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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The Sale Orders screen shows you all the sale orders that have been recorded in Readysell.


Insert excerpt
Product Status
Product Status


You cannot Complete a sales order using a tender of Credit Card if you have integrated eftpos as the completion could fail and cause the tender to be invalid.

Getting Started

Child pages (Children Display)
pageGetting started with sale orders


NewHas a top and bottom section
The top section of this button creates a new whatever tab you're on
The bottom section of this button creates a new whatever you choose from the drop down list
CopyCopy the existing sales order regardless of whether it is Open, Cancelled, In Progress, Pending, etc
Accept QuoteAccepts the SALQUO quotation and will automatically copy and convert the copy into a sale order SALORD
CreditGenerate a credit based on all lines on this sale order
Copy To Contract

Copy the customer, products and prices on this sale order on to a contract and to be able to update an existing contract.

Example of use: The user wants to update the contract for a customer. Only one contract exists for the customer. So the system can identify which contact price is to be updated. The user enters a sale or quote. Then clicks on the "copy to contract" button. The system detects that only one contract exists for the customer. So a new version of the contract is created. The changes from this quote are updated to the new version of the contract.If no contract had existed for the customer. A new contract   There are now 2 contracts for this customer.  Should a product be on both of those contracts, the system will give best of pricing out of the two contracts.

If no contract had existed for the customer. A new contract would be created.

If more than one contract existed for the customer. Then a popup window would ask if the user wanted to update an existing contract or create a new one. A list of existing contracts that could be updated would be contract is created.

Create CustomerQuickly create a new customer and attach it to this order
You are asked for very limited information which a sales rep could then go back to the card and contact them to look at making them an account customer
Useful in tracking sales and products sold, reporting, ability to have an address and details added to a sale quickly, etc.
Mass CopyCopy this sale to generate a number of new sales with the same products
HoldAllows users to place orders on hold manually, blocking it from being processed. (Example of use: Taking a phone order, clients needs to call back / confirm something that they have ordered. Need to be able to save order, not have it allocate)
ShipCreates a shipment for all or part of this order.  It will not automatically print the picking slip though.
CompleteComplete (ship and invoice) this order in full.  You must have all stock available in order to do this.

To make payments against a sale order, a pop-up will appear where you enter the Pay Amount and Payment Date

titleShow me

Payment Date- This is used as occasionally the payment may be refunded and /or the payment for the order is made but entered on a later date.

  • Drop Ship: Create required purchase orders necessary to fulfill this order and deliver to the customer address.
  • Regular Purchase: Create required purchase orders for stock in general
  • Allocated Purchase: Create required purchase orders, be able to add stock as well, but relevant stock to sale order must be received to this sale order.  All extra stock goes to stock on hand or other back orders.
  • All Lines: All lines will be added to the purchase order regardless of whether or not you have stock already of it
  • Backorders Only: Only back ordered products will be added to the purchase order/s
  • Primary Supplier: Order only from the primary product suppliers for each of the product/s on the sale order
  • Specific Supplier: Order all products (no matter who the primary product supplier is) from this one supplier
  • Pricing Method (Regular Pricing / Cost Pricing): Do not touch this - leave it defaulted as Regular Pricing.  Only relevant to Office Brands.
Cancel OrderCancels the sale order (only can be done if status is open)
Set Supply TypeUpdate supply type to all sale order lines
Select AddressSelect from the list of available addresses
Useful if you selected the wrong address at the start of the sale and need to correct it
Extract ProductsThis extracts multiple products and quantities selected into a sales order. Click here to see more on extract products

Set Sale Value

Adjust the values on this sale order or quotation based on a desired gross profit percentage, total value or competitor price match.

Unit Price (Ex Tax)
Unit Price (Inc Tax)
Unit Quantity
Product Unit
Discount %   - Note - you cannot put a manual discount on a product line that is set by a contract (check the Contract column on this line)
Value (Ex Tax)
Value (Inc Tax)
Markup %   - Note this shares the same screen pop up as GP % - use the correct relevant field on this pop up box
GP %   - Note this shares the same screen pop up as Markup % - use the correct relevant field on this pop up box
Manual Cost

Quote ViewShow a quotation version of this sale order
Customer HistoryShows the History of the customer - their purchases from you etc.

You can add notes to the Sale Order


Show Customer appears when a customer has been entered in the sales order.  Allows you to go straight to the customer card without having to search for it

Show Office Brands Messages appears when the order is created from your website and flowed down into Readysell as a SALWEB.  Allows you to see the xml file used by Readysell and Office Brands to assist you with any enquiries you may have on the order that was imported into Readysell from your website.

Set OperatorProvides a capability where operator codes can be added at sales ordering time. This also allows POS computers that are logged in as POS to allow each user to use their own Operator Codes to say who is entering the sale. They do orders as well as shipments as sometimes the customer wants to purchase items but at the same time back order something.



This is the transaction type for this sales order. This may be set to one of the following:

  • SALORD (Sale Order)
  • SALQUO (Quote)
  • SALWEB (Sale Web Order)
  • SALCCR (Customer Credit Request)
  • SALHLD (Sale Holding)
  • SALSTD (Sale Standing)
  • SALHIR (Sale Hire)

Some of these types are user-assignable, while others are assigned by the system.

