Versions Compared


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The person’s name.

NameFull name (including surname) of the contact person

Job Description

Job description/title of the contact person

Web ID

Username of this contact person on the web. A person must have a web ID in order to place and receive web orders.  The web ID is the username the customer uses to log into the store's website.

If you place a web ID onto a customer and then decide they should be on another customer, make sure you delete it off the customer they don't belong to.  If you leave them on there, the web order, when it comes through into Readysell sales module, may allocate the wrong customer onto that web order.


Telephone number of the contact person


Mobile/cellular telephone number of the contact person


Fax number for the contact person

Email address

Email address of the contact person. Emails from Readysell will be sent to this address depending upon which flag is turned on that identifies the contact property.


The functional role of this contact person within the organisation. Used to segment the contact in CRM. A person can only have one role.

Call Cycle

Call cycle to be used for automatically generating cases to track objectives and outcomes on regular follow-ups on this contact person.

Social Media ProfileThe web address of this contact person's personal social media profile
Marketing Opt OutOpts this contact person out of email marketing material
ArchivedIndicates that the contact person has been archived. An archived contact person cannot be used in new transactions.

Key Contact Checkboxes

Those checkboxes are very important, they control things like who in each organisation gets emails of invoices and statements. This determines what communication is sent to this person from Readysell. A single person can have more than one contact property flagged. Take care to get this right when setting up your Readysell system.

The following types are available:

  • Primary Contact: The primary contact for the card.
  • Account Receivable: Contact for supplier remittance advice.
  • Service: Contact for service orders.
  • Management: Indicates the contact is a manager.
  • Purchasing Officer: Contact for sales orders.
  • Account Payable: Contact for account statements, sales invoices and meter charge invoices.
  • Sales: Contact for purchase orders.
  • Statement Recipient: Contact for account statements


If you are trying to email a report that covers more than 1 record (e.g. multiple invoices or statements), then we don't populate the email address if there is more than 1 recipient between them. This is to prevent accidentally sending documents to unintended recipients.

If you have set up two different contact names with the same email address on both, you will receive one email only.
