd, yyyy})\r\n - Monthly payments required\r\n - Deposit is forfeited on cancellation of lay-by (to a\r\n   maximum fee of {3:c})\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n_____________________________\r\nCustomer Signature
ORDER-DOCKET-FOOTERText to print at the bottom of an order docket.Customer Order Conditions:\r\n - 20% Deposit Required\r\n - Deposit is forfeited on cancellation of the order\r\n   (to a maximum fee of $40.00)
OUTSTANDING-SALE-ORDERS-REPORTName of Outstanding Sale Orders ReportOutstanding Sale Orders
PICKING-SLIP-SHOW-BILLING-FAXShow fax number under billing address on picking slips.False or True
PICKING-SLIP-SHOW-BILLING-PHONEShow phone number under billing address on picking slips.False or True
PICKING-SLIP-SHOW-DELIVERY-FAXShow fax number under delivery address on picking slips.False or True
PICKING-SLIP-SHOW-DELIVERY-PHONEShow phone number under delivery address on picking slips.False or True

Whether to enable support for pre-printed stationery when printing formatted reports

Note : If this is enabled, any report, invoice, delivery docket or receipt printed based on Workstation Report Settings will have their logo or company details suppressed. However if the reports are emailed or previewed on screen via Show in Report, these details will be displayed as usual.  