Please also keep in mind that you won't be able to change the type if either:

  • The order status is not Open, In Progress or Pending
  • The order already has shipments against it
NumberThe unique number for the transaction of this Sales Order - The sales order number

The transactions current status which can have optional colour coding of the status property on all transactions

For a standard customer who is flagged for Manual Invoicing or no customer is added to the sale...
Open - means the sales order/sale web order has not yet been fully invoiced.  There may be items still on back order.
In Progress - means the order has a part payment made against it (it is not fully paid at this point in time)
Pending - means there is a payment lodged against the order OR the order has been shipped and finalised and left as such because the customer is set to Batch Invoicing
Cancelled - means the button Cancel Order has been clicked and the order remains in the system just as cancelled meaning it does not affect stock on hand or customer open items or purchasing
Posting - means the order is in Posting status, ready to be Posted, if you click on the Refresh button at the top of the window, the status should then change to Posted which means the order is now fully invoiced
Posted - means the order is fully invoiced

Where a customer is flag for One Invoice Per Order or Batch Invoicing...
Open - means the sales order/sale web order has not yet been fully invoiced and/or there may be items still on back order even though there are shipments that have been finalised.
In Progress - means the order has a part payment made against it (it is not fully paid at this point in time)
Pending - means there is a payment lodged against the order and/or part of the order has been shipped and Finalised and there are no back orders left on the sales order at this point in time
Cancelled - means the button Cancel Order has been clicked and the order remains in the system just as cancelled meaning it does not affect stock on hand or customer open items or purchasing
Posting - means the order is in Posting status, ready to be Posted, if you click on the Refresh button at the top of the window, the status should then change to Posted which means the order is now fully invoiced
Posted - means the order is fully invoiced

DateThe date and time of creation of sales order
CustomerThis is the customer for this sales order
Customer OrderThis field shows the customer order for this sales order
Value Inc TaxThe value inc tax ordered for the sales order
BalanceBalance of the Sales Order
Tax ValueThis shows the tax applied to the sale order. This value is automatically calculated
Document Group You can group customers into certain document group ranges.  (Example only: . If there is a payment on the sale order, the balance may be zero or at least less than the value of the order. If the order is invoiced the balance on the order shows zero. The invoice created from the order will show a balance, as the outstanding amount, if any is now an attribute of the invoice not the sale order.
Tax ValueThis shows the tax applied to the sale order. This value is automatically calculated
Document Group You can group customers into certain document group ranges.  (Example only: schools all have document numbers starting at 1000000 and normal customers are in the 3000000 range and govt customers are all in the 9000000 range.)
Workflow StatusThe workflow progress status for this sale order
Required ByWhat date does the customer require the goods by
Ship After

If specified order will not be shipped to the customer until after the specified date.

Allocate After 
Date DueIs an optional due date which can be set on school orders without having to use allocate on date. 
Allocate After 

If a date is specified then set the Supply Type (allocation status) of all the lines in the order to 'Waiting' until the current date is greater or equal to the Allocate After date then set the allocation status to 'Allocated'. 

Price Level

Manually overrides the price level on the sales order

(Example: The user enters a sales order. The customer is set to the level 1 price level. The user negotiates a special deal with the customer. They change the price level on the sale order to government price level. All the sell prices that are not manual sell prices on the sale order lines recalculate to government price level)



  • 'Create Product from Price Book'
  • 'Create Automatic Substitution'. Create an automatic substitution, so that the new product will automatically be swapped to an alternative product in future. If an automatic substitution is requested. Display a search allowing the product to be substituted to be selected.

Creates a new sales order line

Creates a stock quantity adjustment- This is used if user's site has poor stock control. They are entering a sale order and notice the stock displayed is incorrect. The user right clicks on the product and from the new pull-down menu selects new stock adjustment. A new stock adjustment is created. The product from the sale-line being added automatically to the stock adjustment.


This purchase button allows you to have the ability to purchase selected lines from a sales order. You can select the product line items that you wished to generate the Purchase orders for and not create orders for all items.

Set ValueAllows users to apply discount percentage to line items. Pop-up appears allowing the user to enter a discount percentage. Only the selected line items are discounted in this case.
Image Removed
Handle Missing Product
Image Removed
Product History



Line details tab

Value Ex TaxThis is the value ex tax ordered for this line
MarginThis is the margin for the sale order line
Price CodeThe price code for this line
Unit Cost Ex TaxThis field shows the unit cost excluding tax for this line
Each Cost Ex TaxThe cost of each item, excluding tax
Competitor Price Warning This field shows competitor name and sell price when it is better than the customer's 
Unit TaxThis field shows the unit tax for this line

Unit Price Ex Tax - sets the Unit Price Ex Tax per line

Unit Price Inc Tax - sets the Unit Price Inc Tax per line

Unit Quantity - sets the unit quantity per line

Product Unit - sets the product unit per line


  • Allows users to apply discount percentage to line items. Pop-up appears allowing the user to enter a discount percentage. Only the selected line items are discounted in this case.

