Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.



Over Pages {over-rolling-minimum}| will show as a Debit on the Total Machine Meter
Under Pages {under-rolling-minimum}| will show as a Credit on the Total Machine Meter

If the actual count is under less than the rolling minimum, a credit will be created.

If the count is over the rolling minimum and you have credits carried forward you can consume the credit.

Formula for one meter count run for a period for the one machineid/meters minimum.

  • The charge will be calculated as:
    • The actual count times the count price
    • plus
    • The difference between the actual count and the minimum quantity required times the minimum price.
  • Note, formula for one machine = (actual count * actual meter product price) + ((rolling minimum quantity - (actual count) * rolling minimum meter product price)) (for one meter count run


  • Note, formula for a total machine = (sum(actual count variances) * actual meter product price) + ((rolling minimum quantity - (sum(actual count variance) * rolling minimum meter product price))
  • A credit is created for the difference between the actual and the minimum at the meter count price. This credit can be clawed back in future months.

If the count is over the rolling minimum:

  • Step 1: The charge is calculated as the actual count times the meter price
  • Step 2: Then if you have any balance on credits carried forward, those credit balances will be subtracted from the charge until:
    • the quantity being changed is reduced to the minimum or
    • the available balance on credits is fully used up.
  • When a credit is used, it's balance is reduced, only any remaining balance on the credit, if any, can be used in future periods

Meter Type Tokens:

METER #{meter}
START READING: {old-count} FINISH READING: {new-count} TOTAL PAGES: {count-variance}|
Minimum Volume {rolling-minimum}|
Billed Volume {billed-volume}|
Standard Volume {standard-volume}|
Under Pages {under-rolling-minimum}|
Over Pages {over-rolling-minimum}|
Clawback Pages {credit-count}|
PRICE: {price: $##0.####} {price-breakdown} VALUE: ${value}