PRE-PRINTED-STATIONERY-MARGIN-BOTTOM Size of the margin (in mm) to leave at the bottom of each page for pre-printed stationery 145mm 
PRE-PRINTED-STATIONERY-MARGIN-TOP Size of the margin (in mm) to leave at the top of each page for pre-printed stationery   145mm
PRINTED-CHEQUEName of printed cheque report.Printed Cheque
PROFIT-LOSS-SALES-ACCOUNTID of the account used for profit & loss sales variance reports.61010
PURCHASE-ORDERName of purchase order report.Purchase Order/Supplier Credit Request
PURCHASE-ORDER-FOOTERText to print at the bottom of a purchase order (HTML permitted).
PURCHASES-CUBES-FROM-INVOICESPurchases cubes from invoices.True
REMITTANCE-ADVICEName of remittance advice report.Remittance Advice
REMITTANCE-ADVICE-FOOTERText to print at the bottom of a remittance advice (HTML permitted).
SALE-DOCKET-FOOTERText to print at the bottom of a sale docket.Peace of Mind with Every Purchase\r\n\r\nWe want you to be 100% satisfied with your purchase.\r\n\r\nIn addition to your statutory rights we will gladly offer you the choice of an exchange, replacement, store credit or refund where products are returned within 14 days of purchase, in saleable condition, in original packaging and accompanied by proof of purchase.\r\n\r\n* Excludes Sale Items. Excludes Books and CDs due to their highly transferable nature.
SALE-DOCKET-LAYOUTLayout of the text-based sale docket.[COMPANYNAME                                   ]\r\n[SITENAME                                      ]\r\n               ABN [ABN         ]               \r\n[WEBSITE                                       ]\r\n[STREETADDRESS                                 ]\r\n[SUBURB                                        ]\r\n[PHONE                                         ]\r\n                                                \r\n                   TAX INVOICE                  \r\n------------------------------------------------\r\nDate:       [DATETIME            ]              \r\nOperator:   [USERNAME            ]              \r\nReference:  [REFERENCENUM  ]                    \r\n------------------------------------------------\r\nProduct       Qty                Price     Total\r\n------------------------------------------------\r\n#LINEBAND#                                      \r\n[PRODCODE  ][PRODNAME                          ]\r\n[S]         [QTY] @         [PRICE   ][VALUE   ]\r\n#ENDLINEBAND#                                   \r\n------------------------------------------------\r\n[Q] Item(s)               Sale Total $[TOTAL   ]\r\n#TENDERBAND#                                    \r\n                    [TENDID        ] $[TENDVAL ]\r\n#ENDTENDERBAND#                                 \r\n                            Rounding $[ROUNDING]\r\n                              Change $[CHANGE  ]\r\n      * GST Amount Included in Total $[GSTTOTAL]\r\n       + Discounts Included in Total $[DISCTOTA]\r\n------------------------------------------------\r\nPeace of Mind with Every Purchase               \r\n                                                \r\nWe want you to be 100% satisfied with your      \r\npurchase.                                       \r\n                                                \r\nIn addition to your statutory rights we will    \r\ngladly offer you the choice of an exchange,     \r\nreplacement, store credit or refund where       \r\nproducts are returned within 14 days of         \r\npurchase, in saleable condition, in original    \r\npackaging and accompanied by proof of purchase. \r\n                                                \r\n* Excludes Sale Items. Excludes Books and CDs   \r\ndue to their highly transferable nature.        \r\n################################################\r\nKEY                                             \r\n------------------------------------------------\r\nVariable               Description           A  \r\n------------------------------------------------\r\n#LINEBAND#             Start of Line Band       \r\n#ENDLINEBAND#          End of Line Band         \r\n#TENDERBAND#           Start of Tender Band     \r\n#ENDTENDERBAND#        End of Tender Band       \r\n[COMPANYNAME                                   ]\r\n                       Company Name          C  \r\n[SITENAME                                      ]\r\n                       Site Name             C  \r\n[ABN         ]         ABN                   L  \r\n[WEBSITE                                       ]\r\n                       Website URL           C  \r\n[STREETADDRESS                                 ]\r\n                       Street Address        C  \r\n[SUBURB                                        ]\r\n                       Suburb                C  \r\n[PHONE                                         ]\r\n                       Phone Number          C  \r\n[DATETIME            ] Date/Time             L  \r\n[USERNAME            ] Operator Username     L  \r\n[REFERENCENUM  ]       Reference Number      L  \r\n[PRODCODE  ]           Product Code          L  \r\n[PRODNAME                          ]            \r\n                       Product Name          L  \r\n[S]                    Symbols               L  \r\n[QTY]                  Quantity              R  \r\n[PRICE   ]             Unit Price            R  \r\n[VALUE   ]             Line Value            R  \r\n[Q]                    Total Items           R  \r\n[TOTAL   ]             Sale Total            R  \r\n[TENDID        ]       Tender ID             R  \r\n[TENDVAL ]             Tender Value          R  \r\n[ROUNDING]             Rounding Value        R  \r\n[CHANGE  ]             Change Value          R  \r\n[GSTTOTAL]             Total GST             R  \r\n[DISCTOTA]             Total Discounts       R  \r\n
SALES-BY-DAY-DETAIL-REPORTName of Sales By Day Detail ReportSales By Site By Day (Detailed)
SALES-BY-DAY-DETAIL-WITH-TENDER-REPORTName of Sales By Day Detail With Tender ReportSales By Site By Day By Tender
SALES-BY-DAY-SUMMARY-REPORTName of Sales By Day Summary ReportSales By Day
SALES-COMPARISON-BUDGET-ACCOUNTID of the account used for sales budgeting.61010
SALES-CUBES-FROM-INVOICESSales cubes from invoices.True to Run using Invoices
False to Run using Shipments
SALES-ORDER-FOOTERText to print at the bottom of a sales order (HTML permitted).
SALES-QUOTE-SHOW-DISCOUNTShow the discount column on quotations.True
STATEMENT-FOOTERText to print at the bottom of a customer statement of account (HTML permitted).If you wish to print a text at the footer of your statement type the test in here
STATEMENT-HIDE-COMPANY-NAMEHide the company name on the customer statement of account.False
STATEMENT-OF-ACCOUNTName of statement of account report.

Statement of Account
Statement of Account (with Remittance) ( not both)


Text to print when a statement has an overdue balance. Use {0:N} in place of the dollar amount.