If the discount won't show a result after applying a discount, there's usually 3 places to check why the product is not getting discounted

  1. The product (from the sale, select the product, click on button Related, click on Show Product, tab Settings, flag Allow Sell Discounts)
  2. The category on the product and it's parent categories are not flagged for allow discount (whilst in the product above, note down the category, then go to the navigation panel, Administration, Product Categories,) check the category and it's parent categories are flagged for Allow Sell Price Discounts on tab General
  3. The Location the stock is in is set to Allow Sell Price Discounts (whilst in the product above, note down the location the stock is in, then go to the navigation panel, Administration, Locations, select the location and) check tab General to make sure the flag for Allow Sell Price discounts is ticked.
  • Value Ex Tax - sets the value ex tax per line
  • Value Inc Tax - sets the value inc tax per line
Image Added
Handle Missing Product


  • 'Create Product from Price Book'
  • 'Create Automatic Substitution'. Create an automatic substitution, so that the new product will automatically be swapped to an alternative product in future. If an automatic substitution is requested. Display a search allowing the product to be substituted to be selected.

Image Added
Product History


ProductThis is the products ID
NameThis field contains the name of the product
QtyThis field shows the unit quantity ordered for this line
Allocated QtyThis field shows the unit quantity allocated for this line
B/O QtyThis field shows the unit quantity back ordered for this line
On Shipments Qty This field shows the number of lines that are on open and posted sale shipments
UnitThe unit at which you are selling this product to the customer
Unit Quantity on HandThe stock on hand based on this unit
Price IncThis field shows the unit price including tax for this line.
DiscThe discount applied to the item, expressed as a percentage
Tax The tax code on this sales line
Tax ValueThis shows the tax applied to the sales order. The value is automatically calculated
Value IncThe value inc tax ordered for this line
Supply Type

Insert excerpt
Supply types
Supply types

Notes This is a check box - it will tick itself the moment you add a line note at the bottom of the window for this sales line.  If no line note is added, this box is not ticked.  This is not a check box you can manually change yourself.
Backorder Date DueThe date the product is due to come into the store by from the supplier for the customer.  This feeds off the lead time on the product and the supplier files.
Gross Profit%This gross profit for the sales order line, expressed as a percentage
WarrantyThis is the warranty for this line
Warranty ExpiryThe warranty expiry date for this line
Last Last Machine Shipment DateThe date and quantity on  the most recent sale shipment line for that part and machine,
Machine Meter CountThe date and meter reading on the most recent sale shipment line for that part and machine.

Line Notes tab


The date and meter reading on the most recent sale shipment line for that part and machine.

Line details tab

Value Ex TaxThis is the value ex tax ordered for this line
MarginThis is the margin for the sale order line
Price CodeThe price code for this line
Unit Cost Ex TaxThis field shows the unit cost excluding tax for this line
Each Cost Ex TaxThe cost of each item, excluding tax
Competitor Price Warning This field shows competitor name and sell price when it is better than the customer's 
Unit TaxThis field shows the unit tax for this line
Backorder DueThe date the product is due to come into the store by from the supplier for the customer.  This feeds off the lead time on the product and the supplier files.
Gross Profit%This gross profit for the sales order line, expressed as a percentage
WarrantyThis is the warranty for this line
Warranty ExpiryThe warranty expiry date for this line
Last Machine Shipment DateThe date and quantity on  the most recent sale shipment line for that part and machine,
Machine Meter CountThe date and meter reading on the most recent sale shipment line for that part and machine.

Line Notes tab

blank text fieldProvided you have selected a line of product on the Order to attach a note to, you can key in any related note, colour the font, highlight the font, make is larger/smaller, etc.  This will then print on the shipment and invoice for a customer to view

Internal Notes tab

blank text fieldProvided you have selected a line of product on the Order to attach a note to, you can key in any related note, colour the font, highlight the font, make is larger/smaller, etc.  This will only print on the shipment and NOT for customer

Product Summary tab

QOHQuantity on hand for Prodsite (all sites)
Qty AvailableQuantity available of stock for Prodsite (all sites )
Unit QOHThis.ProductSite.NetQuantityOnHand / this.ProductUnit.Quantity
Site QOHThe quantity on hand for the site specified on the order.
Site Qty AllocatedThe quantity of stock allocated for the site on the Order
Site Net QOHThis site's net quantity on hand


CardCustomer card ID on this card note
MachineThe machine ID on this card note
Created DateThe date this card note was created
Created ByThe user who created this card note
Transaction Type

The transaction type this note applies to

Transaction NumberThe transaction number this note applies to
Transaction DateThe transaction date this note applies to
ExternalFlag as to whether or not this note is to print anywhere.  Flag on means print, flag off means do not print as it is an internal note
First Shipment OnlyIf the check box External note is ticked, you are then able to flag a note to only appear on the first shipment and invoice only
Display On Gift RegistryFlag for displaying this note on the gift registry (if you are using this module)
