- In the Navigation panel, go to Sales then Orders.
Click on button New in the ribbon. (If your screen is small, you may need to click on Create then New.)
The New Sale Order screen displays.
Expand title Show me - Click in the Customer field.
- Search for and select the customer from the list. If the customer does not exist in Readysell, you can click on button Create Customer to create them.
- In the Customer Order field, enter the customer's order reference. This will usually be their purchase order number to you.
- In the Lines tab, enter products as follows:
- Click on button New
- Click on the field to search for and select the product you wish to add. If you know the product code, manufacturer's code, or alternate code, you can key it in directly.
- Press Tab on your keyboard to move to the Qty field, then key in the quantity required.
- Press Tab again to move through the fields on the line, and make any necessary changes to pricing and discount information.
- When you have finished entering this product, you can use the Down arrow on your keyboard to move you to the next line.
- Repeat this process for all the products you wish to add to the order.
- When you have finished entering products, click on the Customer tab.
- If you selected an existing customer, their details will be displayed on this tab. Check that the details are correct and make any necessary changes.
- If you had to create a new customer, enter contact details for the customer.
- If required, enter the Ship After date to stipulate that an order is to be shipped after a specified date.
If required, enter the Allocate After date to stipulate that an order is not to be 'Allocated' until the current date reaches the specified Allocate After date.
Info If an Allocate After date is specified then the Supply Type (allocation status) of all the lines in the order is set to 'Waiting' until the current date is greater or equal to the Allocate After date then the allocation status is set back to 'Allocated'.
The change in Supply Type from 'Allocated' to 'Waiting' as a result of Allocate After date does not affect the Sale Back Order
Allocate After date cannot be greater than the larger of the two order and the Ship After dates
- When you have finished, you have three options. If you have not filled in all mandatory fields at this point, Readysell will tell you what information is missing once you select one of the buttons listed below.
Save and Close to park the order. Use this if you are unable to complete the sale order at this time, but want to return to it later. It saves what you've done and closes the tab.
- Save to park the order. This saves what you have done but does not close this tab, instead leaving the tab open.
Purchase to generate a purchase order based solely on this sale order. See Purchase Orders for more information about this step.
Ship to generate a sale shipment for the order. See Sale Shipments for more information about this step.
- Complete to send all of the products on the order to the customer and invoice it without printing a picking slip/shipment. You can only select this button if all stock is on hand and available and you can send out the entire order. Not recommended if you require a picking slip/shipment to be printed. Complete will invoice this order without printing a picking slip/shipment.
Note title Notes for Sale Orders If Purchase Backorders button is clicked to create a purchase order for the backed-order product/s, a new purchase order will not be created if there is an existing open purchase order for that product.
If a Period is closed and you have any outstanding sales order or created a new one, a pop up warning message appears that the transaction is in a closed period and you need to check that the date has been entered. You will be allowed to ignore or close the order to continue with either the ship action button and/or save action button on the sales order.