If you wish to remove this and not have a message print at all on any customer statement you can.

There are overdue invoices on this account. Immediate payment of ${0:N

Readysell suggests that you leave this text in this value, and if you wish to not print any overdue message then set the threshold to be a very large number of 99999999 see next reference below.

There are overdue invoices on this account. Immediate payment of ${0:N} is required
STATEMENT-OVERDUE-THRESHOLDOver balance which must be exceeded before the notice is shown.0. If you have set the value to be zero, it means an overdue of nothing, if 0 or less than zero based upon payment terms a message will not print at all
1 If you set the value to be 1, it means print any overdue amounts >$1 based upon the payment terms on the customers card
if you set the value to be 99999999  a very large value, it means do not print the message at all
If you set a value of $100 it means do not print any customer overdue amounts less than $100 but print any customer overdue amounts greater than $100 
STATEMENT-OVERDUE-THRESHOLD-DAYSDelay before an item is considered over due on the statement.Blank. 
This field is calculated based on the open item Due date. So if an open item is due yesterday but you have 10 in the value, The value of the open item will not show for another 10 days on the statement
STATEMENT-OVERRIDE-HEADER-COLORHex code for colour to use in customer statement of account column header. See
STATEMENT-USE-SITE-NAMECustomer Statement report to use the site detailsFalse
STOCK-STATUS-REPORTName of Stock Status ReportStock Status
TAX-INVOICEName of tax invoice report.Tax Invoice
TAX-INVOICE-ADJUSTMENT-NOTEName of tax invoice/adjustment note report.Tax Invoice-Adjustment Note
TAX-INVOICE-FOOTERText to print at the bottom of a tax invoice (HTML permitted).Add any text you want to appear at the bottom of the invoice. For example "Legal and equitable title shall not pass to the customer until the full purchase price of any goods received by the customer has been paid. Returns and claims will not be accepted after 14 days from date of delivery."
TAX-INVOICE-HEADERText to print at the top of a tax invoice (HTML permitted).
TAX-INVOICE-HIDE-ATTNHide the ATTN line on customer addresses on the tax invoice.False
TAX-INVOICE-HIDE-COMPANY-NAMEHide the company name on the tax invoice.False
TAX-INVOICE-HIDE-DUE-DATEHide the due date on the tax invoice.False
TAX-INVOICE-HIDE-PAYMENT-TERMSHide the payment terms on the tax invoice.False
TAX-INVOICE-OVERRIDE-HEADER-COLORHex code for colour to use in tax invoice column header. See
TAX-INVOICE-PAYMENT-EMAIL-DEFAULTEmail address to show in the "Payment Details" area of invoices (if any)
TAX-INVOICE-PAYMENT-EMAIL-SALMCIEmail address to show in the "Payment Details" area of SALMCI invoices (if any)
TAX-INVOICE-PAYMENT-EMAIL-SRVINVEmail address to show in the "Payment Details" area of SRVINV invoices (if any)
TAX-INVOICE-PAYMENT-REFERENCEReference to use in the payment section of the invoice (CustomerCardID, ChargeToCardID or TransactionNumber)CustomerCardID


Show phone number under billing address on tax invoices



Show fax number under billing address on tax invoices



Show phone number under delivery address on tax invoices



Show fax number under delivery address on tax invoices


TAX-INVOICE-SHOW-DISCOUNT-PERCENTShow the discount percent on tax invoice only if there is a discount on an invoice line.False
TAX-INVOICE-SHOW-PRE-DISCOUNT-VALUEShow the pre-discount value on tax invoices only if there is a discount on an invoice line.False
TAX-INVOICE-USE-SITE-NAMEUse the site name instead of the company name on tax invoices.False
TOP-SELLERS-REPORTName of Top Sellers ReportTop Selling Products
UNIT-PRICE-DECIMAL-PLACESMaximum number of decimal places to show on unit jprices on InvoicesSet a value from 2-6
