The first thing we need to do is agree on a planned go live date, this will be a Saturday in between four and eight weeks timeonce you have signed off all the checklists required. Once your business and Readysell agree that your site is ready to go live, we will then set a go live date for your Readysell conversion.
As soon as possible:
- We will setup a Readysell system for you, ensure Readysell can be accessed from a number of your computers and convert data from your existing system into the Readysell system
- One of our support team members will help you check the imported data before we start training
- Di on our support team will contact you about scheduling in a Financials engagement meeting
- Sharon on our training team will contact you about scheduling in a Project engagement meeting and a training engagement meeting
- Agree on a Readysell site visit early in the project to help kick start your training and preperation
- Agree on Readysell site visit on the conversion weekend and all other elements of the conversion budget
- If you are an Office Brands dealer, organise a onboarding phone discussion with Geoff, a office brands principal who helps new dealers prepare to get the best from the conversion from a dealer perspective
- Complete the stage 0 planning checklist. See:Stage 0 Readysell project planning checklist
Example project plan
The project plan we agree upon will be something like the following::
- Sharon on our training team to schedule in a:
- for very small sites, a phoned based Project engagement meeting with you, allow 2- 3 hours. We normally do this in the afternoon after most of the orders for the day have been shipped.
- for medium to large sites, a on site Project engagement meeting with you, allow 2 days.
- https://readysell.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RSELL/Readysell+Project+Engagement+Meeting
- Van on our support team to You will need to schedule in some time for Readysell to help you complete the Readysell stage 1 data conversion checklist
- Van to contact you for 2 hours in the afternoon to:
- Send you the stage 1 data review checklist and help you understand what is involved with completing the checklist. See:
- https://readysell.atlassian.net/wiki/display/INT/Stage+1+Customer+Verification+Checklist
- Help you complete the Customer stage 1 data conversion checklist
- Run you and if possible one other team member at your business through a few parts of the “introduction to Readysell” training program. The purpose being to show you enough about navigating around Readysell that you can complete the stage 1 data review checklist. See, as optional reading
- https://readysell.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RSELL/What+do+I+get+for+my+data+conversion
- https://readysell.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RSELL/Data+Conversion
- https://readysell.atlassian.net/wiki/display/INT/Implementation
- We can explain the “fail safe implementation methodology” to you. Van is to ensure you have been sent all of the project documentation, such as the shared priorities checklist and that you understand the purpose of each of the project documents. See:
- Sharon and Di to schedule in project, financial and training engagement meetings within a week